Subjective speculation lays no claim to universal validity, it is identical with constructive understanding.
But he alone is a philosopher who raises an image that has naturally sprung up into an abstract idea, thereby translating it into terms of universal validity.
The case which I have sketched is not unique, it is typical of a whole class for which the artist Spitteler has created a model of universal validity; the model is Imago.
We can avail ourselves also of the same expression for the logical quantity of the judgement, if only we prefix objective to “universal validity,†to distinguish it from that which is merely subjective and aesthetical.
First, there is its a priori universal validity, which is not a logical universality in accordance with concepts, but the universality of a singular judgement.
The one class must therefore appear as normal and of universal validity, the other class as not so.
It is then abnormal, but is held (as Sigwart expressly explains) to be normal and of universal validity.
The antinomy of the principles of taste rests upon the two opposite elements of the judgment of taste, that it is purely subjective, and at the same time, lays claim to universal validity.
Piety received an intellectual as well as a religious value, and the Mosaic law was raised to a higher dignity as an ethical code of universal validity.
Following his design of revealing in Judaism a religion of universal validity, Philo points out in all these festivals a double meaning.
Thus, following the Halakah, he directs the redemption of a slave seven years after his purchase, and he treats the laws of the seventh-year rest to the land and of the jubilee as of universal validity.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "universal validity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.