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Example sentences for "realise"

Lexicographically close words:
reali; realidad; realignment; realisable; realisation; realised; realises; realising; realism; realist
  1. Let him not imagine for a moment that he is delivered over to the powers of evil; let him realise clearly that with every temptation God provides a way of escape.

  2. We scarcely realise that God cares as much for the Continent as He does for our island.

  3. He did not realise that the Divine alliance would be worth more to him than many hundred talents of silver; or perhaps he reflected that Divine grace is free, and that he might have saved his money.

  4. Few Englishmen realise that the battle of Agincourt is part of the history of the United States, and that Canterbury Cathedral is a monument of certain stages in the growth of the religion of New England.

  5. It may help us to realise the significance of Abijah's speech, if we try to construct an appeal in the same spirit for a Catholic general in the Thirty Years' War addressing a hostile Protestant army.

  6. And yet a man may be truly religious and not realise this ideal, or only realise it very imperfectly.

  7. Oliver Wendell Holmes remarked to the present writer, like the different thermometrical scales; it does not take very long to realise that twenty-five degrees of Réaumur mean as great a heat as ninety degrees of Fahrenheit.

  8. I suppose it is almost impossible for an untravelled Englishman to realise the ridiculous side of the Church Parade in Hyde Park--as it would appear, say, to a lively girl from Baltimore.

  9. And who is to teach us that Brother Jonathan is able now to give us at least as many hints as we can give him, and that we must realise that the same sauce must be served with both birds?

  10. It is not easy for a European to the manner born to realise the sort of extravagant, nightmare effect that many of our social customs have in the eyes of our untutored American cousins.

  11. He judged it more prudent to confront than to flee from these considerations; looking the more hardily in the dead face, bending his mind to realise the nature and greatness of his crime.

  12. Already the men on board the schooner must have begun to realise some part, but not yet the twentieth, of the dangers that environed their doomed ship.

  13. She was beginning to realise how completely her hold upon him depended upon her hideous deception.

  14. She resolved to put a stop to his nonsense and to make him realise that she and no one else was the lode star of his existence.

  15. Aggie was quick to realise her opportunity, and before Jimmy could protect himself from her treacherous wiles, she had slipped one arm coyly about his neck.

  16. Jimmy, beginning to realise the meaning of the women's mysterious behaviour.

  17. Nonsense," replied Aggie, and before Zoie could actually realise what was happening the bang of the outside door told her that she was alone.

  18. But all this was not solving Zoie's immediate problem; and an impatient cough from her made him realise that something was expected of him.

  19. And I didn't realise how sick mother was.

  20. You don't seem to realise what you are asking of me.

  21. When I made you my Torch Bearer, you did not realise the importance of holding on to health, nor the duty as well as privilege of being happy.

  22. The storekeeper's little girl ran out on the porch with a big molasses cooky just out of the oven, and the warm spicy odour of it made Myra realise how hungry she was.

  23. It is easy to be happy as you were in August at the camp, when you were growing stronger every day, and had just begun to realise what Camp Fire might mean to you in your service for and with the girls, and their love for you.

  24. But, Sonia, I want you to realise that I mean just what I say.

  25. Can we give the name of quietism to a theory whose aims lie in the direction of substituting enlightened action, aware of its ends, for blind and ignorant innovation which is powerless to realise its purposes?

  26. The poor have seldom failed to realise their poverty, and poverty when extreme has at times led to revolt; but it is the new realisation of the slavery of wagedom that is organising the workers for the social revolution.

  27. You will realise then that it is all very primitive.

  28. An' can ye see far enough into the future to realise what THAT will do?

  29. Oh, the more I look at you and listen to you, the more I realise I should never have married.

  30. Father Cahill began to realise as he watched him the secret of the tremendous appeal the man had to the suffering people.

  31. She did not realise the full measure of the insult until afterwards.

  32. You must try and realise that you have an opportunity few girls in your position are ever given.

  33. In a little while the English government may realise how hopeless it is to try and conquer a people who have liberty in their hearts.

  34. I know how much is at stake for the family, and YOU realise how much is at stake for ME, don't you?

  35. I suppose I don't properly realise it yet.

  36. When you get to know Mrs. Butters, you will realise that she is not as others are, being a woman absolutely without curiosity.

  37. Denah was a good deal annoyed, and, though her self-esteem did not allow her to realise the full meaning of the offence, she did not forget it.

  38. But even if you do know it and a good deal more and realise it too, which is a different thing, there is still the other side.

  39. I realise now," he answered; "it is still the light, only sometimes dim.

  40. Their banking-accounts swelled, and some of them were on the way to realise small fortunes.

  41. Newcastle—difficult as it may now be to realise the fact—was then a very small town, and was governed accordingly.

  42. Only a sportsman can realise my feelings.

  43. He was made to realise the importance of a comparatively insignificant accessory.

  44. In view of their freshness and vigour, it is difficult to realise that they are the work of a suffering septuagenarian.

  45. If you wish to realise how fearfully and wonderfully God's image is made, stand on one leg.

  46. There one could thoroughly realise what an awful thing a wave really is.

  47. They do not seem to realise that this old barbaric history is the same as new democratic journalism.

  48. The way to love anything is to realise that it might be lost.

  49. In one of my feet I can feel how strong and splendid a foot is; in the other I can realise how very much otherwise it might have been.

  50. For I realise that I have really come into a topsy-turvy country; I have come into the country where men do definitely believe that the waving of the trees makes the wind.

