If we are to believe that beauty unadorned is adorned the most, I may certainly flatter myself I shall be the best dressed woman in the room.
I could see his coat was padded; and he has adorned his head with a very sleek brown wig.
He was welcomed heartily by the burghers of the towns through which he passed, and conducted to a special pulpit erected in the market-place, adornedwith rich hangings and a gigantic crucifix.
No one had ever seen such a wealth of gold and jewels as that which adorned the winsome Spanish Queen.
The chƒtelaine meant originally the chain on which the lady of the house wore her keys; therefore its early association of usefulness remains: it is not luxurious in intention, however much modern fashion may have adorned it.
Her path is often strewed with flowers from the church to her own door, and it is, metaphorically, so adorned during the first few weeks of married life.
There was a great rage on just then for earrings, and they were going to take advantage of being in the boulevard to have each of my ears adorned with a little gold ring.
The pere quickly saw what passed in my mind, and endeavoured to depict the life of the monastery as a delicious existence, embellished by all the graces of literature, and adorned by the pleasures of intellectual converse.
Who art adornedwith the brilliancy of sparkling stones, ornament of heaven.
Moreover, because she greatly loved to honour duly the House of God and the place where His glory dwells, she adorned the church with crosses, reliquaries, precious stones, vestments and books.
Neither shall they, nor monks nor regular canons, wear belts of silk, or adorned with gold or silver, nor henceforth use burnet or any other unlawful cloth.
With the chapel she enclosed a large place, which was adorned on the north side with pleasant vines and trees.
There is also in the abbey a fair cloister, with crystal pillars, adorned with green jasper and red coral.
The Catholic adorned the cathedral with painting and statue--not the Protestant.
A volume in the Manuscript Department of the British Museum, containing English and Italian songs with music, is bound in dark blue morocco, with unusually good corners, and the field adorned with large and beautiful stars.
Being the villa to which he most frequently resorted, he had improved and adorned it beyond all his other mansions, and rendered its internal elegance suitable to its majestic situation.
In the former volume of this work, I had traced the progress of the language of the Romans, and treated of the different poets by whom it was adorned till the era of Augustus.
This oration is adorned with all the charms of eloquence, and proves, that in the decline of life Cicero had not lost one spark of the fire and spirit which animated his earlier productions.
The other sides of the square were adorned with basilicae, and piazzas terminated by triumphal arches; and were bordered with statues, erected to the memory of the ancient heroes or preservers of their country(310).
Gardens and spacious porticos, which he adorned with all the elegance of painting and sculpture, made the Romans ashamed of their ancient rustic simplicity.
There is no history so distinguished and adorned as the Roman, by illustrious characters; and the circumstances which it records produced the greatest as well as most permanent empire that ever existed on earth.
The walls are crowded with gigantic figures of men and women, engaged in various actions, and portrayed in various whimsical attitudes; and they are adorned with several evident symbols of the religion now prevailing in India.
The music went from the sacred to the secular; and Ethel owned that the perfectly pronounced words and admirable taste made her singing very different from that which adornedmost dinner-parties.
In no time the hall was ready, a very high hall adorned with Venetian velvets, with pearls for tassels, with golden designs, and thirty-two circles on both sides of the window high above.
Up high at the window the tsarevna was sitting, adorned with precious stones, clad in velvet and pearls.
It was adorned all about with pretty figures, with towns and fortresses on each side, and within it was white as snow and light as a feather.
The old man crawled into his left ear, washed and adorned himself, and jumped out of his right ear as a young, brave fellow never seen before.
It was adorned with carvings and decorations of the finest workmanship, and elaborately gilded.
She adorned her palaces, built magnificent barges for pleasure excursions on the Nile, and expended enormous sums for dress, for equipages, and for sumptuous entertainments.
They lived in hamlets of wretched huts along the banks of the river, in order that the capital might be splendidly adorned with temples and palaces.
Next morning early she went down into the market and bought mighty fine furniture and ten suits of the richest raiment in the city, and clad the young wife and adorned her with everything seemiy.
Julia raised her left hand, and gazing on a beautiful ring that adorned one of her white and taper fingers, pressed it repeatedly to her lips.
St. Eustache paced the room to and fro, occasionally raising his eyes to contemplate the rich gilded ceiling, the paintings and statuettes, which adorned the salon.
The Emperor Maximilian is there represented on his Knees upon a Cushion, with his Hands lifted up to Heaven, and as it were prostrate in Prayer: He is adorned with the Crown, and the Imperial Dalmatic.
This Palace is accompanied with Gardens finely adorned with Fountains and Statues; and there are several Orange-Trees planted in the Ground, which are cover'd up in the Winter in a wooden Box.
This beautiful House is surrounded with fine Pieces of Water adorned with Cascades and Statues.
There is an Apartment consisting of several Pieces adornedwith Stucco, and Pictures representing Venus in the Bath, Diana in the Water with her Nymphs, and the other Subjects of the Fable.
They have lately caused a Church to be built, which is one of the best adorned that I have seen out of Italy.
There is a great Concourse of People hither from all Parts to invoke this Saint, whose Tomb is loaded with precious Gifts, and adorned by the Empress with a rich Canopy.
Pat Hern was a man of jovial disposition and genial wit, and would have adorned a better position.
His person was handsome, and his open manly countenance was adorned with bushy locks, which in old age, becoming snowy white, imparted to him a singularly venerable aspect.
In old age, she retained much of the buoyant vivacity of youth, and her whole life was adorned by the most exemplary piety.
For a period of nine years his muse was silent; at length, in 1806, he appeared in the Scots Magazine as the contributor of some of the best verses which had ever adorned the pages of that periodical.
A small, high-ceilinged room, the walls hung with white and gold paperhangings, and adorned with perfect gems of art.
For Cherrie had stopped before a little farmhouse, garnished with a potato garden in front, and adorned with numerous pigsties on either hand.
The pavilion, which was of silver lace or filagree woven in the most exquisite patterns, was a hundred or more feet in circumference, and adorned with open arches and columns on its several sides.
These spacious alcoves were each furnished with a domed skylight, adorned with hanging tassels and glittering ornaments.
In grace, in design, and in historic accuracy, it excels most other schools; chiefly resulting from the great learning that always adornedthis city, and invariably gave a bias to the erudition of her artists.
In the cathedral of Pistoia there still remains a large silver palliotto, adorned in places with plates, on which are figured images in niello, and little scripture histories.
A small harbor, with several boats at anchor in it, opened on the water's edge, and a great flight of marble steps led up to a terraced garden, adorned with fountains and groups of statuary.