But if they try it here, the streets of San Hermano will run with blood before we let the fascists win.
The fascists are mother-raping bastards, but they are no donkeys.
You're not dealing with stupid Spanish fascists like Franco and Gil Robles.
After the second day of silence I was sure the fascistshad clipped your wings.
Until yesterday, the fascists were spreading the story that Lavandero had kept Ansaldo from operating in time.
Are they not the same fascists who hope to fool God by casting their fascist swords in the image of the Cross of Jesus?
He thought of his low standing at the American Embassy, and of some of the fascists in high places he had offended in San Juan.
Yes, senor," he laughed, "the fascists are on the run today.
But if they don't, we can go on fighting the fascists in our own way.
Homage to Colonel Felipe Duarte, Counselor of the Mexican Embassy and hero of the war against the fascists in Spain!
In commercial terms, the fascists must conquer us in order to eliminate us as competitors for world trade.
In effect, after an uprush of enthusiasm following the defeat of Hitler, the democratic countries will face with panic their tragic incapacity to do what the fascists have almost done--unify the nations of Europe.
Intellectual fascists are particularly liable to the error of thinking that this sort of thing is above morality, beyond good and evil.
The Fascists first revealed their imperial designs in Libya and Tripoli.
For the first time since the Japanese and the Fascists and the Nazis started along their blood-stained course of conquest they now face the fact that superior forces are assembling against them.
Yes, the Nazis and the Fascists have asked for it--and they are going to get it.
Therefore, on the question also of economic liberty the Fascists differ fundamentally from the Liberals; the latter see in liberty a principle, the the Fascists accept it as a method.
By the Liberals, freedom is recognized in the interest of the citizens; the Fascists grant it in the interest of society.
In other terms, Fascists make of the individual an economic instrument for the advancement of society, an instrument which they use so long as it functions and which they subordinate when no longer serviceable.
The pirate philosophy of the Fascists and the Nazis cannot stand adversity.
In this period of his new-found prosperity he established contacts with Nazi agents and pro-fascists like Harry A.
All investigative personnel should be alert for the identification of subversives, ultrarightists, racists, and Fascists (a) possessing emotional instability or irrational behavior.
At no time did I, and to my knowledge, in Germany, did we consider ourselves fascists or Nazis.
This means any of the broad classifications of people, subversives, ultrarightists, racists or fascists who meet any of these four tests.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fascists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.