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Example sentences for "conclude that"

  • As this is the only crime in which your leading politicians could have acted inconsistently, I conclude that there is no sort of ground for these horrid insinuations.

  • We conclude that to be good from whence good is derived.

  • From its general aspect one would conclude that it had been for some time past under the special direction of the learned academicians of Laputa and Balnibarbi.

  • And we conclude that he further resembles them in the attribute mortality.

  • In other words, Induction is the process by which we conclude that what is true of certain individuals of a class is true of the whole class, or that what is true at certain times will be true in similar circumstances at all times.

  • Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law" (Rom 3:28).

  • Any man that understandeth this will conclude that to be saved is no small thing.

  • You did not mention anything about your Family, so I conclude that all is well with them, both in England and America.

  • I heard from Mowbray Donne some little while ago; as he said nothing (I think) of his Father, I conclude that there is nothing worse of him to be said.

  • Is it because that is his opinion, and are we to conclude that he is therefore person of genius?

  • I weighed Sara's reasons, and they seemed to me to be merely frivolous, which drove me to conclude that my caresses had displeased her.

  • You will not, from this, conclude that I have become passive, or disposed to submit tamely to the machinations of a banditti.

  • Therefore, although it is true that, so far as human science can penetrate or human thought infer, we can perceive no evidence of God, yet we have no right on this account to conclude that there is no God.

  • Inexorable logic has forced us to conclude that, viewing the question as to the existence of a God only by the light which modern science has shed upon it, there no longer appears to be any semblance of an argument in its favour.

  • We shall thus be led, unless warned by a rigorous analysis, to conclude that a curve always has a tangent.

  • We see that experience plays an indispensable rôle in the genesis of geometry; but it would be an error thence to conclude that geometry is, even in part, an experimental science.

  • One might be tempted to conclude that it is experience which has taught us how many dimensions space has.

  • Hence we conclude that there is no injunction to study the Purva Mimamsa as a means of knowing the sense of the Veda.

  • Hence we conclude that it is not befitting for God to create the world.

  • Or he is known to have violated the laws of the conscience from day to day, and in a great variety of transactions; and hence we conclude that he has formed for himself a fixed purpose of doing wrong.

  • He is known to have submitted himself from day to day, and in a great variety of transactions, to the laws of the conscience; and hence we conclude that he has formed for himself a fixed purpose of doing right.

  • We are forced, therefore, to conclude that he actually lacked faith in success, and regarded the crossing of the Potomac as too perilous until he should reorganize the army with the additional hundred thousand recruits.

  • If we find a greater frequency of coincidence than this, we conclude that there is some connection; if a less frequency, that there is some repugnance.

  • I conclude that I want a coat, and I order one of my tailor; he believes that I will pay for it, he wants the money, and he makes the coat; his man desires to earn his wages and he delivers it.

  • If we conclude that we are in a world in which God is revealed, if the orderliness of it is but another name for Divine Providence, we can scarcely feel the same as we would if we discovered in the world nothing of the Divine.

  • We may, then, conclude that we are directly conscious of more than the present, in the sense in which Augustine used the word.

  • Elpenor and Porcellus) the oblique stripes disappear when the ocelli reach complete development, and we may therefore venture to conclude that in these cases the former appeared earlier in the phylogeny.

  • From this fact we may venture to conclude that Porcellus is the younger species, or, what comes to the same thing, that it has further advanced in development.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conclude that" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    blue flowers; breeze sprang; conclude peace; conclude that; conclude then; concluded that; extreme cases; flying machines; foot pounds; ignominious death; improved methods; laid siege; less frequently; make things; moral conduct; other instances; own way; preceding chapter; pressed down; public morals; salted water; shaped tube; subsequently learned; summer residence; unsuccessful attack