Spiritualism seems to me absolutely right on all its mystical side.
Again, I certainly (after some knowledge of strange facts) could have wished that Mr. Crookes's philosophical spiritualism had met with a more patient hearing than Dr.
Spiritualism and Immortality have no necessary connection whatever, though to a certain extent Spiritualism is presumed on the belief in a future life.
What this poem showed was thatSpiritualism could be of use in spite of insincere mediums.
The theory, on the other hand, held by other critics of Browning than Chesterton was that his dislike of spiritualism was fostered by a direct disbelief in immortality, which is as absurd a statement as is possible to make.
Unfortunately many of the interpreters of spiritualism have degraded it into a kind of blatant necromancy which is in no way dignified or useful.
Therefore Browning feared that spiritualism might have a really bad effect on his wife.
The theory of Spiritualism and the theory of Monism agree in holding that the Will is an agent; and, therefore, to both of these theories the question whether the Will is a free agent is a real question.
We have now seen that, according to Materialism, the Will is not an agent, while according both to Spiritualism and to Monism the Will is an agent.
By Materialism the question of freedom is excluded ab initio; by Spiritualism and by Monism, so far as yet seen, it can be logically answered only in the negative.
For it is of the essence of Spiritualism to regard the Will as an agent, or as an original cause of bodily movement, and therefore as a true cause in Nature.
If we thus unite in a higher synthesis the elements both of spiritualism and of materialism, we obtain a product which satisfies every fact of feeling on the one hand, and of observation on the other.
For spiritualism supposes the causation to proceed from that which is the source of our idea of causality--the mind: not from that into which this idea has been read--the brain.
Hence the supreme importance to psychology of reconciling the hitherto rival theories of Spiritualism and Materialism in the higher synthesis which is furnished by the theory of Monism.
Touching the further question, whether the Will is a free agent, we have seen that while the question does not exist for Materialism, it appears to require a negative answer both from Spiritualism and from Monism.
On the other hand, the theory of Spiritualism labours under certain speculative difficulties which appear to me overwhelming.
If we unite in a higher synthesis the elements both of spiritualism and of materialism, we obtain a product which satisfies every fact of feeling on the one hand, and of observation on the other.
For Monism, in the sense of this term as I shall use it, may be metaphorically regarded as the child of the two pre-existing theories, Spiritualism and Materialism.
The theory, therefore, escapes all the difficulties and contradictions with which both spiritualism and materialism are beset.
Spiritualism being thus unsatisfactory, and materialism impossible, is there yet any third hypothesis in which we may hope to find intellectual rest?
The students now interested in this whole class of alleged supernormal phenomena are seldom believers in the philosophy of Spiritualism in the American sense of the word.
In following Mr. Tylor's discussion of the subject, it is necessary to combine what he says about Spiritualism in his fourth with what he says about Fetishism in his fourteenth and later chapters.
In all European countries, Spiritualism is making rapid progress.
The rhetorically eloquent essay of Elizabeth Stuart Phelps on spiritualism has been read by the undersigned with that peculiar pleasure with which we witness an intellectual or psychic tour de force which produces singular results.
Your course has made spiritualism respected by the secular press as it never has been before, and compelled an honorable recognition.
The extraordinary heightening of the sense perceptions has an important bearing on the question of spiritualism and clairvoyance.
Author of a study in Positivist philosophy entitled Materialism andSpiritualism (1865), to which Littre contributed a preface.
Berger (Moriz), author of a work on Materialism in Conflict with Spiritualism and Idealism, Trieste, 1883.
Author of a work on Spiritualism and Materialism, 1879.
But to me his very spiritualism seemed more materialistic than his physics.
What is called spiritualism should, I think, be called a mental species of materialism.
Amongst all sects there is a condemnation of Spiritualism of a very sweeping character.
In America, Spiritualism is more prosperous than in England.
The outer world, the Secularists and the Positivists, of course regardSpiritualism with the same scorn and unbelief with which they regard all religion, whether true or false, whether old as the hills or but yesterday's creation.
Up to that time Spiritualism was making great way, and Mr. Home, as its high priest and apostle, was in request with the nobility, and was the friend of kings and emperors.
In conclusion, let me add, as a distinct organization, hitherto Spiritualism has failed in this country.
In Germany, too, spiritualism has found an entrance, although, on the whole, it has not gained much ground.
Spiritualism soon followed, and it is worthy of remark that all mediums adopted theological modes of speech, and that their disclosures were concerned with heaven and hell.
In England and America this most frequently takes the form of spiritualism and the founding of sects.
Nevertheless, spiritualism has as yet exerted little influence on our literature.
I believe that materialism is true, and that spiritualism is also true; I reject nothing.
