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Example sentences for "coin"

Lexicographically close words:
coigne; coil; coiled; coiling; coils; coinage; coinages; coincide; coincided; coincidence
  1. And his sincerity and ability were repaid in the only coin the poor possess--in love and admiration.

  2. And at the trial also the large bills that had been found in possession of O'Brien were identified as having been the property of Clayson, as the nugget and coin were shown to have been Relphe's.

  3. Then he carefully swept again, and found not only his own things, but a key that fitted Clayson's safe in Seattle and the strange coin that Relphe had carried.

  4. Apafi petulantly turns and twists the coin in all directions.

  5. A small silver coin worth about fifteen to twenty kreutzers.

  6. The currency is the Straits Settlements dollar and small silver coin, supplemented by a locally made tin coin of low value.

  7. I am sorry for you, my man," she said, and she slipped a coin into his hand.

  8. The man took the coin and looked at it vacantly.

  9. Yea, and elsewhere, so far as my coin would stretch; and where it would not, I have used my credit.

  10. Sblood, I'll not bear mine own flesh so far a-foot again for all the coin in thy father's exchequer.

  11. Originally, in all countries, I believe, a legal tender of payment could be made only in the coin of that metal which was peculiarly considered as the standard or measure of value.

  12. In the course of the present century, the silver coin has not at any time been more below its standard weight than it is at present.

  13. The silver coin still continues in the same worn and degraded state as before the reformation of the gold coin.

  14. But in the beginning of the present century, that is, immediately after the great recoinage in King William's time, the greater part of the current silver coin must have been still nearer to its standard weight than it is at present.

  15. The continual consumption of the precious metals in coin by wearing, and in plate both by wearing and cleaning, is very sensible; and in commodities of which the use is so very widely extended, would alone require a very great annual supply.

  16. English coin was not only raised in its denomination, but adulterated in its standard.

  17. He was busy drawing up a detailed plan of the neighbourhood when, on raising his head, he gave a violent start, and, throwing a coin on the table, rushed out of the shop.

  18. Fandor slipped a coin into the woman's hand and went upstairs.

  19. A few days since, our gardener, while digging in Paradise, turned up a Spanish copper-coin of Charles III.

  20. Soon after this the coin was re-coined, by which much profit was made for the King, and much wrong done to private people and to trade.

  21. A month after, the value of the specie was diminished; then the whole of the coin was re-cast.

  22. I believe he is a manufacturer of counterfeit money and emerges from his seclusion, now and then, to put his spurious coin in circulation," remarked M.

  23. They, however, bravely declared that paper had not depreciated, but that the price of coin had gone up!

  24. What connection exists between the amount of notes and coin in circulation and the use of credit?

  25. Railways and rapid steamboats enable coin and bullion to be more swiftly remitted than of old; telegraphs prevent its needless removal, and the acceleration of the mails has a like effect.

  26. By July 2d the disappearance of small coin was distinctly noted.

  27. How far, or in what way, do you consider it correct to say that the general level of prices in a country depends upon the quantity of gold coin existing in that country?

  28. If the mint kept back one per cent, to pay the expense of coinage, it would be against the interest of the holders of bullion to have it coined, until the coin was more valuable than the bullion by at least that fraction.

  29. The credit given to any one by those with whom he deals does not depend on the quantity of bank-notes or coin in circulation at the time, but on their opinion of his solvency.

  30. Just who it were that puts up the coin fer the job I didn't know for sure.

  31. All I knows is that it comes straight through a gent what I depends on, and the coin is in sight the minute we delivers the mines over.

  32. I knew my value, and I refused to play unless I could feel the coin of the realm tickling my palm.

  33. Well, pard, when I ambles out of the place at daylight the bank is busted and I has all the ready coin of the joint.

  34. Carlos," said Joaquin, "not one coin more will those dogs get.

  35. Having once been taught in this way, the apprentices would not make a mistake about a piece of base coin during their whole lives, as I have heard.

