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Example sentences for "devise"

Lexicographically close words:
deviltry; devint; devious; deviously; devis; devised; devisee; deviser; devisers; devises
  1. Keenan tarried at the house merely long enough to devise a plausible excuse for his sudden excited entrance, and then took his way back to the barnyard.

  2. Sometimes old Quimbey would fairly flee the town, and betake himself in a towering rage to his deserted hearth, to brood futilely over the ashes, and devise impotent schemes of vengeance.

  3. Yet the story of exile and prison is the story of the lash, the iron, the chain and every torture that the fiendish ingenuity of the non-criminal class can devise by way of teaching criminals to be good!

  4. The problem was to devise a government which should bind all the states without impairing their sovereignty.

  5. A federal convention was proposed, and in May, 1787, there assembled at Philadelphia fifty-five men appointed by the various states to devise an adequate constitution for a federal government.

  6. He has a difficult position to occupy, as he is a Mohammedan and ruler of Mohammedans; when he comes in contact with any of the prerogatives of the religion, he is obliged to devise a course that shall keep the religion inviolate.

  7. The Egyptians have left nothing to indicate how they performed their work, and nobody has been able to devise a satisfactory explanation.

  8. Was there ever a law so carefully drawn that somebody could not devise a plan to get around it?

  9. And that,' concluded the Tortoise, 'is why I wish to devise some plan of escape.

  10. And in disaster, dismay is a coward's quality; let us rather rely on fortitude, and devise some remedy.

  11. He who sees from the beginning the entire chain of causes and effects, can devise laws which will provide for particular cases without any subsequent interference.

  12. He left the fourth epistle undefended because it was almost beyond his powers of sophistry to devise a defence, and professed to the world that "the strong and delicate reasoning was too popular to need a comment.

  13. The question now is: Can you devise any plan by which this terrible disaster to our cause may be averted, and the cargo saved to us?

  14. Also, that we can devise tactics and take initiatives that put them off balance and upset their Slingshot schedule.

  15. Use whatever initiatives you can devise on site.

  16. Ordinary contrivances for measurement are here futile; we have to devise an instrument of a wholly different character.

  17. Can we not devise any way by which the circular motion might be preserved, and yet be compatible with the fluctuations in the distance from the planet to the sun?

  18. How shall we devise an apparatus subtle enough to determine the velocity which would girdle the earth at the equator no less than seven times in a single second of time?

  19. Henry the Sixth sank into a state of idiotcy which made his rule impossible, and his ministers were forced to call a great Council of peers to devise means for the government of the realm.

  20. Henry referred the Petition to the bishops, but they could devise no means of redress, and the ministry persisted in pushing through the Houses their bills for ecclesiastical reform.

  21. The rich devise every means by which they may in the first place secure to themselves what they have amassed by wrong, and then take to their own use and profit at the lowest possible price the work and labour of the poor.

  22. Half-a-dozen solicitors and members of the junior bar could devise such a system in a week.

  23. Because they have no power; they look and wonder at the folly of mankind, who can devise no better scheme of amusement for getting rid of their money.

  24. Hector Roy went out one day unattended to reconnoitre the Dun, still occupied by his enemies the M'Leods, possibly thinking to devise a scheme for its capture.

  25. It was necessary first of all to devise a right method of investigation.

  26. Then the king let rear and devise in the same place whereat the battle was done a fair abbey, and endowed it with great livelihood, and let it call the Abbey of La Beale Adventure.

  27. These oure Petitionis being proponed, the Estate Ecclesiasticall began to storme, and to devise all maner of leys to deface the equitie of our caus.

  28. Man may nether maik nor devise a religioun that is acceptable to God: butt man is bound to observe and keap the religioun that fra God is receaved, without chopping or changeing thairof.

  29. Undoubtedly the various errors are not of the same value for different individuals; but it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to devise a maze which should be equally difficult for several normal individuals.

  30. The simplest possible test of the intelligence of the dancer which I could devise was the following.

  31. To test the same individuals month after month would be the ideal way of obtaining an answer to our question, but I could devise no satisfactory way of doing this.

  32. I thought of it in a hundred different ways, trying to devise some way to rob the meeting of its terror, but I could never arrange it satisfactorily, and suffered as the damned are said to suffer.

  33. All of the technical, expert, and professional skill and knowledge that money could procure or experience devise were availed of in the bitter fights that raged in the courts for many years.

  34. Footnote 14: By reason of the experience gained at this station through the use of these crude plug-switches, Mr. Edison started a competition among a few of his assistants to devise something better.

  35. Many others after Reis tried to devise practical make-and-break telephones, and all failed; although their success would have rendered them very valuable as a means of fighting the Bell patent.

  36. About this time I got an idea I could devise an apparatus by which four messages could simultaneously be sent over a single wire without interfering with each other.

  37. Third--To devise means whereby the amount of electrical energy furnished to each and every customer could be determined, as in the case of gas, and so that this could be done cheaply and reliably by a meter at the customer's premises.

  38. Think not on him till to-morrow; I'll devise thee brave punishments for him.

  39. Chia Lien; "but it isn't that I entertain any wish to be factious; my only object is to devise some plan or other for him.

  40. Lady Feng perceiving that he had, of his own accord, fallen into the meshes of the net laid for him, could not but devise another plot to give him a lesson and make him know what was right and mend his ways.

  41. Leave it to me, I'll try and devise some lucky chance for you people!

  42. But in vain his unskilled assistants look to him for advice; rack his wits as he may, he can devise no adequate system of making cold-drawn wire, and he is beginning to lose caste with his followers.

  43. A man who could devise so monstrous a jest as was your challenge to the Tyrant of Pesaro should be a merry fellow if he would.

  44. I could hear the old man breathing heavily beside me as I leaned there in the dark, and sought to devise a means by which that paper might be obtained.

  45. You and Lady Roos may make the most of what you have seen; and proclaim abroad any tale your imaginations may devise forth.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "devise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    arrange; assemble; beget; bequeath; bequest; blueprint; breed; brew; build; calculate; cast; codicil; cogitable; coin; compose; compound; conceive; concert; concoct; connive; conspire; construct; contrive; create; design; develop; devise; discover; draft; draw; elaborate; engender; engineer; entail; erect; evolve; fabricate; fashion; figure; forecast; forge; form; formulate; frame; generate; get; hatch; imagine; improvise; indite; inheritance; intend; intrigue; invent; leave; legacy; make; manoeuvre; manufacture; mature; meditate; mint; mold; mould; moulder; mouldy; organize; originate; plan; plot; prepare; probate; procreate; produce; program; project; raise; rationalize; rear; schedule; scheme; shape; spawn; spin; stage; strike; systematize; think; transmit; will; write