Take Spiritualismfrom Christianity and the whole edifice crumbles.
I said to him: "If Spiritualism be true, why not ask the man who made the will what it was and also what has become of it.
What is your opinion of Spiritualism and Spiritualists?
Has notSpiritualism added to the world's stock of hope?
Of courseSpiritualism offers what it calls proof of immortality.
Setting aside from consideration the so-called physical manifestations of the mediums, has Spiritualism offered any proof of the immortality of the soul?
All of his disciples, all of the church fathers, all of the saints were believers in Spiritualism of the lowest and most ignorant type.
Spiritualism became the rage and professional mediums went about giving seances to large and interested audiences.
Hahn was born, of course, with all the characteristics of what is known inSpiritualism as mediumship in the most extraordinary degree, also with gifts as a clairvoyant of an almost equally unexampled order.
In the vanguard of the new order of things are Spiritualism and Theosophy.
Many skeptical investigators have been converted toSpiritualism by these tests.
At any rate is it not much more sensible to believe that Mr. Home's experiments are to be thus explained than to attribute the results of his semi-mysterious attempts to spiritualism or psychic force?
Spiritualism enters the list, and declares that the immortality of the soul is a demonstrable fact.
Both Spiritualism and Theosophy contain germs of truth, but both are tinctured with superstition.
Telepathy once conceded, we have a satisfactory explanation of that class of cases in modern Spiritualism on the subjective side of the question.
In investigating the phenomena of Spiritualism and Theosophy I will use the scientific as well as the philosophic method.
One of the most remarkable personalities serving as an exponent of Spiritualism was Daniel Dunglas Home, the Napoleon of necromancy, and the Past Grand Master of Mediums.
Spiritualism one knows, but here was spiritualism with a difference; psychic photography one had heard about, but here was a psychical photographer gone mad or bad!
Spiritualism was a fashionable amusement; the drawing-rooms of the aristocracy were constantly being darkened for seances.
The subject of spiritualism affords a most striking proof of the absurdity of such a contention.
Was not the successor of Darwin apparently the most formidable adversary of the spiritualism of this young initiate, of that philosophy which to him was the very essence of his being and the breath of his thought?
I had corresponded (as I have shown) with the Banner of Light in New York; and what I had heard of Spiritualism in America had made me curious to witness it.
And even regarding Spiritualism from that point of view, I cannot understand the lack of interest displayed in the discovery, to turn these marvellous powers of the human mind to greater account.
I have proved Spiritualism not to be humbug, therefore I regard it in a sacred light.
There are two classes of people who have done more harm to the cause of Spiritualism than the testimony of all the scientists has done good, and those are the enthusiasts and the sceptics.
Persons who sneer at Spiritualism and declare it to be useless, little know how much advantage is taken of spiritual forethought and prevision by those who believe in it.
Spiritualism (so it seemed to me) must either be humbug or a very solemn thing, and I neither wished to trifle with it or to be trifled with by it.
People who wish to argue against Spiritualism are quite sure, as a rule, that media will descend to any trickery and cheating for the sake of gain.
The teaching of Spiritualismis such as largely to increase belief in our Divine Father's love, our Saviour's pity, and the angels' ministering help.
It reposes upon the hypothesis thatspiritualism is a fact of constant observation, and that distance-seeing is a real faculty of men, or at least of certain men, but it is well known how much this theory is scientifically contested.
But though, in a sense, spiritualism is no new thing, even those who believe in it admit that it has never led to anything," observed Varick musingly.
She told herself that never, never would she allow herself to speak lightly or slightingly of spiritualism again!
Bubbles Dunster had already been what Donnington in his own mind called "deeply bitten" with spiritualism before they had met; yet he had known her for some considerable time before she had allowed him to know it.
In so far as she had ever thought about it--and she had never really thought about it at all--Miss Farrow regarded all that she knew of spiritualism as a gigantic fraud.
She was interested in spiritualism and homeopathy, read a great deal, was fond of talking of the doubts to which she was subject, and to Nadya it seemed as though there were a deep mysterious significance in all that.
After reading several hundreds of treatises on spiritualism Navagin had a strong desire to write something himself.
After that he studied spiritualism every day, and at the office, informed the clerks that there was a great deal in nature that was supernatural and marvellous to which our men of science ought to have turned their attention long ago.
Assuming at first to "pooh-pooh" spiritualism as moonshine, his interest nevertheless increased.
The miracles are believed in by many, but Spiritualism lags far behind the Mormon theology, and probably always will do.
That which goes by the names of clairvoyance and spiritualism is based solely upon an unreasoning credulity.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spiritualism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: animism; form; idealism; necromancy; seance; sitting; spirit; spiritualism; universal