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Example sentences for "inn"

Lexicographically close words:
inlying; inmate; inmates; inmenso; inmost; inna; innan; innanzi; innards; innate
  1. The third act opens in the Inn of the Garter, and discloses Falstaff soliloquizing upon his late disagreeable experiences:-- "Ho!

  2. The first act opens with a fresh and melodious chorus of the townspeople over their beer in the inn yard ("Su borghesi e magnati").

  3. There is a handsome rustic inn here, where every Sunday afternoon a band plays in the portico, while hundreds of people are scattered around in the cool shadow of the trees or feeding the splendid trout in the basin formed by a little stream.

  4. Passing the night at the inn there, we slept with one bed under and two above, and started early in the morning to climb up the side of the Melibochus.

  5. When we told them what happened at the inn last night, they said we had put them all in deadly danger.

  6. The people at the inn saw a young person who could be boy or girl," said Lorenzo.

  7. The street was wide enough to allow a person standing in the doorway of the inn a good view of the front of the mansion.

  8. Here in this inn they may all be honest men, but if they knew what wealth we had, even honest men would try to cut our throats.

  9. His back was to the stone wall of the inn called the Capo di Bue, the Ox's Head, where he and Sophia and Celino had decided to spend the night.

  10. As Daoud strode past the old man's son, he caught a glimpse of bright black eyes reflecting the light from oil lanterns hung on wooden pegs set high on either side of the inn door.

  11. The host at the inn had been delighted to serve his thirsty guests, but when his supply of wine was gone, the Tartars turned ugly.

  12. Simon told d'Ucello the story he had worked out, that he and Alain had gone to that inn searching for women and had gotten separated.

  13. Sworn to the utmost secrecy, carrying a fortune in jewels, and now he brings a whole inn down around his ears by defending some dusty old man?

  14. Simon told the cardinal he and Alain had been out late and had decided to stay at an inn rather than cross town during the dangerous night hours.

  15. Daoud stood listening in the center of the inn yard, his hand resting lightly on the dagger at his belt.

  16. Evidently news of the incident at the inn had not reached the Roman watch.

  17. Was that Simon de Gobignon in the inn doorway?

  18. Once inside Lucera, he would find his way to the inn of al-Kharim.

  19. The inn stands on legs raised a foot or two from the ground, and is well built, with solid wooden posts and a tiled roof.

  20. Our rickshaw men, who have been showing signs of exhaustion, make a gallant effort at the last, and run us up to the door of the inn in fine style.

  21. Having received no negative reply, he accordingly proceeded to the Bull Inn at the appointed hour, and found a young man in the garb of a sailor waiting to see him.

  22. Mr. Frost was still with them, and, as it will be distinctly shown to you, was in front of the Westgate Inn at that time.

  23. The special constables remained before the door of the inn where they had been placed.

  24. While there, considering the best plan I should adopt, I came to the conclusion of going to the remotest inn in the town, to evade publicity, and conceal the object of my journey.

  25. The rioters having succeeded in escaping from its precincts, ascended the neighbouring heights, from whence they continued to fire upon the immediate vicinity of the Castle Inn with much precision.

  26. Lieutenant Grey brought his men to the Westgate, and in a little time they were stationed in a room in the inn which it is material, gentlemen, I should describe to you.

  27. That inn is in Westgate-street, fronting the north.

  28. The rioters exhibited a degree of determination which was truly surprising; and the position of those who were in the inn was at one time highly critical.

  29. Some tourists who were staying at the inn had seen the sun rise from their windows, but no one had witnessed the magnificent spectacle which had taken place on the other side of the mountain.

  30. He had slept at the inn of the Brocken, and rising at two in the morning, he repaired to the plateau upon the summit in the company of a guide.

  31. I was to follow the road towards Haarlem, till I came to the inn near the turning of the Egmont highway.

  32. The windows of the great inn were open; people were thronging on to the balcony to see what the matter was; citizens came to their house-doors.

  33. He didn't know much more about it; but he said that he thought we ought to examine it, like, before riding on to some inn where we could breakfast.

  34. I had no doubt that he was going from inn to inn, asking for news of me.

  35. My pursuers, I found, afterwards, were misled by the lies of the landlord at the inn we had left.

  36. Since you left Sidmouth, you've been into every inn upon the road, listening to a lot of seditious talk about Argyle.

  37. From this inn, he despatched, one by one, at brief intervals, three horses, each to a different inn along the Egmont highway.

  38. In the door of the great inn stood Monmouth; his face seemed very white in the glare of the torches.

  39. The inn was full, and the tired travelers were making ready for the night.

  40. He quickly picked up the goose and went to the inn to spend the night.

  41. He showed the magic staff at the inn and placing it upon a table pretended to sleep.

  42. Arriving at the inn Joseph knocked and was told that there was no room.

  43. At last they came to the inn in the lonely neighborhood, and asked the hostess whether she knew of any hermit or penitent who was yet unknown to the world.

  44. The youth departed in joy, and after he had travelled a long way, he stopped at an inn to sleep, for his house was distant.

  45. Then the host says that he has made no difficulty about numbers when Christ has come to his inn With as many as he pleased.

  46. On his way he arrived at an inn as hungry as a dog and called for something to eat.

  47. One day he saw an inn and entered it, and said to the innkeeper: "Do you want me for a servant?

  48. They stopped at an inn--the inn before which the street conjurers were playing.

  49. I remained with them some little time, and came to this inn for food and drink for them, and as I approached the place I saw your face at the window.

  50. I met him in a wooden inn upon a bitterly cold day.

  51. Hazlitt wrote much at an inn at Winterslow, with Salisbury Plain around the corner of his view.

  52. And I wish a black-timbered inn in which to end the day--with polished brasses in the tap and the smell of the musty centuries upon the stairs.

  53. Great Lincoln's Inn Fields or Square contains about ten acres of ground, and is something longer than it is broad, the longest sides extending from east to west.

  54. The cottage inn at the head of Loch Katrine was tenanted by a woman, who might have been a horse-guardsman in petticoats, and who kept her smiles for other cattle than the Sassenach.

  55. We had sent our luggage on to the Salutation Inn at Ambleside, for we had determined to stay one night at the Ferry Inn, nearly opposite Bowness, and about half-way up the lake.

  56. It was amusing to see the curiosity with which he looked about him, and the caution with which he suffered the hostler at the inn to take the black mare out of his sight.

  57. The little old place is not upon any of the great routes, so that the servants of the inn have not become too republican for civility, and a blithe waiting-maid is at hand to take our luggage.

  58. As we approached the little bay, I saw that the Ferry Inn had gone; a grand modern hotel stood upon its site.

  59. A servant at the inn was sick, nigh unto death; the healers could not cure.

  60. And at the inn Ravanna made a feast for all the people of the town; and Jesus and his parents were the honored guests.

  61. Upon the day before the Sabbath day they reached Mount Olives and they tarried at an inn before Mount Olives on the north.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    innate ideas; inner bark; inner chamber; inner circle; inner experience; inner life; inner light; inner nature; inner pocket; inner room; inner surface; inner webs; innocent blood; innocent person; innocent woman; innumerable company; innumerable multitude