There I beheld myself lost in that immense city, without a penny, and very hungry.
Thus, with so much to divert my mind, during the day going to see the public monuments and the churches in which this immense city is so rich, and at evening to the theatre, my recovery was completed.
It is not my intention to describe this immense edifice, and all the smaller ones around it, in that large and most delightful Prater.
Under Rosemary's instruction she had practised her singing with an immense enthusiasm.
It was for seniors only, and it had the immense advantage, in schoolgirl eyes, that it was held upon a Thursday afternoon; Madame had urged Thursday and stuck to the point.
To her immense relief a voice on the other side responded.
And between this man of iron and routine and the immense implacable force which had revealed itself to her in the crowd, there was a resemblance, nay, an affinity of mind and purpose.
The blinds had been drawn down, and the great four-posted bed loomed up grim and immense at the far end, seeming to swallow up the frail, motionless figure in its shadow.
I feel no friendship for you--only an immenselove which has not learnt to be selfless.
We got out at the station of Santa Maria degli Angeli, so named from the immense church built over the cell where Saint Francis lived and died and the little chapel where he prayed.
They wear immense quantities of costly jewelry, and nearly all their garments are of silk, generally richly embroidered in gold, and often with the addition of precious stones.
As we entered, the early afternoon sun was streaming in through the immense rose-window and flooding the vast nave, illumining the blue star-studded vault of the lofty roof and the grand, simple frescoes of Cimabue and Giotto on the walls.
He felt an immense joy, for it was evident that Providence was interfering.
Spain, which consumes an immense amount of jet, gave large orders for it annually, and in this trade M.
Nothing was audible, save the faint cries of a swarm of birds of passage passing through the sky, at animmense height.
Have luck and you will have the rest, be fortunate and you will be thought a great man; leaving out five or six immense exceptions, which form the lustre of an age, contemporary admiration is blear-eyedness.
The compartment for the bags was an immense oblong box at the back; it was painted black, and the front part was yellow.
He thought with immense despair of all that he must give up, of all that he must resume.
An extract from the Liberal Baronet's own speech is posted on the other side:-- From this foul and traitorous traffic our Boroughmonger Sovereigns derive an immense revenue, cruelly wrung from the hard hand of honest labour.
As may be supposed from his immense bulk and weight, his interment was an arduous labour.
King Albert's letter, asking for the support of England, had been read in the House with immense effect.
It is an old, heavily wainscoted apartment, gloomy beyond words, so immense that the four who dine in it tonight appear utterly lost in its vast centre.
At last, bringing her teeth firmly together, and closing her eyes, by an immense effort she compels herself to turn the handle of the door, and enters.
Meanwhile, outside the church, animmense crowd was awaiting admission.
Autun, in 1516, the inhabitants constructed in St. Ladre an immense wooden amphitheatre, with a linen velarium as a protection, quite in the old Roman manner.
Pascal, a man who never compensated for his immense wealth by abundant expenditure, or indulgence in those luxuries which support labour and art.
Come now, my dear friend, your modesty is exaggerated, as you seemed a moment ago to exaggerate your immense talent.
Pascal, of my gratitude, since, in making a successful speculation, you would render me an immense service, for you cannot know what the results of this loan I solicit from you would be to my dearest family interests.
This man possessed a great and rare faculty which had contributed to the accumulation of his immense fortune,--he could with perfect ease detach himself from any line of thought, and enter upon a totally different set of ideas.
A short time afterward an intelligent and adventurous broker, versed in the business of London, helped him to see the possibility of realising immense profit, by boldly engaging in railway speculations, then altogether new in England.
And what is the object of universal consideration, the honourable course, by which you have made your immense fortune?
Golden pineapples with crowns of green lay above immense baskets of grapes of every shade, from the dark purple cluster of the valley to the transparent red from the mountain vineyards.
The soldiers on guard with their commanding officer were immediately in line, and at the moment the carriages entered successively the immense court of the Elysee, the drums beat and the troops presented arms.
On the first slab was a sort of grotto made of shell-work, in which could be seen mussels and oysters from Marennes, Ostend, and Cancale, fattened at an immense expense in the parks.
There are four immense clouds, of a very light gray, with silver edges, trying to meet over a speck of blue.
Candace stood still a moment, and the spectators saw a deeper shadow roll over her sable face, like a cloud over a dark pool of water, and her immense person heaved with her labored breathing.
This would render an immense service to God and to his Majesty, because the gospel could be imparted to the Chinese from here; etc.
The household goods were piled up in the middle of the boat, and the family had a cabin forward, which seemed immense to the children.
They were, it is true, dangerous rivals, both on account of the wealth of their fief and of the immense prestige which they enjoyed in Egypt, Ethiopia, and in all the nomes devoted to the worship of Amon.
