It is by a stretch of ordinary usage that we apply the word imitation even to this last way of representing things; since words are no true likeness of, but only customary signs for, the thing they represent.
Modern usage has adopted the phrase "arts and crafts" as a convenient general name for their pursuits.
In scientific usage the word is also used of the sphere of observation or of operations, and has come to be almost equivalent to a department of knowledge.
It is not really long, in weeks or months; but, in my usage and experience, it is a weary, weary while.
But the characters of literary men are cruelly tried by their correspondence, especially in an age when more conventional dissimulation was authorised by usage than at present.
But the want of perfect dictionaries made it difficult to avoid illegitimate expressions which modern usage suggested to the writer.
It is dishonourable for a prince to be a merchant, and thus gain a revenue in the fifth mode, yet the kings of Portugal do not disdain this; and the mischievous usage of selling offices in some other countries seems to fall under this head.
It is rather singular that neither of those writers recollected the usage of the Italians to reckon as Henry II.
But the usage is too long established for us to subvert.
These blemishes, as later usage accounts them, are common to Marot with all his contemporaries.
I have borne very patiently the ill-usage of this province, having still hopes that they will do something for us; and therefore have avoided to quarrel with them.
It is one of the most remarkable views I ever saw, and the novelty and grandeur of it appeals the more forcibly to one's imagination, no doubt, because of its striking contrast to what the eyes have from long usage become accustomed to.
Had he, as King of England, commanded the peers to meet him in Parliament according to the old usage of the realm, many of them would undoubtedly have obeyed the call.
It is remarkable that the only comedies in which this ancient usage occurs, viz.
The dog belongs to a quiet decent fellow, and a good customer, and he shall meet with no ill usage here.
But this usage is so general, and the neglect of it considered such a disgrace, that it leaves a very wide door open for the entrance of false pride.
Candles, which the reader will best calculate upon the standard of his own general usage in this particular.
Day, Social Life of the Hebrews; and, for some comparison of customary usage in the Semitic field, to S.
The current usage is found in John Evelyn's Diary, 1670, when it was clearly well known.
But it was contrary to usagefor the victors to repair it, or to make the supports of anything more durable than wood.
A peculiar usage of war among the Greeks, which was afterwards practised by the Romans, was the erection of trophies of the arms captured from a defeated enemy.
It would be the worst of ignorance, ignorance of the usage of the world we live in, to suppose that any member of Parliament could be influenced by such manoeuvres.
No enthusiastic ardour welcomed the well-loved Undy back to his club, and comforted him after the rough usage of the unpolished Chaffanbrass.
This usage of the word was long preserved (Aelian, Varia Historia, iii.
I have mentioned her mode of pronouncing the word equipage, which, together with several similar peculiarities that struck me as very odd, were borrowed from the usage of London good society in the days when she frequented it.
In Latin, the force and elegance of this usage are equally impressive, if not more so.
Not Wesley had been expanded into Wellesley, but, inversely, Wellesley had been contracted by householdusage into Wesley.
But he must have been aware, that, for any three instances of tyrannical usagethat fell under his notice, at least five hundred would escape it.
Exceedingly common is this usage in Latin poetry, when the object is to generalize a remark--as not connected with one mode of time more than another.
Are the rules of usage worth teaching as a means toward correct speech, or is the time better spent in detailed practice in correct speech itself?
A Survey of the Social and Business Usage of Arithmetic.
He gets certain bad habits of response from the ambiguity of commonusage of 2, 3, 4, etc.
The language was thenceforth Modern in structure, style and expression, although the spelling did not settle down to present usage till about the revolution of 1688.
If new words when adopted conform themselves to the manner and usage of the adopting language, it makes absolutely no difference whether they are taken over from some other language, or invented off at the ground.
The military usage was probably derived from the metal plate (epauliere) which protected the shoulder in the defensive armour of the 16th century.
But he never forgave me for my theft, nor did he ever check the mate for his ill-usage of me.
All cargo was brought off in the crazy "massulah" boats, which have been so often described by visitors to Madras, and are the only craft able to stand the rough usage of the surf-beaten beach.
But no usage fettered the Crown in dealing with personal property, and its growth in value promised a growing revenue.
Sidenote: Deposition of Edward] The peers who assembled fearlessly revived the constitutional usage of the earlier English freedom, and asserted their right to depose a king who had proved himself unworthy to rule.
But if Holy Spirit be taken as one word, it is thus that the expression, in the usage of the Church, is accommodated to signify one of the three persons, the one who proceeds by way of love, for the reason above explained.
Because, since sense has a sure apprehension of its proper sensible object, it is a common usage of speech, when we understand something for certain, to say that we "sense it.
This, in particular, was said to be a usage of their African progenitors.
Two of these intermarriages had so far brought the Littlepages within the pale, that the usage to which I allude was practised in my own case.
In these respects, therefore, the more modernusage has been followed.
It is the usage here (and I suppose at all courts), that a minister resident shall establish his house in the first instant.