William de Mara appears also to have written in favour of a strict observance of [thorn]e Rule of St. Francis.
Jerome mentions its observance in his day at the funeral of the famous Lady Paula.
In a subterranean chapel in the Catacomb of Marcellinus and Peter is an exceedingly interesting representation 546 of the observance of this custom, shown in the following engraving.
When Sabbath observance is again discussed, his enemies have resolved to push matters to extremity.
Thus Jesus abolished the superstition that grace may be had by a mechanical observance of a prescribed regimen at an appointed time.
And His disciples were blameless also, upon the same principle, that the larger obligation overruled the lesser, that all ceremonial observance gave way to human need, that mercy is a better thing than sacrifice.
They, too, on their part, must, in order to enjoy these privileges, give proof of the strict observance of the duties incumbent on them.
But by the time she had read to the end of the one that recommended the observance of the law, the door was opening, and doubling up the papers she stood expectant.
Already handbills were in circulation; some presenting, in large print, the alternative of justice on the conspirators or ruin to the Republic; others in equally large print urging the observance of the law and the granting of the Appeal.
The king sometimes exerted a power of suspending the observance of statutes, as in the ninth of Richard II.
The condition of slavery is indeed perfectly consistent with the observance of moral obligations; yet reason and experience will justify the sentence of Homer, that he who loses his liberty loses half his virtue.
This certainly is of more consequence than that the same sums should be collected to be afterwards spent by riotous and profligate courtiers, and in nightly revels at the Star and Garter tavern, Pall Mall.
I have shewn in that work, that the taxes may be reduced at least six millions, and even then the expences of Government in England would be twenty times greater than they are in the country I have already spoken of.
Whereas the boast of the system of government that I am speaking of, is not how much, but how little.
He was certainly silent during the drive; that shewed him displeased; but every movement was calm as ordinary; his care of Eleanor was the same, in its mixture of gentle observance and authority.
She had given him leave to love her; and now it seemed that his love demanded of her all she had, if it was not all he wanted; duty and observance and her own sweet self, if not her heart's absorbing affection.
Viewed in this light, how devoid of the virtue are some who pride themselves on a strict observance of all its rules!
Illustration] Veracity, or the habitual observance of truth, is a bright and shining quality on the part of any one who strives to make the most of life's possibilities.
Distinctions of this kind are of considerable importance in a practical point of view, and their observance or neglect is noticed with scrupulous exactness by the Indians.
This is one of the leading traits of the grammar of the language, upon the observance of which the best speakers pride themselves.
Once made it was found easier and more suitable to continue it, and the observancecame to be religious.
Victuals were to be sold at a reasonable rate, and an oath to the observance of these provisions was to be taken by fifty of the chief burgesses, and to be annually renewed at the discretion of the bishop.
Rules are also given for the observance of the barbers' annual holiday and the election of their master.
The Masters also complained of the non-observance of the Sabbath and of the iniquitous system of Indulgences.
His liberty was almost completely unrestricted, except as to the wearing of academic dress, the attendance of lectures and the observance of the curfew bell.
Though Oriel produced Bishop Butler, for Oxford was still the home of genius as well as of abuses, the observance of religion dwindled down to a roll-call.
He helped her with a delicate kind of observance which was not like most boys of sixteen, and which Daisy fully relished.
I'm right along with the Governor, neck and neck, in his observance of the letter of the law.
These latter appertaining qualifications were interesting enough, but his undeviating observance of the mill rule of the Morrisons of St. Ronan's served more effectively to point the matter of his character.
He wished the aristocracy to set the people an example of all the virtues which had made Rome so great in peace and war: religious piety, simplicity of customs, frugality, family purity, and rigid observance of all the laws.
After a long season of slumber, the governor resolved to enforce the observance of the Sabbath, which had been commonly spent in "abominable dissipation.
Thus it was intended to "combine, as far as possible, the advantage of a strict observance of a general rule, and a harmony between the judges and the legislature.
I don't know that anything could give a clearer idea of the quieting and subduing effect of the old habit of observance of what was considered holy time, than this strange, childish fancy.
To deny that good effects may happen from the observance of diet and regimen when prescribed by Homoeopathists as well as by others, would be very unfair to them.
Knowledge and observance of the fitness of things in social intercourse.
He proceeds to give reasons which show it to be inexpedient to continue theobservance of the rite.
These last considerations prevailed on me to defer my application to Shunah Shoo, until the suspicions regarding my faith had either died away, or been falsified by my scrupulous observance of all religious duties.
But they make amends for this irregularity, by a very strict and punctilious observance of festivals, which are regulated by the motions of the sun, at whose rising and setting they have their appropriate ceremonies.
For it is no small stimulus to our education of them in the serious fear of God, and the observance of His law, to reflect, that they are considered and acknowledged by Him as His children as soon as they are born.
Conduct to him meant the imitation of Christ and the observance of the Sermon on the Mount.
I found that so much stronger were they that where possible the observance of the faith had been altered to suit him, that where the rigidity of the creed forbade, he simply put the creed aside--as with prayer.
Still, there is sometimes an interest, if but a negative one, in the history of an observance or belief.
In every walk of life it is assumed that, subject to the special etiquette of that trade or profession and to the observance of what is considered honourable conduct therein, every man's actions are governed by self-interest alone.
Of such is the history of the observance of Sunday, or the Sabbath, in England and Scotland.
It is useful sometimes to trace an observance back, if only to show that the reason generally given for its retention is not and cannot be the real one.
It is borne in upon an observer, especially an observer who has been long enough away from Europe to become depolarised, to what an enormous extent the observance of religious duty in Europe among Christian nations is due to women.
The observance of the Sabbath arose not from a religious command transmitted by Moses, but as the result of observation and custom thousands of years before, that a day of rest was needed for man.
In England the feeling has been tempered, but among the Scotch, who are in so many ways like the old Jews, it took root, it flourished, and it is the Jewish Sabbath both in name and observance that we see now there.
Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the observance of the commandments of God.
So as they passed through the cities, they delivered to them for their observance the ordinances decreed by the apostles and presbyters that were at Jerusalem.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "observance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.