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Example sentences for "construct"

Lexicographically close words:
constricting; constriction; constrictions; constrictor; constrictors; constructed; constructing; construction; constructional; constructionist
  1. By this method the allotment would be honestly made without wrong to any one.

  2. The good which has resulted to that colony from this institution is beyond exaggeration.

  3. There was but one house of two stories, and that was John Pennock's, who had sufficient means to construct such a building.

  4. Enough was procured in this way not only to construct the building, but to enclose the grounds with a sufficient wall.

  5. Should they not find the frame and planks of the pinnace, as Betts seemed to think they would, they must go to work and get out the best frame they could themselves, and construct such a craft as their own skill could contrive.

  6. Materials enough remained in the ship to make half-a-dozen boats, and in tumbling over the lumber he had found a quantity of stuff that had evidently been taken in with a view to repair boats, if not absolutely to construct them.

  7. I shall hide her away from you and all the world within seven beautiful cities which I shall construct in the loveliest part of your whole kingdom.

  8. Swear to me now in the presence of your faithful queen that you will not try to enter these strong walls which I shall construct about the seven cities.

  9. There was not enough to construct a ladder, but Bob hoped the rope would prove long enough to let him down from the mouth of the cavern on to the slope, whence the descent to level ground would be easy.

  10. The author is one who knows her subject as a scholar, and has the skill and imagination to construct her stories admirably.

  11. Meanwhile the men he had withdrawn were set to construct with boulders a small fort high up the gorge just under the waterfall; this would form excellent vantage ground in case the Russians occupied the lower portion of the gully.

  12. The Emir Husain on leaving India had betaken himself to Jeddah, where he was endeavouring to construct a fresh fleet.

  13. To construct a monument on these rocks, which seemed the very focus of all the storms which raged on that part of our coasts, was like building an edifice in the open sea.

  14. His grace almost immediately gave him an order to construct eight vessels similar to the Charlotte Dundas, and the struggling engineer naturally thought that his fortune was made.

  15. One night's rough weather often swept away the timber-work that cost many thousands of pounds, and many months of labour to construct and fix in its position in the sea.

  16. Construct glasses to see the moon magnified.

  17. Diodorus Siculus writes, were the first to build and construct large cities and castles, public and private buildings of fine form, large and well proportioned .

  18. It seems probable that the idea which led him to these investigations was his desire to construct a flying or aerial machine for man.

  19. Hermite and Besancon proceeded to construct a balloon of gold-beater's skin, having a capacity of 3960 cubic feet, in order to carry a better instrumental equipment.

  20. I could construct traps for animals, I knew what roots and berries were good to eat, there was plenty of water to drink, and I might find some weapons.

  21. We cut down a great number of straight branches, about ten feet long and about two inches thick; these we stuck firmly in the ground in a circle, just as we used to construct a kraal.

  22. It happens similarly as in Nature where, among animals of the same species the skeleton formation and organization is the same, and, if in possession of a part of such a skeleton, one can theoretically construct the whole animal.

  23. Many men, leading mechanics among them, had until then vainly sought to construct such a machine.

  24. The methods employed by the ancients to construct cisterns must have been laborious and unsatisfactory.

  25. It is used as a quarry from which stones are taken to construct buildings in nearby towns and villages.

  26. The Greeks were the next in point of time to construct tunnels in connection with the building of aqueducts.

  27. Forced as they were in these two directions, they were unavoidably brought at last to attempt to establish the theory independently, to construct Brahman and the world out of their nature and ideas.

  28. This was the foundation on which the Brahmanas construct an endless ritual for the sacrifice of horses, "the king of sacrifices," as the book of the law calls it.

  29. The attempt to construct a world on general principles was neither peculiarly bold nor peculiarly new.

  30. As we see, the Buddhists avail themselves of the Brahmanic heaven and hell, and the intervals which the Brahmans place between regenerations in hell or in Indra's heaven, in order to construct out of them a more complete system.