  51. If you want to realise the splendid vision of all visible things--wink the other eye.

  52. And nothing will ever be reformed in this age or country unless we realise that the moral fact comes first.

  53. Flo counted how much she could make on her six dozen of dolls, and quite expected to realise a sum that would make things comfortable in the cellar for some weeks.

  54. She was trying to realise this wonderful news.

  55. At last this passed, and she was able to realise her position a little.

  56. She had dreamed of this day for months--this day, when Dick was to show her the other side of London life, and she had meant when the time came to enter into it all, to realise it if possible.

  57. At first he had ascribed the growing interest in his career to his ill-conceived attempt to land in the bright little upland town, but now he was beginning to realise that the military rather than the civil arm was concerned about him.

  58. They did not realise that this age of relative good fortune was an age of immense but temporary opportunity for their kind.

  59. The early battles of the aerial war were no doubt determined by attempts to realise the old naval maxim, to ascertain the position of the enemy's fleet and to destroy it.

  60. There came, too, longer and longer descriptions of the smashing up of the City Hall and the Navy Yard, and people began to realise faintly what those brief minutes of uproar had meant.

  61. Bert knew enough of things and the problem of aeronautics to realise that this gigantic imitation of a bee would, to use his own idiom, "give the newspapers fits.

  62. It was only very slowly that he began to realise the peculiarities of his position, to perceive that the breaking down of the arch between Green Island and the mainland had cut him off completely from the world.

  63. They did not realise that this security of progress was a thing still to be won--or lost, and that the time to win it was a time that passed.

  64. Waldron was utterly crushed by the death of his friend and could not as yet realise the loss.

  65. But a reasonable being should have recognised the situation, as you did not, and realise that we have no right to obey nature if we know at the same time we are flouting civilisation.

  66. They don't seem to realise that love's as dead as a doornail now.

  67. We had a splendid time, and we might still have a splendid time, if you could be unconventional and realise how many other women are also.

  68. But, my dear boy, you cannot realise the situation if you talk like that.

  69. Once married, I think Raymond would steady down and realise his responsibilities.

  70. You probably do not realise what this means to me.

  71. In the light of these new difficulties she grew anxious, and began to realise how fatally Abel's possession was standing in his own light.

  72. Surely you--" "I realise the situation perfectly well.

  73. Nor did Estelle realise it, save in fitful and fleeting agonies.

  74. I quite realise that I shall have to exercise the virtue of patience at Bridport and Bridetown for a year or two.

  75. You must realise that, even under these terrible conditions, we cannot delay.

  76. My aunt," he wrote, "does not realise the situation, or appreciate the fact that love may remain a much more enduring and lively emotion outside marriage than inside it.

  77. If the finger remains through the hat for any length of time the audience will soon realise what the nature of the deception is.

  78. The company cannot realise that this can possibly be accomplished in so brief a space of time; but it is simple enough.

  79. This timidity amounts to treachery; for by always anticipating some misfortune or disgrace, they realise their unmeaning apprehensions.

  80. I didn't realise it till I saw you walking up the platform towards me.

  81. The old lady, deeply as she sympathised with Beth, and loved her, did not realise how morbidly sensitive she was; and accordingly worked on her feelings until the fear of God got hold of her.

  82. She had real cause for anxiety, however, for, in her efforts to realise her romance to Charlotte's satisfaction, she had run up little bills all over the place.

  83. Slowly and painfully she learnt to realise that it was for what she had had to bestow, and not for what she was, that people used to care; they had served her as they served their God, in the hope of reaping a rich reward.

  84. Then Beth began to realise what the law of man was with regard to her person.

  85. She had mysteriously disappeared, burdened with a sorrow that now made her father realise the effect of his harsh decree.

  86. The old man, as he walked towards his home, kept on feeling his right cheek with his hand, and could scarcely realise that after many years of disfigurement he had at last the good fortune to lose his troublesome and unsightly wen.

  87. They realise that they are now in the Eternal life, and that there is no such thing as eternal life if this life that we are now in is not it.

  88. All clear-seeing people realise that, as things are in the world today, there is a certain amount of preparedness that is necessary for influence and for insurance.

  89. And to look at the matter without prejudice, we will realise that this is merely policing what we have.

  90. It becomes active and controlling in the degree that we realise and in the degree that we are able to open ourselves so that the Divine intelligence and power can speak to and can work through us.

  91. There was a time and it was not so many years ago, when heads and executives of large enterprises did not realise this as fully as they realise it today.

  92. It can be prevented only by a definite concord of the nations brought finally to realise the futility of war.

  93. We realise that we are living below our possibilities.

  94. Soon, and it may be before you realise it, all must be left.

  95. We are just beginning to realise at all adequately that it was the salvation of the life that he taught.

  96. If he is capable of clear thinking and right feeling, he also must realise the fundamental truth of this fact.

  97. On the whole to expect men to fall in love with you and to be justified in this anticipation by events would create a life so alien from hers that she could not realise its incidents or the state of mind it would create.

  98. He did not at all realise the things he was abandoning.

  99. Curiously enough Ora was in somewhat the same or a parallel state of mind, although she did not realise it so clearly.

  100. I thought she did not realise her loss and said: "He has gone past recall.

  101. She could never tell which of two alternatives Gwen preferred, since that young lady would invariably express herself satisfied with either and did not seem to realise why she should be expected to have any choice in the matter.

  102. I was an only child, and (as often happens in such cases) my father never could be brought to realise that I had many years since attained my majority.

  103. The whole thing was such a shock to him, he could hardly realise it.

  104. But you do not realise how serious an impression you have made.

  105. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "realise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    realise that; realised that