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Example sentences for "hardly know"

  • I hardly know how I came to think of the circular staircase and the unguarded door at its foot.

  • I hardly know what I feared, but it was a relief to find him there, very sound asleep, and with his door unlocked.

  • Anyhow, we have now one veiled lady, who, with the ghostly intruder of Friday night, makes two assets that I hardly know what to do with.

  • You are so violent," she said, "and so unlike yourself, that I hardly know you.

  • I hardly know how it happened, but I stole into Magdalen's room, just as I used to steal into it years and years ago, when we were children.

  • I hardly know how I can tell her of it at all.

  • Well," I used to answer, "I hardly know how I do it, upon my life.

  • I hardly know which is myself and which the butcher, we are always in such a tangle and tussle, knocking about upon the trodden grass.

  • We had better make no unnecessary disturbance.

  • You had better subscribe alone," he replied, still without manifest provocation.

  • To tell the truth, I hardly know," I said.

  • I hardly know anything at all about her yet.

  • What answer I returned to Tom I hardly know.

  • Somehow or other, I hardly know how, I find myself in the Church.

  • I hardly know how I can refuse him, if he requires it.

  • I hardly know, madam; there is my cottage; it is but a poor place, and not fit for one like you.

  • I have a bill owing me for work done at Arnwood, and I have no chance of its being paid now; so, whether I am to sell the sword, or what to do, I hardly know.

  • I hardly know; my idea was to let him remain there for a day or two, and then send to Oswald to let him know where the fellow was.

  • I hardly know; I fail utterly to understand you of late; you seem an entirely different girl.

  • Almost like a dream of fancy, and I hardly know how to put the situation into words.

  • Say, that looks good; I didn't hardly know but I was dead, it was so black.

  • Of these alternatives, I hardly know which to choose.

  • I was so uneasy, or so reckless--I hardly know which--that I no longer left it to be merely inferred that I had resolved to propose marriage to her.

  • After hesitating a little--I hardly know why--I summoned my resolution, and broke the seal.

  • I hardly know how to advise you, Allan," he said.

  • I hardly know how to put it," he replied.

  • There is no ground on which I could ask for any favour from the bishop, whom, indeed, I hardly know.

  • I hardly know whether or no we do lead more confidently than our fathers did on those high hopes to which we profess to aspire.

  • I know enough of the law to regulate my little concerns with propriety, nor do I dread its power; these are the grand outlines of my situation, but as I can feel much more than I am able to express, I hardly know how to proceed.

  • But now these pleasing expectations are gone, we must abandon the accumulated industry of nineteen years, we must fly we hardly know whither, through the most impervious paths, and become members of a new and strange community.

  • I've so much to tell you that I hardly know where to begin.

  • Adieu, dearest Mary, I have such a craving to see you again that I hardly know how I shall keep myself within bounds on this side of the Channel.

  • I--I hardly know why, but--but I would rather have you think well of me.

  • If all you tell me now is true, Lieutenant Galesworth, I hardly know how I dare look you in the face.

  • Well, I do; I happened to see that myself, though I hardly know how.

  • I--I hardly know," confused by this direct question, and the flash of her eyes.

  • I hardly know how--I felt wounded and sore, as I knew he was feeling, and, would feel all the rest of his life.

  • There's something special about this place, I hardly know what, but you'll know.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hardly know" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    afterwards found; bacterial and protozoal diarrhea; chemical change; crush them; earthen vessel; good estate; hardly ever; hardly fair; hardly knew; hardly know; hardly knowing; hardly less; hardly more; hardly need; hardly possible; hardly think; hardly worth; modern knowledge; national life; public work; smile upon; spring back; time coming; used against; whose acquaintance; written constitution