Food habits and economic relations of the turtles of Michigan with special reference to fish management.
Notes on the American soft-shell turtles, with special reference to Amyda agassizii.
Stejneger's reference to MCZ 1910 as the type is considered unintentional and an inadequate designation of a lectotype.
This name is also used in reference to the Central American river turtle, Dermatemys mawei, which occurs on the east coast of Mexico as far north as Veracruz.
Localities within a county are arranged alphabetically by author; the appropriate reference may follow several localities.
Observations on the life history of the soft-shelled turtle Trionyx ferox, with especial reference to growth.
They assured me that my reference was perfectly satisfactory, and they would be glad to sell me all the goods I needed in their line, and thereupon sold me the first bill of goods I purchased from the manufacturers.
This statement was perhaps correct enough, with the exception of its reference to our dodging over into Michigan, as though we did it to evade the Indiana laws.
He evinced great interest in my affairs by wanting to talk continually with reference to my business, and would converse about nothing else the whole evening.
Trypanosomes and Trypanosomiasis, with Special Reference to Surra in the Philippine Islands.
Verjbitski), "Observations on the Bionomics of Fleas with Special Reference to P.
On the Bionomics of Certain Calyptrate Mucidæ and Their Economic Significance with Especial Referenceto Flies Inhabiting Houses.
Special reference to the house-fly and typhoid fever.
Yes; and so inveterate is this belief amongst a vast majority of the members of the Church of England, that they will resent, as a personal insult, any reference to the possibility of their labouring under a delusion.
Do you enforce it by a reference to its own loveliness, and its tendency to promote personal and relative happiness?
He enjoined obedience to the law of God, instead of leaving the principle of grace to produce it, without any reference to obligation.
They, I have no doubt, will say that the mind of a dying patient ought to be kept in a state of great composure; and concluding that religion will agitate and alarm, they forbid all reference to it.
But the point of difference which struck me most forcibly, was their constant reference to the absolute necessity of a supernatural renovation of the soul, and the infusion of a new and spiritual life.
General Sherman was exceedingly particular with referenceto financial affairs.
Reference was made to the horrors of war and the difficult position of a commander who has to order an assault which he knows will lead to great sacrifice of life.
Reference has already been made to Sherman's dislike of politics.
Reference being made to his Russian visit, he related an account of a grand reception which he attended in St. Petersburg, where he was introduced to two charming ladies who spoke English, and invited him to call at their residence.
To the vital requirements of this Plan, at so critical a juncture, both in the fortunes of mankind in general, and of the Plan itself, to which detailed reference has been made in a previous communication, I need not again refer.
The Scriptures were found to abound in reference to this most precious of the human virtues.
Upon leaving, she gave Mamma Finkelstein express and explicit commands regarding the conduct of her home, speaking with especial reference to fresh air, ablutions and diet.
Speaking with particular reference to the case in hand I must respectfully but nevertheless firmly take issue with the late Hood.
That place is due to its lyric, construing that term in a wide sense such as that (but indeed a little wider) in which it has been already used with reference to the kindred and nearly contemporary lyric of France proper.
It may be desirable, as it was inreference to Charlemagne, to say a few words as to Arthur himself.
Footnote 161: It is almost superfluous to insert, but would be disagreeable to omit, a reference to the Sturlunga Saga (2 vols.
But there is much less reference than in the Arthurian romances, not merely to the mysteries of the Creed, but even to the simple facts of the birth and death of Christ.
This heroine exclaims in reference to her father, "He is an old devil, why do you not kill him?
Although the article made suitable reference to myself and my enterprise, it was devoted chiefly to a discussion of my tin-opening theory and was supplemented by a rather snarky statement signed by a physician declaring it to be nonsense.
His face was indeed sad as he rendered these woful ballads and yet his voice and manner were of the cheeriest, and I dare say he sang withoutreference to their real tragedy.
She took the reference lightly, affecting, as the sex will, to belittle any prized possession in the face of masculine praise.
L'Abbe Gainet, in another part of his work, draws attention to the worship of ancestors in China, and asks whether the idols of Laban had reference to more than some such secondary objects?
Voltairean prejudices of the last century prevented reference "to the only primitive records worth studying--the early history of the Jews[22].
I think his actions have a secondary reference to the history of Noah.
Not only does the construction of the ark appear to imply the use of metals, but the reference to Tubalcain, "who was a hammerer and artificer in every work of brass and iron" (Gen.
This is said with reference to the "short Chinese account of it published by Klaproth," viz.
Neither Mr Max Mueller nor Mr Kelly discuss the point with reference to the view suggested above.
With reference to this etymology vide my remark, p.
Lord Macaulay's opponent replies, "ought is not predicable of such persons; for the word ought has no meaning unless it be used in reference to some interest.
Reference has been made previously to the many instances in which the former has become pre-eminently the feeding, and the latter the breeding stage in the life-cycle.
It is the family of the plant-lice (Aphidae) that affords typical illustrations of that alternation of generations to which reference has been made.
The limits of this little book allow only slight reference to features of internal structure; we must be content, in the main, to deal with the outward form.
