Animals, for instance, lend themselves more readily to it, and so do birds; fur and feathers are obviously translatable into stitches.
I wonder if ladies and girls ever think of the trouble it is to get their feathers for them?
My sister has a coat trimmed with little soft feathers like these," Tom said.
The feathers runs the same as if it was shingles on the roof of a residence.
The feathers of the crest were long, and barred with crimson, gold, yellow, and white, which added greatly to its beauty.
As feathers thrown into the air shew how the wind blows, so this trumpery ballad serves to shew the current of popular feeling at the time of its composition.
He went into a room where some of these feathers were, and took two of the cakes, and compared them together.
You just don't dare, because you know I'll beat your tail feathers off!
A smell of singed feathers and burning rubber filled the air.
David noticed the feathers of its throat jumping up and down with rapid swallowing motions.
She said that she would 'beat my tail feathers off,' did she not?
There was a brilliant flash of gold and blue in the sunlight, the whistle of feathers cleaving the air, the sharp thwock!
Lady Ducies' feathers nodded ominously, and the old dame who had munched sandwiches was inclined to give forth an occasional snore.
Lady Ducies' feathers nodded in the direction of the literary countess who went by the name of Maria Annunziata and the latter made hasty notes in her diminutive book.
You make me very happy," he said simply; and turned to the Seminole who was emerging from obscurity, shoulders buried under a mass of bronzed feathers from which dangled two grotesque heads.
No need for Him where all the ba-bas are white as the driven snow, and all the little white doves keep their feathers clean and coo-coo hymns from dawn to sunset.
A brilliant redbird, the proximity of whose nest perhaps had fired his timid heart with courage, had made a savage assault on a bluejay, the colors of whose feathers were strikingly suggestive of the Continental uniform.
The blackbirds puffed their feathers and sounded their singular call from the branches of the old pecan tree, and the flashing of the oriole enlivened the sombre foliage of the enormous live-oaks in the avenue.
That accounts for your poultry being like crows, for, whatever the reason may be, snow-water will soon reduce chickens to merefeathers and bones.
With one foot drawn up into his fluffy feathers he stands motionless in the midst of his disconsolate harem with his eye fixed vacantly on the forbidding outlook.
Like birds, it was fledged with perfect feathers, at least on wings and tail, but it retained the teeth of the reptile, and its long tail was vertebrated, a pair of feathers springing from each joint.
Their feathers are not shed, but their dusky covering or overalls are cast off.
By many gentle, indirect approaches, I perceived that part of his tail-feathers were undeveloped.
In the middle of the camp stood a lodge larger and taller than the others, and surmounted by the plume of eagles' feathers that showed it to be that of the chief.
Finally they discovered in it the head-dress of feathers that the young Indian of Seloy had worn as a Seminole warrior, and were forced to conclude that he had drowned himself rather than to live as one of them.
Yet the feathers were painted in flat color, without especial sheen or iridescence, and when I finally analyzed it, I found it to be a delicate calamine blue.
The macaw drew himself up, feathers close, forgot me, and listened.
After one or two somersaults or a short, swift dive, they would right themselves, feathers on end, and frantically grasp at the first leaf or twig within reach.
The father-parent was one concentrated mite of song, with just enough feathers for wings to enable him to pursue caterpillars and grasshoppers as raw material for the production of more song.
These notches also prevent the feathersfrom interfering with the turning or scraping of the valve face.
The valve is guided in rising and falling either by three feathers underneath it, as in fig.
The colours of the female are nearly as bright as those of the male, but she wants the whitefeathers on the throat.
The males of all the different species which I have examined have white feathers on the throat.
Perhaps there is no bird known whose feathers are so slightly fixed to the skin as those of the boclora.
After shooting it, if it touch a branch in its descent, or if it drop on hard ground, whole heaps of feathers fall off: on this account it is extremely hard to procure a specimen for preservation.
The pompadour cotinga is entirely purple, except his wings, which are white, their four first feathers tipped with brown.
He has two long feathers in the tail which cross each other, and these have gained him the name of karabimiti, or ara humming-bird, from the Indians.
He has five or six long narrow black feathers on the back of his head, which he erects at pleasure.
Fill the body moderately with cotton, lest the feathers on the belly should be injured whilst you are about the following operation.
Now take out all the cotton which you have been putting into the body from time to time to preserve the feathers from grease and stains.
Footnote: All the feathersrequire to be touched with the solution, in order that they may be preserved from the depredation of the moth.
Sometimes the large bird called the frigate pelican soars majestically over the vessel, and the tropic bird comes near enough to let you have a fair view of the long feathers in his tail.
In baring this bone you must by no means pull the skin; you would tear it to pieces beyond all doubt, for the ends of the long feathers are attached to the bone itself; you must push off the skin with your thumb-nail and forefinger.
His skin is also pretty tough, and the feathers adhere to it.
Left to their own devices, the yellow cat and the cockatoo departed also, in a turmoil of wrath, with fur and feathers flying in equal proportions.
It had brilliant green feathers on the head, a white neck-ring, much claret colour on the breast, and some feathers indistinguishable from those of the male, and also the male sex feathers on the tail.
My experiment consisted in keeping two cocks, A and B, the first of which was left to itself, while in the second the feathers were gently pulled by stroking between the finger and thumb from the base outwards.
It seems equally probable that feathers arose as a mutation in place of scales in a reptile, and the feathers were then adapted for flight.
Only a few male feathers appear in the wing coverts of the left side.
In this bird there was no male development of comb or wattles, a full development of neck hackles, a certain development of saddle hackles, a few straggling badly curved feathers in the tail and short blunt spurs on the legs.
All the feathers pulled out immediately commenced to grow again, except the last two pulled out 27th May and 13th July, which did not grow again till the following moulting season, in September.
After this the nuptial plumage developed again, and on November 12 the bird was in full nuptial plumage, with good curl feathers in the tail.
In the tail, however, the barred character of the male is not present on one side, absent on the other, but in most of the feathers is confined to one, the outer side of each feather.
He comes at night, in a white dress, with cock's feathers on his head, and having his bell and little glass.
Her fierce face, spotted with gouts of red paint on cheek and brow, was partly overshadowed by a helmet-like plume of the tall feathers of the sakabula bird.
In the erection of the latter, marble and stone and the most durable of metals are employed, while rapidly-decaying wood, red ochre, and feathers form the decorations of the Maori tomb.
Near the wooden image some red feathers were strewn, and a string of small pieces of polished pearl shells was regarded as the manava, or soul of the god.
This was a piece of network, about six feet long and seven inches wide, upon which the red feathers of the parroquet were neatly fastened.
But Myrtle tore the eagle's feathers from her hair, and stripped off her colored beads, and threw off her painted robe.
And could it be that the plume of eagle's feathers with which they crowned her dark, fast-lengthening locks had never shadowed her forehead until now?
They were deep set about with the feathers of the birches, and had the green firs standing bravely like men-at-arms on every rocky knoll.
It ruffled its breast as a dove's feathers are blown awry by a sudden gusty wind.
She was standing before the long mirror in the parlor, adjusting the feathers to her tasteful velvet cap, which, with her neatly fitting riding-dress, became her better than anything else.
The eagle's feathers are soft and signify love; the buffalo's skin is warm and means protection; therefore love and protect our families.