  31. When a Herero woman has given birth to a child, her female companions hastily construct a special hut for her to which she is transferred.

  32. Among the Narrinyeri of South Australia every adult is constantly on the look-out for bones of beasts, birds, or fish, of which the flesh has been eaten by somebody, in order to construct a deadly charm out of them.

  33. Scarcely less remarkable is the manner in which the Cassicans construct their nests.

  34. Similarly when he pays a large number of men to construct a productive machine instead of a doll or an ornament, he is paying for the muscular movements from which the machine results.

  35. This is the fact that out of unequal men it is absolutely impossible to construct a society of equals.

  36. As the work of unloading and transporting to the tent occupied only about two hours, they had time sufficient, before dark, to construct another and a larger raft.

  37. Then some daring innovators, driven from the favoured land, would construct habitations by grubbing into the soil, and covering them with a roof of turf.

  38. These wars compelled the inhabitants of Hiermont in 1647 to construct the quarry which we now see.

  39. To construct a cave-dwelling, the entrance to the cave or the front of the open gallery was walled up with adobes, leaving only a small opening serving for both door and window.

  40. The other guesses different letters at random, every right one being put in its place, while for every wrong one a line is drawn to help construct a gallows for the "hang-man.

  41. Then each player draws three syllables and tries to construct a word.

  42. He abandons the living model, and with recipes which he has gathered in the course of his experience, he proceeds to construct a drama or novel, a picture or statue.

  43. They are harder to construct than the ruder huts of savages and may need to be held together with a little use of damp clay.

  44. Various attempts have been made to construct instruments which should accurately determine the amount of the vertical descent of the lead by self-registering machinery.

  45. The proportionate increase of the structures, according to Mr. Darwin, depends at once upon the species which construct the reefs and upon various accessary circumstances.

  46. From these observations, it was obvious to him that the utmost depth at which the coral polyps can construct reefs is between twenty and thirty fathoms.

  47. RĂ©aumur gave to the animalcules which construct the coral the name of Polyps, and Coral to the product itself, for such he considered the architectural product of the polyps.

  48. The animals construct their habitations near the surface; when they die, they fall into the depths of the ocean, where they accumulate in myriads, forming mountains and plains in mid ocean.

  49. Analogous reefs surround the Isle of Bourbon; all round this island the polyps construct on the volcanic bottom of the sea detached mammalons, which rise from a fathom to a fathom and a half above the water.

  50. This is evident, since the Romans, in order to be able to give the assault, were obliged to construct a terrace eighty feet high.

  51. Before he left for Italy, Caesar ordered his lieutenants to repair the old ships, and to construct during the winter a greater number, of which he fixed the form and dimensions.

  52. It is easy to estimate approximately the time which it would have taken Caesar's troops to construct the 5,000 metres of trenches which extended, at separate intervals, from Geneva to the Jura.

  53. The Micronesians of the Marshall Islands construct with bamboo rods geographical maps in which these rods represent the direction of the currents, and the shells or seeds attached to their intersections, the different islands.

  54. But more frequently the inventive faculty is brought into play to construct all kinds of weapons for facilitating the capture of prey.

  55. It was a very civilised population; the only one in the South American continent which knew how to construct buildings of freestone.

  56. It is clear from the very outset that such sense-organs would enable you to construct a veritable odor-chart of the path you had traversed and one of double significance: 1.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "construct" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    architecture; assemble; base; build; building; cast; combine; compose; compound; concoct; constitute; construct; construction; create; design; devise; edifice; elaborate; embody; engineer; erect; erection; establishment; evolve; fabric; fabricate; fashion; forge; form; formulate; frame; generate; halting; house; idea; incorporate; indite; join; make; manufacture; mature; merge; mix; mold; mould; moulder; mouldy; organize; pile; prepare; produce; pyramid; raise; rear; shape; skyscraper; structure; synthesize; tower; turn; version; write

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    construction materials; construction work; constructive imagination