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Example sentences for "quite early"

  • Quite early in the day I went to Sergeant Craig, but the doctor was by him.

  • But call me quite early, as soon as it is light.

  • Quite early in the history of Christianity there arose a similar movement away from the competition and heat and stress of the daily life of men.

  • Quite early, if not from the first, these representatives of the general property owners in town and country, the Commons, sat and debated apart from the great Lords and Bishops.

  • Quite early in its career Buddhism came into conflict with the growing pretensions of the Brahmins.

  • Quite early it was apparent to us that we had on our hands a problem in spruce production which the Government itself must solve, if the airplane undertaking were not to fail at the outset.

  • Consequently, quite early in the war, the air services of the allies adopted the practice of substituting cameras for the machine guns on the practice planes.

  • On Sunday for once in a way I got up quite early, at half past 6, for Fraulein K.

  • We were terribly alarmed to-day; quite early, at half past 8, they telephoned from the school that Dora had suddenly been taken ill in the Latin lesson and must be fetched in a carriage.

  • So quite early I telephoned to him at a public telephone call office, for I did not dare to do it at home.

  • Quite early, as is the custom in the country, the guests for the evening arrived; and both Mary and Aunt Sarah felt fully repaid for their hard work of the past weeks by the pleasure John Landis evinced at the changed appearance of the room.

  • Quite early in the morning dissolve the two yeast cakes in a little of the milk; add these, with one-half the quantity of sugar and salt in the recipe, to the remainder of the quart of milk; add also 4 cups of flour to form the yeast foam.

  • The border might be wider or narrower, according to the proportion of the window, though a wide border was rather characteristic of quite early glass.

  • Quite early in the sixteenth century the new Italian movement began to make itself felt in France, Germany, Flanders; in due course it spread to this country.

  • It is all-important that we should go quite early.

  • But one day, quite early in the winter following that which had seen them first installed in Washington, Downing received an urgent recall to New York.

  • Quite early in the eighteenth century Petiver met with the butterfly shown on Plate 80 at Enfield, so he figured it as the "Enfield Eye" in that curious old book entitled "Papiliorium Britanniae Icones.

  • Quite early in the eighteenth century this butterfly had only been observed in England in Lincolnshire, where, according to Ray, it was common, and in a wood at Dulwich.

  • The caterpillar seems to have been observed in quite early times.

  • Brought this morning, sir, quite early," he said.

  • Quite early in that same long morning, before little Maurice had even opened his sleepy eyes, the woman whom Mrs. D'Albert called Aunt Lydia arrived.

  • Maurice, dear, it is quite early in the day; we don't want to think of a night's lodging for many hours yet.

  • We will start to your mountains quite, quite early in the morning, Joe.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quite early" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    adverse report; good dinner; hydrostatic pressure; physical chemistry; quite alone; quite certain; quite clear; quite common; quite content; quite correct; quite distinct; quite enough; quite good; quite natural; quite ready; quite safe; quite satisfied; quite similar; quite still; quite suddenly; quite sufficient; quite unconscious; quite unnecessary; quite useless; quite willing; replied the young officer