  36. This coin is generally called by foreigners "ichibu," which means "one bu.

  37. It was a Carlovingian coin of some artistic value.

  38. Rodolphe a coin as large as a crown piece, and half eaten away by rust and verdigris.

  39. When he saw the coin he was almost taken ill; it was the only one wanting in his cabinet.

  40. That is just what I was going to have the honour of proposing," said Colline, taking out a gold coin which he stuck in his eye like a glass.

  41. All the spare coin in Paris is on its way to Versailles.

  42. As he was paying him beforehand, the porter noticed a gold coin in the painter's hand, and before starting on his errand went up to inform the landlord, with whom Marcel was behind with his rent.

  43. Still, as Jerome-Nicolas Sechard had taken the whole place over from Rouzeau's widow for ten thousand francs, paid in assignats, it stood to reason that thirty thousand francs in coin at the present day was an exorbitant demand.

  44. And from your too unsophisticated discourse, it would seem to be your intention to coin money out of your inkstand.

  45. The admiration that is given too readily is a sign of want of judgment; a poet ought not to be paid in the same coin as a dancer on the tight-rope.

  46. I do not expect to be repaid in current coin of the realm; no, I will take it in credit from you, just as one would ask Florine for pleasure.

  47. Braulard, lifting a cash-box full of coin out of his desk.

  48. In the interests of us both, I shall only offer six hundred francs, in coin though, not paper.

  49. When all this has been done, let the coin be again placed in the hat, and covered with the handkerchief.

  50. Let the performer then dexterously palm the coin or make away with it in some other manner, make some cabalistic flourish of the magic wand, utter some charm, and declare the coin to have vanished.

  51. Keep his eyes turned from his hand by engaging them in some other direction, press the coin firmly on the palm of his hand, and bid him close his fingers over the coin, holding it tightly.

  52. As a consequence, although the borrowed coin will now have been removed from the left hand, another coin, unknown to the spectators, remains there.

  53. Having pretended to place the coin in the left hand, close that hand accordingly, as though it really held the coin.

  54. The imprint of the coin on the hand will produce a sensation as if the coin were actually there, but it being stuck to the thumb of the performer, will, of course, be taken away when the victim closes his hand.

  55. During the execution of this movement, bring the palmed coin immediately above the hollow of the left hand, and secretly let it fall therein.

  56. A little careful practice before a looking-glass will be needed before the dropping of the secreted coin from the palm of the right hand to the palm of the left hand can be neatly and artistically managed.

  57. The person holding the coins should be requested to multiply the number assigned to the coin held in his right hand by an even number, and that assigned to the coin held in the left hand by an odd number.

  58. Let the key be then given him, and when the box is unlocked, bid him thoroughly examine the coin, and satisfy himself and the audience that it is the genuine marked coin handed up by him.

  59. It is important that the person taking and marking the coin should not wear gloves.

  60. My most brilliant achievement is spinning coins: I toss a coin into the air and wait.

  61. If he had paid her back in the same coin there would have been weeping and gnashing of teeth and cries of "Go away!

  62. Solem flung the coin on the ground and struck his hands together repeatedly.

  63. The extensive stock of the Scott Stamp & Coin Co.

  64. The "curious perforation" alluded to as just discovered was announced by the Scott Stamp & Coin Co.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    angle; apex; beget; bend; bifurcation; bight; bread; breed; cant; cash; chevron; chink; chips; coin; conceive; conceptualize; concoct; contrive; corner; counterfeit; crank; create; crook; crotchet; crown; currency; deflection; design; develop; devise; discover; doubloon; dough; ducat; eagle; elbow; engender; evolve; fabricate; fancy; forge; fork; form; frame; generate; guinea; hatch; hook; imagine; improvise; inaugurate; inflection; introduce; invent; knee; make; mature; mint; mold; money; nook; originate; piece; pioneer; plan; point; procreate; produce; quoin; renew; renovate; revolutionize; rouleau; scratch; shape; sovereign; spawn; specie; suppose; swerve; token; turn; utter; veer; vertex; wampum; zag; zigzag

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    coin money; coined money