The aim of the philosophy is not to discuss the basis and ideal of thought, but to probe to the depth of life in all its complexity, and to advance to an all-inclusive ideal.
Holiday time for everyone, inclusive of that most melancholy of persons "the funny man.
Ladies' Reserved Seats (inclusive of all Shows) One Guinea.
We made several purchases in Princes Street, inclusive of an extra deck chair, warm rugs, etc.
Inclusive of the President, the Log-men, and its numerous sacerdotal representatives, the members of the Althing are said to have numbered 145 persons.
But the stronger units of life are the more inclusiveand harmonious complexes of interest.
I shall so construe these economies as to make the broader or more inclusive comprehend the narrower.
An inclusive view of the universe, whatever it may reveal, throws into relief the lot of man.
At once, it is the kingdom of Heaven, and it is to have all the apparel of a visible society: it touches this earth with a definite and inclusive hold; it ennobles material conditions by a frank acceptance.
And so through Sacramental elements and acts Christianity maintains its strong inclusive hold upon the whole of life.
Since Wednesday inclusive I have written thirty-eight of my close manuscript pages, of which seventy make a volume of the usual Novel size.
From the 19th January to the 2d February inclusive is exactly fifteen days, during which time, with the intervention of some days' idleness, to let imagination brood on the task a little, I have written a volume.
Brahman thus being the Self with regard to the whole universe of matter and souls, the universe inclusive of intelligent souls is the body of Brahman.
As these passages declare the origination of the world inclusive of sentient beings, we conclude that the souls also originate.
All these texts declare that the world inclusive of intelligent souls is the body of the highest Self, and the latter the Self of everything.
The work of the organs, inclusive of the manas, is to act as instruments of cognition and action, while the work of breath is to maintain the body and the organs.
But how can meditation on Brahman be undertaken by a man who has not studied the Vedas, inclusive of the Vedânta, and hence knows nothing about the nature of Brahman and the proper modes of meditation?
The most inclusive movements known to us in nature, the astronomical, are calculable, and so are the most minute and pervasive processes, the chemical.
The clanger here, a danger to which Greece actually succumbed, is that so refined an organism may be too fragile, not inclusive enough within, and not buttressed strongly enough without against the flux of the uncivilised world.
Not again one league against another, but a league that at least aims at being inclusive of humanity.
We and our Allies are resisting these nationalistic and arrogant hopes, and are appealing to the contrary hope of an inclusive human brotherhood, in which good will shall prevail between nations, and hence right and peace.
Their type of Christianity has been broadly inclusive of what may be called universally accepted doctrine.
It must always remain an open question whether mystical states may not possibly be such superior points of view, windows through which the mind looks out upon a more extensive and inclusive world.
Local churches are points of consciousness and activity for the great all-inclusive unit, and they are not themselves the units for an ecclesiastical aggregate.
While faith is the act of the whole man, and intellect, affection, and will are involved in it, will is the all-inclusive and most important of its elements.
Such men, although they have attained a permanent self, have not achieved a broad, comprehensive, or inclusive one.
The exuberant optimist, when he stops to reflect, has a buoyant and inclusive faith in the essential goodness of man and the universe.
It is," writes William James, "an open question whether mystic states may not be superior points of view, windows through which the mind looks out on a more extensive and inclusive world.
The ideal permanent or inclusive self is then brought into conflict with a temporary passion.
Similarly is there an appeal to our æsthetic sensibilities in the grouping of a wide variety of facts under sweeping inclusive and simple generalizations.
Along with the development of the larger, more inclusive and more unified organization of the state has gone the emancipation of individuals from restrictions and servitudes previously imposed by custom and class status.
It would be as inclusive and far-reaching metaphysically as tradition had been socially.
Of these terms the simple, inclusive one is of course face itself.
Another question: Which word is the more inclusive in meaning?
Healthful is the most inclusive of them; it means that the thing it refers to is full of health for us.
Into this space, inclusive of the visible world and of Yaque as well, had the car passed without the pursuers being able to point to the direction which it had taken?
So when they got a dollar back it paid for about twelve letters, inclusive of stationery and postage.
In order that the exact nature of such proposals may be better known generally we may give here also the text of the Connecticut law which is somewhat more inclusive and more flexible than that of Indiana.