The privation of the use of a limb or member of the body, by which one is rendered less able to defendhimself or to annoy his adversary.
To deprive of the use of a limb, so as to render a person in fighting less able either to defend himself or to annoy his adversary.
A covering for the hand, worn to defend it from cold or injury.
Remember, men, if we come up with Tom Newcombe I shall catch him and hold fast to him, and I want you to stand by to defend me with your cutlasses.
He was still in a position to defend the cove, and, moreover, he had been re-enforced by Tom Newcombe and the rest of the band.
I'll defend that safe against an army of burglars.
As he did so, his eyes rested on the pile of stones which he and Jack Spaniard had collected to defend their breastwork against the assaults of the governor, and a bright idea struck him.
The assailants were armed with long, keen knives, and Helmar had now nothing with which to defend himself.
Then, seeing another clear his obstruction to his right, and not having time to defendhimself from his attack, he flung his trusty weapon at him and, turning, ran towards the river.
How can I defendmyself till the accusation is made?
I am not going to accuse or to defend myself; but I knew that you were right.
He thanked me for doing so, and promised to see to it; but he advised me for the future to be on my guard and ready to defend myself in case I was attacked before he could place my enemies in a place where they could do me no harm.
I flung open the door with one hand and took my sword with the other; and leaping into the snow, which was up to my knees, I drew my sword, and summoned the Dutchman to give way or defend himself.
You have no business to attack me, as I do not know how to defend myself.
It would have been an easy task, as she had nobody to defend her.
You see I am confiding in you, for in certain cases honour seems so precious a thing to me that I am ready to defend it with all the power of the law.
Not for my life: But yet I dare defend My innocent life against an Emperor Sal.
Hast thou conspired with thy brother too, That for thine owne gaine shouldst defend mine honor?
Amid the ravings of her delirium the unfortunate Theresa alternately called upon Percy and myself, to defend her against the arts of her enemies, to save her from the King.
You have the look and voice of Percy; you are a ministering angel whom he has sent to defend his poor Theresa from the King; now that she is sad and friendless.
He well knew how todefend himself, and they were rather afraid of him.
The first lesson she learned was to defend herself, and look upon every one as her enemy.
It is the duty of every man, woman, and child to speak for the dumb animals who cannot defend themselves.
She soon got big enough to go up to her friend's door, and mew just like her mother, and she cuffed and fought Blackie in a way that proved she would be able to defend herself.
For her, because her life would be in danger; for me because I could neither defend her from the attack nor tell of where I had been.
To-day, however, we are going to defend him before the jury, and we are going to bring to the witness stand a light that will illumine the whole mystery of the Glandier.
For between this and the judgment day do not look for any arch deceivers who, in spite of reformation, will use more craft or less shame to defend their love of the world and their ambition than these prelates have done.
When Boswell attempted to defend certain Methodists who had been expelled from the University of Oxford, Johnson retorted that the University was perfectly right--"They were examined, and found to be mighty ignorant fellows.
The Americans did not propose to conquer new rights and privileges, but to defendold ones.
Certainly no one candefend the proposition that the growth of this spirit in America was due exclusively, or even chiefly, to English influence.
Therefore he felt he should defend them all the more strongly.
He said that well he didn't blame me; that even if it was his son, they broke in on me and I had a right to defend my family, and that none of the old heads was going to do anything about it.
The white man give up and said, 'I ain't got no gun to defendmyself wid.
A socialist's attempt to defend these promises by reference to employés of the state post-office.
The King is to land farther north -- at Cherbourg methinks it was to be; whilst my Lord of Lancaster has set sail for Brittany, to defend the Countess of Montford from the Count of Blois, who has now paid his ransom and is free once more.
The next who dares to touch my horse must defend himself from my sword.
This is the man who, together with his father, drove from this very house the lawful owner, because that she was a gentle, tender woman, and was at that moment alone and unable to defendherself from them.
I was fully resolved to defend myself, and especially to defend Flora.
Captain Fishley immediately called in Squire Pollard, who had done so well for me, to defend his son.
Yet he had the impudence to defend his sonnets in 1537, and to address them with a letter of dedication, unmatched for its parade of shamelessness, to Messer Battista Zatti of Brescia.
He then proceeds to defend his own audacity, which really consists in no more than the attempt to remodel a Latin play.
Herdsman or shepherd can scarce dwell secure within the city beneath their master's mantle; for those who should defend them, make the country folk their prey.
I allow that a chap who will defend a ragged boy as you did is pretty apt to be all right.
Although Hodge had been ready enough to defend Burns from the young ruffians who were hectoring him on the street, he had little faith in the man as a comedian.
The Kunok outside the house, finding themselves unable to defend the castle against the swarms which poured into the courtyard, had rushed in, closing the doors and barring the windows.
We can't defend it, we can't live in it, we can't carry it with us!
No one will defend Kuthen, and who knows what has been going on yonder, or even whether Kuthen is still alive?
His face was aflame, his eyes flashed fire, he was eager for the fray, and his one thought was todefend himself proudly.
They resolved to defend themselves to the last man; but they little knew the enemy with whom they had to deal.
We will defend ourselves to the last, and now that we are free of traitors, we shall be stronger than before.
Who could have supposed the rascals would defend themselves in such a fashion!
If we are attacked we will defend ourselves, and you must all be wanted elsewhere, if it is true, as I hear, that the Tartars have invaded the country.
Duke Friedrich had left him in the lurch; the Kunok were on their way to Bulgaria, wasting and burning as they went; and now King BA(C)la saw the mistake he had made in not exerting his utmost power to defend Kuthen.
Many were slain by the Mongols who pursued and attacked them when they were too weak to defend themselves; and many others perished in the attempt to cross rivers and swamps.
Trust the rest of us to God, in whose hands is our fate; we shall defend ourselves, if need be, but you think only of her.
He had beaten down one wolf, with a sort of club, and was trying his utmost to defend himself against two others.
She was anxious to defend herself, to hold her best in his estimation yet, but she feared the betrayal of her secret.
He was anxious to see his cousin, to receive the attack in full, and defend himself; to prove to Sidney, if it were possible, that he was not quite the unprincipled villain that was generally supposed.
I have come to defend you from him, if he call again--to live here, and take care of you as a dear brother who requires care, and must not be left entirely to strangers.
The 15th Battalion carried in their tanks machine-gunners, who were detailed todefend the Blue Line against counter-attack.
I walked back to the wood, and found that in my absence the tanks had been drawn up in line at intervals of one hundred yards to defend the Trescault-Metz road.
Have I not heard you defend the idea of moderate drinking, although you consented to sail in a teetotal yacht?
And that is no small advance in the science, let me tell you," returned Barret, who was stirred up to defendhis co-scientist.