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Example sentences for "swim"

Lexicographically close words:
swile; swiles; swill; swilled; swilling; swiming; swimme; swimmer; swimmers; swimming
  1. Then he said again, "It's easy to swim across--come on!

  2. He called to her, with a bark, to "Jump in and swim across.

  3. It is so easy that I can swim across and carry you, too," thought Ponto, and then he plunged into the water again.

  4. His idea was to swim the Euphrates at the northern extremity of the bend, from which the tell of Tukulti-Ninip was about a march distant.

  5. He scraped some of the mire from his clothes, wrung out the water, and set off while daylight lasted to find a way around the swamp: to swim again through that foul expanse was more than he could face.

  6. In eluding them he had lost touch with the messenger who had hitherto accompanied him; his horse had foundered, and the only course then open to him was to swim the Euphrates on a skin.

  7. The natives, however, could swim like fish, and while numbers made vain attempts to clamber aboard the brigantines, others swam to their comrades or turned for the long swim home.

  8. I could not swim so rapidly now, for a large part of my effort was devoted to keeping track of him.

  9. Dorothea could swim and dive; Jennie had curly hair.

  10. Swim for the schooner, master," he said, and he spoke gayly, as though the affair was a mere lark.

  11. I abandoned the canoe and started to swim toward the schooner, expecting to be picked up by the boat before I got there.

  12. The very thought of the effort to swim over was nauseating.

  13. Ducks do very well without water to swim in, if they have all they need to drink.

  14. Good heavens," ejaculated Malcolm, "the man overboard can't swim a stroke!

  15. Suppose we swim out to the nearest of those boats?

  16. Like most of his comrades, Malcolm Carr was under the impression that he would soon have to swim for it, unless he was one of the lucky ones to get told off to the boats.

  17. I'll swim to the life-buoy and bring it back.

  18. The world began to swim before his eyes; the cries of the girl to sound in the distance.

  19. The room began to swim around him, but with his hands kneading into the old sofa he warded off unconsciousness.

  20. The mud-turtle kin swim and keep his chin out of water ef he wants to but he don't care ef he does sink.

  21. Frogs kin swim better'n little boys, and they don't haf to hold their nose when they dive, neither.

  22. As Persius says, ‘It all seems to swim and melt in the mouth!

  23. Sometimes he would take a long swim in the cold lake; sometimes he would fish with a purple line and a golden hook, though he caught fewer fish in a morning than Britannicus would catch in an hour.

  24. I could not swim the sea, nor yet fly in the air, but there was always Andie.

  25. The current was so strong that Lieutenant Weston’s party were unable to effect a landing, but were swept down the river nearly two miles, and then forced to abandon the raft and swim to shore.

  26. When young Master Caddis-Worm goes out for a swim or a walk it pushes its six legs out-of-doors, and walks along, carrying its house with it.

  27. If he had known what that swim was to mean to him, probably he would not have been so anxious.

  28. I don't, for the life of me, understand how a fellow who can swim as well as he, could drown.

  29. To swim out in that water would be the death of you.

  30. You made me swim in the cold lake, so I think I will give you a dose of the same medicine.

  31. For you know to swim you must first not be a bit afraid of the water, for it can't hurt you.

  32. Come on, Uncle Wiggily, have a swim with me.

  33. But I'll jump in, grab him and swim out with him," said the dog.

  34. What it was I'll relate to you almost immediately, when, in case a little girl named Elizabeth learns how to swim by standing on one toe and holding a red balloon under water, I'll tell you about Uncle Wiggily and the cowbird.

  35. The men were so dismayed at the appearance of the enemy's ship that some of them had proposed to jump overboard on the way off, and swim ashore--one actually did so.

  36. The rooms are awfully hot, steam heated up to about 75, and it makes your head swim after a while.

  37. If we run in close to the coast, we'll jump overboard, and swim for it," said Juarez.

  38. Then you will have to swim for your home," remarked Juarez.

  39. But the barque was raised all and whole, and after a good swim Ransey and Bob returned to the bank.

  40. In their boats the unwounded try to reach the shore; but the rifles play on these, and they are quickly abandoned, for the Somalis can swim like eels.

  41. I had a negro, a very proper young fellow, who leaping out of the galley to swim in the mouth of this river, was in all our sights taken and devoured with one of those lagartos.

  42. They found that injury to these structures brought lack of equilibrium and inability to walk, swim or fly in a straight course.

  43. As to swimming, the theory is sometimes advanced that this too is a natural form of locomotion for man, and that, consequently, any one thrown into deep water will swim by instinct.

  44. There is a storm about to break, Baas, and who will see you swim the stream in the storm and the night?

  45. I suppose that swim took me about a quarter-of-an-hour, for I went slowly to save my strength, although the crocodiles suggested haste.

  46. As soon as it was quite dark I would swim the water, holding the little rifle, Intombi, above my head, and try to steal the canoe.

  47. Here we swim on the treacherous sea, while our men lie in drunken stupor.

  48. The dragons swim the salt waves; they fall upon Frank Land, ravening with fangs of steel and with flaming breath.

  49. Being thus roused, I next went for a swim in the lake, which was stony and cold and altogether invigorating.

  50. In camp at Altona, after swim and retreat and supper, writing while crouched in the pup tent for shelter from a shower that has just spoiled the afternoon's conference.

  51. It is at night and at the swim that stockings are changed.

  52. In going from Independence to Fort Leavenworth, I had to swim Milk Creek, and sleep all night in a Shawnee camp.

  53. Captain Sutter always contended, however, that no town could possibly exist on the immediate bank of the river, because the spring freshets rose over the bank, and frequently it was necessary to swim a horse to reach the boat-landing.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "swim" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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