At that moment, a terrible clap of thunder seemed to burst in the very room beside them; and ere Cosmo could repeat the blow, he fell senseless on the hearth.
But at that moment an enormous butterfly, whose wings had great eyes of blue surrounded by confused cloudy heaps of more dingy colouring, just like a break in the clouds on a stormy day towards evening, settled near us.
I have never doubted that she was atthat moment sincere.
It is quite certain that, in obedience to the desire I felt of terminating my sufferings, even by my own hand, nothing could have been to me more welcome than death at that moment of anguish and despair.
I would have preferred death, at that moment, to the state into which I believed myself about to be thrown.
Well, I saw him at that moment turn up the Lansdown Road, driving a smart-looking girl.
She turned into the drawing-room for privacy, but Henry and Eleanor had likewise retreated thither, and were at that moment deep in consultation about her.
At that moment, the door of the room flew open and in came four Rabbits as black as ink, carrying a small black coffin on their shoulders.
At that moment, a loud knocking was heard at the door and a voice called to them: "Open!
Verses of love and proses of romance, He mastered all; and let the idiots talk, Who think the Lemosin surpasses him.
Hence in the smallest circle, where the point is Of the Universe, upon which Dis is seated, Whoe'er betrays for ever is consumed.
One of his comrades hastening out at that moment, the name was repeated to him.
In that moment of oblivion her head sank gently against him.
As if to bring matters to a focus, Tess's father was heard approaching at that moment.
Nothing could equal the fullness of that moment, the ideal completeness of that emotional experience which had come to me without the preliminary toil and disenchantments of an obscure career.
At that moment, or, perhaps, the moment after, I became aware of Ransome standing in the cabin.
Indeed, I had never a much greater need of human sympathy, however trivial, than at that moment when I held a fortune in my arms.
At that moment he was interrupted by the tolling of a bell.
At that moment he laid a heavy, hard grip upon my shoulder; and whether he said anything more or came to a full stop at once, I am sure I could not tell you to this day.
Any little hesitation I may have felt passed entirely unnoticed, from the lucky incident of a round happening at that moment to go by.
At that moment I loathed both my uncle and the lawyer for their coldblooded cruelty.
At that moment (it was seventeen minutes past one in the morning) Lieutenant Bronsfield was preparing to leave the watch and return to his cabin, when his attention was attracted by a distant hissing noise.
At that moment, the moon, instead of appearing flat like a disc, showed its convexity.
At that moment, at six o'clock, the lunar pole appeared.
At that moment, the honorable secretary must be filling his post on the Rocky Mountains.
At that moment he was having his breakfast, and though I gave no signs of hunger, he at once threw me a piece of bread.
A troop of horsemen was seen atthat moment riding at full gallop towards the square.
Noureddin re-entering at that moment, they plainly saw, in spite of his efforts to dissemble, that what they had heard was the truth.
The Caliph Haroun-al-Raschid, chancing at that moment to open a window in the saloon of his palace looking on the garden, was surprised to see the pavilion brilliantly illuminated.
The main fact is that he HAD the pearl, and at that moment, when it was on his person, he was pursued by the police.
At that momentin rushed the husband with his revolver in his hand.
They were at that moment close to the famous cafe known as 'Florian's.
At that moment he would have given everything he had in the world to take her in his arms and kiss her.
He shrank from facing the inevitable meeting with Agnes if he showed himself in the corridor at that moment.
In that moment of self-searching she saw that Sophy Viner had chosen the better part, and that certain renunciations might enrich where possession would have left a desert.
At that moment, if he could have chosen, he would have left his companion on the spot; but he had her on his hands, and must accept the consequences.
That moment seemed at last to be at hand when, at her usual hour after dinner, Madame de Chantelle rose to go upstairs.
And as if in response to their thought he came up at that moment, looked at the machine, walked round it, and handled it as if he knew something about its make.
Henchard saw its bitterness; and had Lucetta's heart been given to any other man in the world than Farfrae he would probably have had pity upon her at that moment.
If you happen to drop in at that moment, the lady at the desk will welcome you with, “You are just in time!
I accepted reluctantly, as at that moment we were busy at the theatre.
If I had not thrown myself back at that moment, I certainly should have rolled over after the stone.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "that moment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.