The dates in brackets after authors' names will facilitate reference to the Bibliography (pp.
This is shown not only by the possession of wings by a vast majority of the class, but by the mode of breathing to which reference has already been made (p.
Reference has already been made to insects of various orders in which one sex is wingless, the Vapourer Moth (p.
Only generally, from the languishing look of the young lady, and the care you have taken to present a very handsome leg on the part of the gentleman, I presume there is some reference to a love affair between them.
Reading Charts, miscellaneous Reference Charts, Maps, Globes, Blackboards, and School Supplies at net prices singly or in quantity.
But with points of reference themselves thirty days apart, it is possible the two more nearly coincided than here appears.
We reach thus from the look of the lines and their location a most striking deduction, that the lines are not coeval with the main markings, but have come into being later and with reference to the general topography of the planet.
Reference to its longitude showed it to be the identical rift, seen again after all these years and the only one so far seen in the northern cap.
Having thus got its base the replica proceeds to parallel its own original canal without the least reference to the other canal whose own caret it has so cuckoo-wise appropriated.
Reference has already been made to the greatness of the Ionians as navigators, as colonizers and as traders.
In some cases it will be possible to give a reference to a more detailed treatment of particular monuments in these volumes under the heading of the places to which they belong.
What in referenceto tradition is even more important, a new consciousness of power was awakened, new interests were aroused, and new questions and problems came to the front.
With special reference to the Union see Castlereagh Correspondence; Cornwallis Correspondence; Westmorland Papers (Irish State Paper Office).
The only referenceto him in any ancient writer is incidental (Ovid, Ex Ponto, iv.
For reference to later geological literature, and discussion of the Basin Ranges, see J.
Professor Fagan has been making a survey of Pennsylvania with particular referenceto ascertaining what it has in nut trees.
Writers on pomology make little reference to this nut, but according to Mr. Fuller, nurserymen's catalogs listed hazel varieties all through the early part of the last century.
Membership in the society shall be open to all persons who desire to further nut culture, without reference to place of residence or nationality, subject to the rules and regulations of the committee on membership.
You are the man of all others I wish to see," cried the poet, glad to be saved the trouble of reference to his books.
Their utter blindness to the grand displays of immortality, which have long challenged attention, and their reference to every obscure and blind path for its search, remind one of Carlyle's expression in reference to Comte.
Because in Rome, which had been built for a martial destiny, every habit of life had reference to the usages of war.
In confirmation of this pleasing fact, he made a very striking statement in reference to the earliest work of antediluvian art.
The other remark has reference to the meaning of the word sudden.
That it is the meal (with reference to both Nos 1 and 2) in which animal food predominates.
I presume, therefore, that La Pacelle must have borne the baptismal names of Jeanne Jean; the latter with no reference to so sublime a person as St. John, but simply to some relative.
For the health of the cow as well as for the good quality of the milk the stable should be built with special reference to being kept clean.
If the quinine cannot be taken directly with reference to an expected chill, then it must be taken regularly, sometimes for months before the chills cease.
Having thus discussed the location of the house with reference to its surroundings, let us now more carefully examine the character of the soil or earth foundation on which the house shall be built.
The location of the windmill requires careful consideration in order that it may receive the prevailing winds in their full force and at the same time be properly located with reference to the well.
This does not mean, of course, that those parts of the body affected by the tuberculosis lesions shall be used, but, since these lesions are usually segregated, they can readily be cut out without reference to the rest of the body.
Hence the figure of a serpent may, and in fact has been, used with direct reference to every one of these, as could easily be shown.
The most ancient festivals have reference to the recurrence of the seasons, and the ceremonies which mark them represent the mythical transactions which are supposed to govern the yearly changes.
No one disputes this, except in reference to his own religion.
There are many Christians who suppose the saying: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away,” has reference to the words of the Old and New Testament.
It includes every statement in reference to the number, nature, history and character of supernatural beings.
Not for man’s behoof were created the greater and the lesser lights, not for his deeds will the sun grow dark or the stars fall, not with any reference to his pains or pleasure was this universe spread upon the night.
They have been selected with special referenceto unusual or improved features, such as modern cell houses, clinical laboratories, improved lighting, and sanitation.
This temperance lesson deals with the curse of strong drink in especial reference to its connection with the material success of the individual.
Proceed then with the talk until you reach the reference to the man with the sunny face.
They have besides other names, by-names, as it were, given them with reference to their occupation.
In some instances I have had reference to authors, and manuscript notes taken down upwards of seventy years since, by individuals well deserving of credit.
The conditions which govern the Indian's occupation of his Reserve are, probably, so well known, that any extended reference under this head will be needless.
Reference may be made to this excellent work for the historical proofs, even from Tauler, into which we are not able to enter; p.
Other objections which Luther makes he sets aside with the same facility by a reference to the thoughts he has developed above.
This circumstance, however, does not invalidate the reference to his own person, which is apparent from the whole context.
Scheel himself says withreference to the doctrine of justification in the Commentary: “Luther was unable to give to his new conception of Christianity any thorough dogmatic sequence (p.