The full title has some interest: Vera circuli et hyperbolae quadratura cui accedit geometriae parsuniversalis inserviens quantitatum curvarum transmutationi et mensurae.
The Abbè Rive gives the word invisibilium, and this I find also in the additions of Simler to the Bibliotheca Universalis of Gesner, to which M.
The Bibliotheca Universalis of Gesner was reprinted in 1574, with considerable enlargements by Simler.
Yet I find in the Bibliotheca Universalis of Gesner: Joh.
But the truth is, the Second fully confirms and corroborates the Eleventh, and vice versa; for both maintain the sola gratia as well as the universalis gratia.
Modo in hoc Concilio fit aliter et illud ineptissime," he concluded, and he proposed the formula, "Magisterium universalis Ecclesiae est infallibile.
At length, in 1680, appeared the Pars Secunda of the Plantarum Historia Universalis Oxoniensis in which work Morison's long-expected method of classification was to be exhibited and justified.
Morison's chief occupation at Oxford was the preparation of his long promised magnum opus, the Historia Plantarum Universalis Oxoniensis.
The inscription on the map reads: “Tipus orbis universalis juxta Ptolomei cosmographi traditionem et Americi Vespucii aliosque lustrationes a Petro Apiano Leysnico elucbrat.
And “Ars signorum, vulgo character universalis et lingua philosophica,†by Georgius Dalgarno: a small 12mo.
The statement about the bears may come from older literary sources, and resembles a similar statement in the Geographia Universalis (see above, p.
The substance of this may be derived in the main from the Geographia Universalis (cf.
The first five volumes were issued with a new titlepage as Bibliotheca bibliographica universalis .
Valentin Heinrich Vogler, who wrote an admirable survey of scholarly books entitled Introductio universalis in notitiam cuiuscunque bonorum scriptorum (Helmstadt, 1670), is representative.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "universalis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.