The applications of heraldry to architecture are so numerous that it is not easy to deal with them in any degree of connexion.
Tudor architecture otherwise flat shields sometimes have the middle swelled out, as on dean Gunthorpe's oriel at Wells, in a manner very popular in Renaissance work.
We should therefore expect beforehand in De Quincey an overruling tendency towards this remote architecture of dreams.
Squat, heavy, out of proportion, lacking in dignity, in beauty, they seem to have been erected for the purpose of proving that in architecture the modern Briton will neither imitate nor aspire.
Somebody said, I think it was Schelling, "Architecture is frozen music.
This sentiment about architecture and this fondness for the very toppingest High Church ritual cause aunt Celia to look on the English cathedrals with solemnity and reverential awe.
Aunt Celia says we shall have no worthy architecture until every building is made an exquisitely sincere representation of its deepest purpose,--a symbol, as it were, of its indwelling meaning.
Fairweather, though not the highest, is the noblest and most majestic in port and architecture of all the sky-dwelling company.
The trouble with the domesticarchitecture of the United States is that it is not scenic, thank Heaven!
Gaston's wing, taken by itself, has much of the bel air which was to belong to the architecture of Louis XIV.
Langeais is very imposing and decidedly sombre; it marks the transition from the architecture of defence to that of elegance.
The architecture of these galleries, seen from without, is less elegant than that of the main building, but the aspect of the whole thing is delightful.
There is not much architectureat Nantes except the domestic.
This exquisite, this extravagant, this trans- cendent piece of architecture is the most joyous ut- terance of the French Renaissance.
Hence we have a thousand fancies, often beautifully worked out, but often utterly incongruous with the intent of the edifice they are intended to adorn, and unworthy of the architecture of which they are a part.
Sense of humour grew with the centuries, and by the time that the Gothic style of architecture arose, appreciation of the ludicrous-in-general (i.
Nowhere so much as in Gothic architecture has the grotesque been fostered and developed, for, except for a blind adherence to ancient designs, due to something like gild continuity, the whole detail was introduced apropos of nothing.
What I have in view in this respect in connection with architecture has its co-relative in language.
Attached to it, on the right, is a spacious schoolroom, designed to correspond with the architecture of the exterior of the Church.
In this class of work, which accompanied the style known in architecture as the "Perpendicular," some of the finest specimens of oak ornamented interiors are to be found, that of the roof and choir stalls in the beautiful Chapel of Henry VII.
This work was done in England before architecture and wood carving had altogether flung aside their Gothic trammels, and shews an admixture of the new Italian style which was afterwards so generally adopted.
It is as noble and uniform a pile as Gothic architecture can make it.
The author-tourists have quarrelled with the architecture of it, but we did not find much that we were disposed to blame.
The architectureat Melrose is, I believe, superior in the exactness and taste of some of the minute ornamental parts; indeed, it is impossible to conceive anything more delicate than the workmanship, especially in the imitations of flowers.
The architecture of a part of the Castle is very fine, and the whole building in good repair: some parts indeed, are modern.
The ruins of Dryburgh are much less extensive than those of Melrose, and greatly inferior both in the architecture and stone, which is much mouldered away.
Sculptured and coloured figures formed in ancient Egyptian edifices the decoration and the finish of the larger masses of the architecture which served as a framework within which they were placed.
Here more than in any other church in the world has architecture been subordinated to a scheme of gorgeously coloured decoration.
These comparatively empty wall spaces are a feature of Bolognese architecture of the thirteenth century.
The central post-office is now housed in the Palazzo Gravina, built in the fifteenth century by one of the Orsini; and the great dwelling of the Monticelli is one of the best specimens of the domestic architecture of the same century.
The exterior reminds one of the tale of the man who, having made a little money, built a house like a cube with windows, telling his friends that when he could afford it he would have the architecture put on.
It is one of the best examples of early Renaissance architecture in Italy; nobler, simpler than the Procuratie Nuove where we sit, which was built in the last quarter of the same century.
The domestic architecture of Venice is far more interesting than that with which we have just dealt.
Hunting about in the narrow streets in this quarter one chances on many a piece of architecture and decorative sculpture in the grandiose style of the great days of Spain.
So rich is the colouring and so strange the outline that one wonders almost whether architecture has not passed here into the sister art of painting.
In the history of Italian ecclesiasticalarchitecture Pisa stands pre-eminent.
The purest piece of architecture is the gallery which is between the centre and these two side gables.
The history of Salamanca's ecclesiastical architecture is connected with the campaigns which were carried on in Castile and Leon at the end of the eleventh and the beginning of the twelfth centuries.
None of the Spanish cathedrals have a better type of Plateresque architecture and decoration than the sacristy, built during the first half of the seventeenth century.
This was the period of the Moors' greatest constructive energy,--they no longer blindly copied the ancient architecture of Byzantium, but endeavored to create a bold and independent art of their own.
At every corner, one runs into some detail of historical or artistic interest,--history and architecture here wander hand in hand.
To enumerate the endless rows of chapels with their countless treasures and chaste or tawdry architecture and decoration would be tiresome and unprofitable,--with a plan and guide-book, one may pass them in review.
I The peace of death is over Toledo, unbroken by any invasion of modern thought or new architecture since her last deep sighs mingled with the distant echoes of the middle ages.
