His drapery is cast in curious folds of a zig-zag character, following the lines of the composition, whilst the dresses of the other personages fall in broad masses to the ground.
The beauty of line is here equally conspicuous; the way the drapery is carried out beyond the elbow so as to form one long unbroken curve, the triangular composition, the marble parapet, are so many proofs of Giorgione's hand.
The folds of drapery on the sleeve recur in the same picture, the landscape with the small figure seated beneath the tree is such as can be found in any Giorgione background.
A great artist is here revealed, one whose feeling for line is so intense that he wilfully casts the drapery in unnatural folds in order to secure an artistic triumph.
Religious ceremonies should be pure glass, not dyed in the gorgeous crimsons and purple blues and greens of the drapery of saints and saintesses.
Managers, notably of big drapery emporiums, say that they expect to lose a certain percentage regularly in this way: it is regarded as part of the business.
It is much better than staring white; the edifice would not be nearly so grand without this drapery of black.
Leoni's medal, on the obverse, shows the old artist's head in profile, with strong lines of draperyrising to the neck and gathering around the shoulders.
He designed the figure wholly nude, so that the heavy bronze drapery which now surrounds the loins, and bulges drooping from the left hip, breaks the intended harmony of lines.
I am confident that the Pietà is one of his rarest and most difficult masterpieces; particularly because the figures are kept apart distinctly, nor does the drapery of the one intermingle with that of the others.
To say nothing of the foot, Charley," said she, roguishly, and endeavoring to arrange her torn drapery to the best advantage.
Sketch, real size, of the pattern incised and painted on the drapery of the Tomb of Can Mastino II.
Diminutive and stunted figures; the heads ugly in features, stern in expression; but the drapery exquisitely disposed in minute but not deep-cut folds.
There was black and tattered draperyabout it; the coarse hair covered it as in the drawing.
There were even places where the retreating form of the ape could not have been distinguishable in the obscurity, but for the white drapery of the child's dress, now torn into shreds, and flaunting like streamers behind it.
They saw the red gorilla still climbing among the trees, with the white drapery streaming behind it.
This last work is in his best and latest manner; the expression is powerful, but the drapery is still very faulty.
These reliefs are much crowded, and the only part that is at all idealized is the figure of Christ; that is noble and calm in effect, and the drapery is simple and dignified.
His masterpiece is a fountain at Nimes, in which the figures are fine and the drapery noble and distinct in treatment.
The Drapery is in a pure style, very much like that of Ghiberti (figs.
As the statue now stands it has the tip of the nose and the foot which projects beyond the drapery as they have been restored by modern artists.
The queen was represented in a classical costume, and the diadem, sandals, and borders of the drapery were colored.
The angel appears as if flying, and the drapery is much inflated; the Virgin is queenly and majestic, yet graceful; all around are medallions in which are represented the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin.
It is made from two blocks of marble joined above the drapery which envelops the legs.
They were her thoughts, clothed in the self-same drapery which she was accustomed to throw around them.
She only saw a part of the face, because the white drapery about it hid the rest, and she fancied that the eyes had an evil look.
I maintain that the part of the drapery which is farthest from the plaited ends will revert most to its natural form.
Let a b c be the fold of the drapery spoken of above, a c will be the places where this folded drapery is held fast.
It seems to me that the drapery in a pen and ink drawing of a bust, also at Windsor, has been borrowed from an antique model (Pl.
A study of drapery for the left leg of the same figure, done with the brush, Indian ink on greenish paper, the lights heightened with white.
But I pity not a Whit such Gudgeons as are caught by these Tricks of the Drapery Trade; rightly served by being cheated in seeking to profit, as they think, by Fraud and dishonest Bankruptcy.
The disposition and folding of thedrapery were always appropriate and good.
In the red figures, however negligently executed, there is a fulness of form, and a freedom of drapery perfectly similar to the remains of Greek art which have reached us, whether in sculpture or coins.
We shall only observe, that if the drawing and drapery of his figures be in his best style, the colour is in his worst.
The figures are universally of a stiff and meagre form, the drapery close, and the folds few and hard.
In that vase a leg of one of the horses comes across the thigh and drapery of a figure, and the original outline of that figure is visible under the white colour which forms the horse's leg.
Parts of the draperyand ornaments on the heads of the figures were then covered with a coat of coloured paint.
Do not try to arrange the folds of the dress or of any drapery which you may use.
Lift the drapery and drop it again, and have the subject rise and sit till the folds of both gown and drapery are graceful.
Drapery it was, and quickly; for Mrs. Munsey was not wont to shilly-shally.
All the quiet comfort of the place sprang into view as if to reassure me; the piano open as I had left it, the table strewn with my evening's work, each bit of furniture, each drapery or trinket undisturbed.
No wonder her face had seemed wraith-like when her startled shrinking away from the light had set all that drapery billowing about her.
He gives a fold of pure crimson to the drapery of his nearest figure; but all his other crimsons will be deepened with black, or warmed with yellow.
I do not recollect in any, even of the most important of Cattermole's works, so much as a fold of draperystudied out from nature.
The draperyis too wide and flowing for convenience.
The material of the drapery in the latter is generally silks and satins; of the former, it is frequently muslin, and stuff of a soft texture, which clings more closely to the form.
His whole person, too, is always enveloped in drapery reaching to his feet.
The infant god, in the arms of his black mother, his eyes and drapery white, is himself perfectly black.
The vicinity of the hills, with their drapery of pines, had the effect to render nights that were obscure darker than common on the lake.
Exposed themselves to the observation of any watchful eyes, the movements of their enemies were concealed by the drapery of a dense forest.
Lots of light by night, and not too much drapery to shut out the sunlight by day.
This bed is placed flat against the wall, like a sofa, and the drapery is adapted from that of a Louis XVI room.
It was large enough almost to cover the floor, and we stenciled green borders on our curtains and drapery in the same Grecian pattern.
I wonder that so very sensible a man as Powers should not see the necessity of accepting drapery, and the very drapery of the day, if he will keep his art alive.