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Example sentences for "little more"

  • She again asked me how long it would be before it was finished, and I told her that unless she gave a little more of her time to posing it might not be finished for quite a long time.

  • It would be a good thing if they did know a little more, then perhaps all these rumors about the Palace would stop.

  • Why couldn't they leave China to deal with her own subjects and mind their own business a little more?

  • A day or two passed while he waited at his father's house for the promised second note from Joan Durbeyfield, and indirectly to recover a little more strength.

  • Dear, if you would only be a little more conceited, and believe in yourself so far as to see that you were strong enough to work this change in me, you would perhaps be in a mind to come to me, your poor wife.

  • Well, a little more, or a little less, 'twas a thousand pities that it should have happened to she, of all others.

  • After a little more conversation, Mr. Petulengro arose, and motioned me to follow him.

  • She sits in the same still attitude, but shrinking a little more.

  • If you would like a little more of it, I could throw out a few lines and stays between my windows and yours, which the runners would take to directly.

  • As soon as I get the upper hand of him a little more, I am going to urge him on to revolt.

  • If Miss Snaith had believed a little more in fresh air and had left the window open, the fire would have eaten back.

  • It would be a pleasant attention if you would answer my letters a little more promptly.

  • Now, if our family had only had a little less religion and a little more sense, they would have returned the cup, perfectly unharmed, and have marched Hattie to the nearest toy shop and bought her some dishes.

  • I am afraid I shall have to look about for some one a little more up-and-coming.

  • Yet, considering his own interest in the matter, he might have bestirred himself with a little more alacrity.

  • Therefore pilots wisely train these cubs by various strategic tricks to look danger in the face a little more calmly.

  • They said if it had been a little more to one side it would have killed him; and a good thing for him, poor fellow, if it had.

  • I advise you to look into your stable a little more.

  • I now determined to make for La Mancha and to put my plan into execution, which I should have done sooner had the roads been a little more secure.

  • Had you paid a little more attention to my letter, you would have perceived that it was written unwillingly on my part, but Mr. Rule thought his province had been invaded.

  • Kiachta is little more than 800 miles from Pekin, and not more than half that distance from Manjuria; he might therefore, trusting in the Lord, not unreasonably hope to be able to penetrate to the Tartar of the capital and the desert.

  • A little more and he will be saying Your Majesty to her, as though to the Duchess de Berry!

  • If you had a little more faith, and if you could have been in her cell, she would have cured your leg merely by touching it.

  • Don't read so many books, and look a little more at the lasses.

  • All that Providence required in order to make Waterloo the end of Austerlitz was a little more rain, and a cloud traversing the sky out of season sufficed to make a world crumble.

  • But before they started for it they were already at the lowest depth of physical wretchedness which human nerves can register; thus, they arrived simply a little more numb.

  • I would like a little more," said he gratefully.

  • She ate everything, and regretted that lack of capacity made it impossible for her to yield to the entreaties of her waiter that she "have a little more.

  • A few yards below its mouth, in the quiet stretch of backwater along shore, lay the wharf-boat, little more than a landing stage.

  • I want to know," stammered Susan, "if you can't give me a little more money.

  • So again I landed back in Hamlin with a little more knowledge of the outside world and perhaps just a wee bit more understanding.

  • Looking back, I remember many times when Papa and I were doing things together and there was no one else around.

  • You see, one of Papa's big problems was that he had a house full of growing kids who could use a spoon right well at the dining table, but were too little to use a feed-heading knife in the field.

  • I acknowledge to this ridiculous idiosyncrasy, as a reason why I would give them a little more play.

  • Mrs. Sparsit took a little more tea; and, as she bent her again contracted eyebrows over her steaming cup, rather looked as if her classical countenance were invoking the infernal gods.

  • And he laughed, and took a little more of the cooling drink.

  • He fortified himself with a little more sherry.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "little more" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    became customary; little above; little afraid; little brook; little bunch; little consequence; little cream; little crowd; little difficult; little family; little figures; little foot; little grim; little impatiently; little importance; little interest; little lard; little nutmeg; little panel; little puss; little puzzled; little rabbit; little sigh; little spirits; little surprised; little voice