The architecture itself is not nearly as interesting as that of the cloisters of Salamanca.
The total impression to any student of architecture is one of outraged law and order, composition and unity.
No student of Spanish architecture has studied its origin with greater insight or knowledge than Senor Don Lamperez y Romea in his recent luminous work on Spanish ecclesiastical architecture.
Scarcely two of the Cathedral's many biographers agree as to its architects, its historic precedents or what part of the work was actually inspired by earlier Spanish architecture and national builders.
The great framework of architecture which encases it is so astonishingly different from the work above and around it that one can scarcely believe it possible that they belong to one and the same building.
A glimpse of Montevideo revealed but little difference in architecture to that of the Spanish style--brick and mortar.
The next stop was at Ahmedabad, where some of the best temple and mosquearchitecture in India is to be seen.
The resemblances between music and architecture are, as is well known, much more extensive and illuminating.
A great part of the secret of dramaticarchitecture lies in the one word "tension.
Pueblo architecture possesses none of the elaborate ornamentation found in the Aztec ruins in Mexico.
There are nearly 800 bed-rooms, all of them large and lofty, and the general style of architecture is more than massive.
Everything is reminiscent of old Spain, although the magnificence and architecture is often that of the extreme East.
The peculiar architecture of the villages and houses also drew their admiration.
In dress and architecture the Moorish idea certainly prevails very prominently.
The church was small, and with few pretensions to architecture at the best.
Near the entrance, which is arched, stands a Corinthian capital, of indifferent workmanship, the only remain of Grecian architecture that I saw here.
Saracen; but it should seem, from the many remains of Grecian architecture found in the castle, that a Greek town formerly stood here.
Its date appears to be anterior to that of all the other buildings of Amman, and its style of architecture is much superior.
The architecture of the sepulchres, of which there are at least two hundred and fifty in the vicinity of the ruins, are of very different periods.
The style of architecture of the whole strongly resembles that seen in the ruins of St. Simon, to the north of Aleppo, the mountains above which are also full of sepulchral grottos, like those near Feiran.
Upon the architraves of several gates I saw mystical symbols, belonging to the ecclesiastical architecture of the lower empire.
Any person who will contrast the sentiments expressed in his treatises on Prelacy with the exquisite lines on ecclesiastical architecture and music in the Penseroso, which was published about the same time, will understand our meaning.
In short, the wisest plan is to make a show of commerce and intercourse, and thus gain time to equip the country with a knowledge of naval architecture and warfare.
His residence at Rokuhara was a magnificent pile of building, as architecture then went, standing in a park of great extent and beauty.
The style of architecture adopted in temples was a mixture of the Chinese and the Indian.
The old canons of Shinto templearchitecture had some influence even in this city built on a Chinese model.
This principle of cleanliness found expression in the architecture of Shinto shrines; plain white wood was everywhere employed and ornamentation of every kind eschewed.
Military residences, however, developed some special features, though, in general, their architecture was of the simplest character.
Experts in every line made their appearance, and many masterpieces of architecture and sculpture enriched the era.
The architecture of the new city was in general very simple and unpretentious.
Architecture made notable progress owing to the construction of numerous massive and magnificent temples and pagodas.
There is no mention in either the Chronicles or the Records of any marked change in the matter of marine architecture during all these years.
The Gothic made its first grand essay in the holy time of St. Francis of Assisi, and this became the chosen order of the Franciscans, as the Basilican was of the Benedictines, and the mixed architecture of a later date of the Jesuits.
In decoration, we have crude, unmeaning imitations of Moorish tracery, weak in imagery of form and symbolism, without those glowing contrasts and harmonies of colors which are to architecture as rhythm to poetry of sound.
And without travelling into the region of other arts, we find among the adjuncts of architecturesufficient proof of degeneracy.
Of course, like all arts, especially those of a more directly spiritual tendency, architecture has suffered from caricatures, sometimes hostile, sometimes blunderingly friendly.
Its buildings are the only palaces known in England, and excel in nobility of architecture every modern public erection and almost every private residence.
A bolder fancy produced the edifices, constructed at first on the style of the basilicas, and then modified into that order of architecture which from its planes or arches was called Roman or Lombard, and finally Gothic.
On the other hand, here is what the shocked vision of a modern artist has suggested to the author of the Gothic Revival: “Mr. Ruskin looked around him at the modern architecture of England .
Large, upright slabs of stone have been used by the pueblo builders in many ways, sometimes incorporated into the architecture of the houses, and again in detached positions at some distance from the villages.
The present study of the architecture of Tusayan and Cibola embraces all of the inhabited pueblos of those provinces, and includes a number of the ruins traditionally connected with them.
This close correspondence in form between the architecture and its immediate surroundings is greatly heightened by the similarity in color.
Its character and relation to the architecture may be seen in Pl.
Indications of some of the steps of this development are traceable even in the architecture of the present day.
The adaptation, of this architecture to the peculiar environment indicates that it has long been practiced under the same conditions that now prevail.
Accompanying and expressing these social changes we find corresponding changes in architecture and decoration.
The architecture will determine placement of furniture to a considerable extent.
Architecture may well be placed as the most important of the Arts.
Perhaps a few words about thearchitecture of the little dog might not come amiss.
It is so exquisite in its architecture and its ornamentation that one may believe the story that it was designed by a poet and constructed by a jeweler.