The route which he thus looked out was adopted, and the construction of the covered way was placed under his charge, with large working parties, for several nights, until completed.
The large work, Fort Pulaski, is finished, and nothing remains to be done but to prepare a bridge-head of timber, and secure the island from overflow by the construction of dikes.
Soon deep excavations, great banks of earth, and vast piles of granite and other materials attested the vigor with which the construction was pushed.
He boldly advocated the construction of three railroads across the continent, undoubtedly the first to foresee the necessity of more than a single line.
About seven o'clock Lieutenant Foster relieved Lieutenant Tower, who returned to camp to supervise construction of powder magazines.
It was largely the lamentable results of the administration or these latter that was responsible for turning the Yellowstone over to the Army, just as was done in the construction of the Panama Canal.
Clark had come from the Three Forks of the Missouri with pack-train, but with the intention of building boats and taking to the river just as soon as trees large enough for their construction could be found.
I found a fine, clean, prosperous little city of 6000 where my puffing predecessor had drawn up to little more than a typical frontier construction camp.
Although Glendive Creek was a frequent halt in the steamboat days of the Indian campaigns, there was never much of a settlement there until railway construction commenced in the late 'seventies.
Indeed, everything considered, it speaks a lot for her construction that she simply telescoped instead of resolving into cosmic star-dust.
He pretended to believe that we were rehearsing a comedy, but he doubtless places the worst possible construction upon the scene which he has just witnessed.
Hearing not the words, they put their own construction on the pantomime.
Tasso) a connoisseur and dilettante in all the arts, who wisely entrusted to the young architect the construction of his famous villa at Tivoli.
Illustration: Alinari Villa Farnesina, Rome] There was only one construction to be put upon his conduct.
Unluckily, for good reasons not at all affecting this object, Mr. Disraeli inserted certain words, the right constructionof which in our present case became the subject of keen and copious contention.
I ask you only to put the best construction on what I write.
If I had trusted," he said, "to the construction given by the public to a late speech, I should have begun to think of packing my carpet bag and trunks.
The controversy between him and his colleagues still raged at red heat over the whole ground of military estimates, the handling of the militia, and the construction of fortifications.
One incident of these labours of construction may illustrate Mr. Gladstone's curious susceptibility in certain kinds of personal contest.
We are bound in honour--you cannot put a legal construction upon it--to see in concert with others that these arrangements are maintained.
The cause was won, and the work of construction went forward, but not on such lines as Cavour's master-hand was likely to have traced.
As these were written from the actor's rather than from the dramatist's point of view, they often seem faulty in construction and crude in literary quality.
One may admire in them simplicity and purity of diction, animation of style, fertility in the construction of theory, resourcefulness in the search for proof, and a fine enthusiasm for the subject under consideration.
Nothing can be more graceful than their mode of speech, for the very construction of the language conduces to courtesy.
It involved the construction of a primitive council lodge along the lines of history and tradition, and again, the reproduction of primitive customs and traditions, both in paraphernalia, costume, and conduct.
The construction of our Indian camp on the banks of the Little Horn awakened in this man, as it did in all the Indians, a disposition to turn back to primitive conditions.
When we examine the constructionof the whale we find that it is warm-blooded, as we are.
Mosses and dead leaves are used in its construction and it is lined with soft and fine fibers of bark and feathers.
Three other lighthouses of similarconstruction have been placed in the interval--one hundred and twenty-five miles--between Port Said and Alexandria.
Memphis was used as a quarry for supplying stone for theconstruction of Cairo, and hence the disappearance of the ancient city.
They were preserved almost intact down to the 14th century, when portions of them were removed for the construction of a fortress.
The road is of excellent constructionand reflects great credit upon the engineer who made the surveys and laid it out.
My Arabic was much like the English of some of the donkey drivers; there were no prepositions and conjunctions in it, and the construction of the verbs placed all the rules of grammar at defiance.
No construction of the present day can begin to compare with them in grandeur, but of this I shall have more to say by and by.
A splendid quay was in course of construction at the time of my visit, and when it is finished the maritime importance of Smyrna will be greatly increased.
When I was in Constantinople the further construction of the railway, that is intended to connect with the Austrian system, was {182}stopped for the want of funds.
We visited the ruins of this city and also of a temple which was destroyed about fifty years ago to furnish stone for the construction of some modern buildings in Assouan.
It was one of the towns allotted to the tribe of Dan, and is mentioned as the landing-place of the rafts of cedar and pine from Lebanon for the construction of Solomon's temple.
One can spend hours in the castle studying its construction and looking out upon the beautiful panorama that greets the eye from its walls.
Those passengers went below to study the interior construction of the ship.
Back of it is the famous Mount Lebanon, from which were brought the cedars used in the construction of the Temple at Jerusalem; the sides of the mountain are steep, but not precipitous, and the summit is frequently covered with clouds.
Royal Order of Ferdinand the Catholic, requiring Alfonso Rodriguez to go to Salamanca to choose the site and to make a design for the Construction of the Cathedral.
