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Example sentences for "dressing"

Lexicographically close words:
dresse; dressed; dresser; dressers; dresses; dressings; dressmaker; dressmakers; dressmaking; dressy
  1. The girls were dressing for the ballet and already one of them was in condition to get into her symmetricals.

  2. Later they would be hauled away to assist in the winter dressing of the fallows; now they beat helplessly against the retarding rails like a vanquished army of invasion.

  3. Amelia Battle had placed a bowl of tea-roses upon the dressing table and gone graciously down to the avenue to welcome her guest.

  4. Her eyes followed it when it was carried about the room, and she watched wistfully the dressing and undressing of the round little body.

  5. What was it in that salad dressing that gave such a palatable flavor?

  6. The clothing in the kitchen was dry, and soon the girls were dressing and, at the same time, talking excitedly of the fire.

  7. While the Captain spoke, the scouts finished their hurried dressing and now followed her out to the lawn in front of the large house.

  8. He found the cord still tied to his big toe and at first imagined his prisoner was safe in the dressing room.

  9. Adjoining each sleeping room was a marble bath, and each Princess had a separate boudoir and a dressing room.

  10. As Trot looked at him she was surprised to see that he had one foot out of bed and that to his big toe was tied a cord that led out of the bedchamber into a small dressing room beyond.

  11. Trot slowly followed this cord and in the dressing room came upon Cap'n Bill, who was lying asleep upon a lounge and snoring with great vigor.

  12. She moved toward the door leading to her dressing room--to pause again.

  13. In her dressing gown she sat before her fire and listened to the murmur of voices in the drawing room, from which she had been banished.

  14. Camilla stood before the cheval glass in her dressing room (Recamier) trying on, with the assistance of her maid and a modiste, a fetching hat and afternoon costume.

  15. At half-past six he was dressing carefully in the intervals between packing a suit case and 'phoning to a legal friend of his, Dick Wetherall, about a minister and a license.

  16. It was hard work for Charley and Hubert to obey orders, for the ship rolled so tremendously that they could only proceed with their dressing by fits and starts, and were more than once interrupted by attacks of their weary seasickness.

  17. Many of the Gauchos take up their abode permanently with the Indians, being adopted as members of the tribe, and living and dressing like the Indians themselves.

  18. This watch I found in the pitcher is an old one, and it was lying on his dressing table last night.

  19. One maid told me another maid had told her so, but Fenn came along and gave the girl a dressing down, and she won't open her lips now.

  20. I threw off my coat and put on a dressing gown, for the lake breezes were chill, and sat at a window for a final smoke.

  21. No dressing is necessary save attention to cleanliness.

  22. If the pruritus is a result of the burrowing of the itch insect, any wash, ointment, or dressing that evolves sulphuretted hydrogen will rapidly bring relief.

  23. Adhesion taking place after four days, the cyst was opened, a liter of fluid evacuated, a tent inserted, and an antiseptic dressing applied.

  24. Crequy[41] has had success with a dressing of charpie saturated in a solution of hydrate of chloral.

  25. Sweetbread boiled in milk, without dressing of any kind, is well suited for a beginning of animal diet.

  26. The Lieutenants take posts in front of center of their Platoons at Captain's command for dressing his Company on the line.

  27. The Chief Medical Officer will establish his dressing stations in the Butts of the rifle range and in ravine on O'Connell's Farm.

  28. Instructions for trains--also the positions of ammunition and dressing stations.

  29. Dressing stations have been established in the Butts of the rifle range and in ravine on O'Connell's Farm.

  30. To send dead and wounded to dressing station trenches.

  31. It was very probable that it was because she was dressing for this visit that Nancy Ellen decided on Kate's enlightenment, for she could not have helped seeing that her sister was almost stunned at times.

  32. That far she proceeded stoically; but when night settled and she stood in her dressing jacket brushing her hair, something gave way.

  33. She had made some study of child psychology, she thought making the trip alone was of so much importance to Adam that he was dressing for the occasion.

  34. She came to me while she was dressing asking me to lend her my pearl comb; she had just broken one of the teeth of her own.

  35. Scott finished dressing the arm, giving the patient sundry cautions meanwhile; and I got up to leave.

  36. She meant to come down to dinner then and was dressing for it: she had no thought of going out.

  37. While the young ladies were dressing for dinner, she entered the drawing-room to attend to the fire, and found it very low.

  38. These rooms may have been the homes of the priests, or dressing rooms for them.

  39. Its walls are too extensive; the work of dressing the stones too great.

  40. Then she collapsed in her unbuttoned dressing gown, tears once more gushing from her red and swollen eyes.

  41. They had driven out of town early, and if they drove back late they would not be seen, as all the cacklers were sure then to be dressing for dinner, and he would not pass the Clubs.

  42. Yes, she has the secret of dressing well--in the French style.

  43. Susanna--I was dressing as well as I could--with the aid of pins, and Madame knew why she forbade me to answer.

  44. We received every day some bread and a ration of rice; but as we had no means of dressing food, we were in reality reduced to dry bread.

  45. I saw and heard a lot of such rubbishy singing and dressing when I was in London.

  46. An admission which fairly bubbled out of him when he learned that Harry had assisted Teackle in dressing his wound.

  47. Father walked into the club five minutes ago, looked me square in the face, and cut me dead; and he insulted Uncle George too, who gave him the greatest dressing down you ever heard in your life.

  48. He had reached his cabin, and was dressing his face with salve and soda.

  49. Old ranchers living on the bald-headed a few years ago find themselves today the owners of city property worth millions, and are dressing uncomfortably, in keeping with their wealth, or vainly trying to drink up the surplus.

  50. New sod should be put down wherever the grass is poor or worn, and if fitted snugly in place, new seed sown, and a good top-dressing of manure supplied, the court should be in fine condition by playing time.

  51. The game is one that is best played in summer in semi-negligee attire, and if the courts are within a reasonable distance of the house there will be no necessity for lockers and dressing rooms.

  52. Being a general favourite, we, myself and partners, took turns nursing him, dressing his wounds and cheering him up as well as we could.

  53. On the Staked Plains of New Mexico the Mexicans approach them by dressing themselves up in any ridiculous sort of fashion, so as least to resemble a human being.

  54. It was formerly solely a by-product of chamois leather manufacture, but is now made for its own sake, being valuable as a dressing for hides.

  55. She may have more than one reason for dressing in that manner, and passing as the husband of the woman Watson, and I wish it was in my power to imprison her.

  56. She may be a disorderly and disreputable character, which, in fact, her dressing as a man clearly shows, but I know of no law to punish her for wearing male attire.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dressing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dressing gown; dressing made; dressing room; dressing station