He advised me to go home to my mother, adding, to soften the blow, that some time in the future when there were young girls at the meeting I could come and talk to them.
But," I insisted, "if you really believe in polygamy, why is it that some of your husbands have not taken more than one wife?
It appeared, however, on inquiry, that some bands of Indians had not arrived on Tuesday morning, and we were therefore obliged to postpone the opening of the meeting till Thursday.
Laird reported in 1877, "That some of the bands within the limits of Treaties Numbers Four and Six sowed grain and potatoes with good results that year, one band having about one hundred acres under cultivation.
It was settled, that some of her children and Michael should sleep in the neighbouring cottage.
But it should be remembered, that some species of this genus invariably live, both whilst young and old, in cavities, which the animal has the power of enlarging with its growth.
The beast has not been long killed, and it may be that some of the beef is still hereaway.
It ar' a fact, that some men be so womanish, as to let the young master the old!
That some must be brought up from a depth of four or five or six feet is certain, as the worms retire to this depth during very dry and very cold weather.
No fact has so interested me for a heap of years as your case of the plants on the equatorial mountains of Africa; and Wallace tells me that some one (Baker?
Sanderson, who demonstrates to his class on animals rendered insensible, told me that some of his students had declared to him that unless he had shown them what he had, they would have experimented on live animals for themselves.
I will confide in you," he said, "that some day I shall build here in Brampton a woollen mill which will be the best of its kind.
Courtenay hint, looking meaningly at her cloak, that some of his flowers would not have appeared amiss there.
And the result of his reflections was, that some day he would like to own slaves.
Voltaire's strange suspicion, that some cannon, inscribed with strange characters, must have been sent by that monarch to Delhi, is refuted by the universal silence of contemporaries.
They were on the spot to receive the earliest and most faithful intelligence of the overthrow of their great adversary; and it is more than probable, that some of them accompanied the Greek embassy to the camp of Tamerlane.
At that some growled, and some laughed, and shouted, "Heyday!
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "that some" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.