And it is undoubtedly more picturesque and generally more scientific in construction than our own late vaults, and infinitely more so than the thin, wasted-looking vaults of the French flamboyant style.
Along the north side of the cloister is a fine ruin of a hall of the thirteenth century, the construction of which is very characteristic and peculiar.
Mayordomo" of the Castle at Burgos during itsconstruction in A.
The feature which most struck me in this cathedral was the wonderful lightness which characterizes its construction in every part.
If the latter, then this little church affords a very interesting example of the adaptation of precisely the same mode of construction that we see in the great cathedral by its side, viz.
This had been finished, so far as the fabric was concerned, in the previous year, and evidently suggested the mode of constructionadopted at Lugo.
Memoir of the construction of the Cathedral at Segovia, by the Canon Juan Rodriguez 490 F.
The construction of this tower led naturally to its decoration.
Alonso Rodriguez and Anton Egas, and to have been appointed Architect in 1513, after having given a joint report with nine other Architects on the mode of construction of the Cathedral.
Documents relating to the construction of the new Cathedral at Salamanca 482 D.
This vast industrial output has made it necessary to build a mercantile marine, to which more and more units are added every year, and this commercial fleet has brought in its train the construction of an imposing navy.
Let us learnconstruction from the masters, and dialogue from ourselves.
I got there a day late for a play by the Master of Galway Workhouse, but heard that it was well played, and that his dialogue was as good as his construction was bad.
And later judges, in favorem libertatis, gave this construction to the villein's situation, which must therefore be considered as the clear law of England in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
In the construction of farm-houses and cottages, especially the latter, there have probably been fewer changes; and those it would be more difficult to follow.
But this strikes me as an erroneousconstruction of the letter.
Now, for the first question, it seems that, if the writ of summons conferred an estate of inheritance, it must have done so either by virtue of its terms or by established construction and precedent.
Therefore certain Hellenic myths of romantic spirit or construction have been included in this work, and certain Norse and German myths have not been excluded.
The fort was accordingly immediately commenced, and considerable progress was made in its construction in a few days.
That the saint had dragged a vast piece of timber from the sea in a miraculous manner for the construction of his church, which all the force of elephants and the art of men had been unable to move when attempted for the use of the king.
Azz continued to blockade the port of Chaul for three weeks, doing much damage to the squadron which was opposed to him; yet the construction of the fort went on with all diligence.
He dispatched his nephew Don Garcia to Cochin, with directions to expedite the construction of the fort then building at Calicut.
All this encouraged Nuno de Cuna to continue hostilities against Diu and the king of Cambaya, in hopes of constraining him to allow of the construction of a fort in that city.
After the departure of Sequeira for Cochin, Aga Mahomet who commanded the fleet belonging to Malek Azz did every thing in his power to hinder the construction of the fort.
This so aroused the Ambassador that he volunteered to furnish funds for the construction of a new barracks in case the Government was not willing to do it.
Admiral von Capelle placed before the Kaiser the figures of the number of ships sunk, their tonnage, the number of submarines operating, the number under construction and the number lost.
As early as 1908 von Tirpitz had opposed the constructionof submarines.
One of the first things President Wilson did was to approve plans for the construction of a fleet of 3,000 wooden ships practically to bridge the Atlantic.
He did not expect the United States to purchase the ships under construction in American wharves for neutral European countries.
At Hamburg the Hamburg-American Line wharves were mobilised for submarineconstruction also.
Admiral Hollweg cites these figures to show that ship construction has decreased in England and that England cannot make good ship losses by new construction.
You got more vigor somehow, into the actual construction of the thing, if you could make it express something quite independently of color and texture.
There were two or three wagons and carts, and a traction automobile, used in the construction of the telegraph-line, but not available in the rainy season, at the time of our trip.
In advance of its construction a trolley-line could be run from Cuyaba to the falls, using the power furnished by the latter.
He told her them as they had been uttered, adding no more; she saw the construction they had been intended to bear, and that which they had borne naturally to his ear; she listened earnestly to the end.
You err in the construction you have placed on the words, whatever they were, which you heard.
In short, we can train him in the processes of language constructionand of language application.
If right methods are followed, the child can be interested in these processes of construction without the need of calling into use at every point some real interest.
What results is obvious: the main interest being in the content, the interest in the mechanical construction of the form suffers, and as a consequence the child never attains a full mastery over the instrumental art.
At this period of which we are speaking there are constructions of the most important kind going on in the girl's body, compared with which the construction of additional muscular tissue is of much less than no importance.
The entire apparatus is quite simple in its construction and inexpensive, requiring but little space, and at the same time affording a great variety of exercises.
In cities, lead pipes are commonly used to convey water through the houses; lead being also used in the construction of roofs, cisterns, and vessels for keeping water and other liquids.
It is proper that we should {12} understand the construction and powers of our bodies; but it is our duty, as rational beings, to know the laws by which health and strength may be maintained and disease warded off.
In its own land it has no peer, while in construction and subject-matter it is unique.
The author of the Shahnama takes us into his confidence from the first, so that in reading it we are let into the secret of epic-making, and can apply the knowledge thus gained to solve the problem of the construction of its great congeners.