The afternoon appeared far advanced when Dale and Roy led down into an immensebasin where a reedy lake spread over the flats.
Helen saw children run, white children and Mexican together; then more houses, and high upon a hill an immense adobe church, crude and glaring, yet somehow beautiful.
Fields of oats waved gray and yellow in the afternoon sun; an immense green pasture was divided by a willow-bordered brook, and here were droves of horses, and out on the rolling bare flats were straggling herds of cattle.
In the moonlight he looked of immense size, and that wild park with the gloomy blackness of forest furnished a fit setting for him.
Then Helen saw an immense flock of turkeys, apparently like the turkeys she knew at home, but these had bronze and checks of white, and they looked wild.
Another definitely religious operation of Nature within us is expressed in thatimmense gratitude which throws open the gates of the spirit as we contemplate some example of her loveliness or grandeur.
In childhood all the things and circumstances of life are novel; and that is sufficient to awake us to the full consciousness of existence: hence, at that age, the day seems of such immense length.
Just then there flew past an immense butterfly with wings of crimson, black, and gold.
There is even here a remedy--even here a way of procuring an immense amount of relief.
Summing up his observations on mechanical contrivances in general, Sir Douglas Haig urges that "immense as the influence of these may be, they cannot by themselves decide a campaign.
Leeds, Huddersfield, and Manchester were responsible for the delivery of immense quantities of raw material, in addition to manufactured articles, such as army clothing and blankets, and other kinds of munitions.
It comprised the city residence of the Bourgeois, as well as suites of offices and ware-rooms connected with his immense business.
The death of the Bourgeois Philibert, affecting so many fortunes, was of immense consequence to the Colony.
There was immense talk, with plenty of laughter and no thought of mischief, among the crowd.
Immense was the applause that followed the short, pithy speech of the Bourgeois.
He was incapable of love in any honest sense; but he had immense vanity.
The influence of that Philibert is immense over young De Repentigny.
The Friponne, as it was styled in popular parlance, was the immensemagazine established by the Grand Company of Traders in New France.
Immense sheds run alongside the quay, capable of storing a prodigious number of cargoes, and a vessel may be unloaded and loaded in the course of a few hours.
The river winds now round the foot of Witham Hill, and we are on close terms with the outskirts of the immense wood through which one could walk for eight miles before losing its shade.
Below Canvey Island, and over the immense flats of that dismal place, the heaviest bags can be made with a big duck-gun.
If these children are faithful to the pledge which they have signed, an immense amount of good will be done.
About fifty years ago, caterpillars were destroying an immense forest in Europe, when suddenly a flock of cuckoos appeared and saved the woodland.
The people native here claim for their ancestors that they were the first in the group to receive Christian baptism, a matter which they deem to be of immense importance.
Immense sums of money and incalculable toil were lavished upon the undertaking, regardless of any probable necessity for the expenditure.
At twelve the procession moved to the Federal State House, where in the gallery fronting Broad Street, in the presence of an immense concourse, His Excellency took the oath, the book being placed on a velvet cushion.
I rejoice that the period of your toils and of your immense sacrifices is approaching.
Separated from Europe by an immense ocean, you feel not the effect of those prejudices and passions which convert the boasted seats of civilization into scenes of horror and bloodshed.
He had few brilliant military successes, but it is impossible to say what he might not have done had he not been weighed down by immense difficulties.
Schools of cows with recently born young gambolling about them are met with at immense distances from land, showing no disposition to seek shelter either.
Again it filled that immensecave with its thunderous reverberations; but this time all the sting was taken out of it, as we caught sight of its author.
Pacific in which we were cruising has but few patches of TERRA FIRMA scattered about over its immense area when compared with the crowded archipelagoes lying farther south and east.
I was beginning to fear that I should be called to account for misleading all hands, when, to my unbounded delight, an immense shoal of flying-fish came swimming round the boat, eagerly picking up the savoury morsels.
As we drew near the beach, we found that, in spite of the hindrance to the ocean swell afforded by the reefs, it broke upon the beach in rollers of immense size.
The fish were, of course somewhat widely separated when they died, and the task of collecting all those immense carcasses was one of no ordinary magnitude.
We had by no means a bad passage to the Kuriles, which form a natural barrier enclosing the immense area of the Okhotsk Sea from the vast stretch of the Pacific.
He headed straight for the ship, which lay-to almost motionless, filling me with apprehension lest he should in his blind flight dash that immense mass of solid matter into her broadside, and so put an inglorious end to all our hopes.
Presently the blackness beneath was lit up by a wide band of phosphoric light, shed in the wake of no ordinary-sized fish, probably an immense shark.
Near the junction of the three torrents there was an immense rectangular pile of carefully laid stones, with carefully constructed ramps leading from one level to the next.