The child looked tired and had lost her bright colour; but she had a resolute look on her face.
She did not look ashamed, and her small brown face had a resolute expression.
I have told you never to appeal to me again,” Gerald heard the gentleman remark, in sternly resolute tones, “and I shall give you no more money to spend upon drink and gambling.
This might not be an adequate account of his own artistic processes, in which genial instinct played a larger, and resolute will a smaller, part than his invincible athleticism of temperament would suggest.
Rarely again did he paint in such resolute uniformity of ashen grey.
We saw how his theology is double-faced between the pantheistic yearning to find God everywhere and the individualist's resolute maintenance of the autonomy of man.
Mertoun falters and stammers in his suit to Tresham; Mildred stands mute at her brother's charge, incapable of evasion, only resolute not to betray.
Several instances have come to my knowledge of these resolute acts of the Scottish Gipsies.
Their bare arms, naked weapons, and resolute looks, showed that they were prepared to slaughter their enemies without mercy.
His face began to work; but he felt it, and closed his lips into a resolute form.
As it was he had difficulty in holding it against New Englanders, the most resolute of all his foes, eager to assert by hard fighting, if need be, their right to hold the invaded territory which was claimed also by New York.
The British soldier fought indeed with more resolute determination than did the hired auxiliary at his side.
Howe probably did not realize that the Americans had the British quality of becoming more resolute by temporary reverses.
If the others are numerous, and resolute enough to persist in their Enterprize, a Fray ensues: From whence I shall take an Opportunity of saying something upon the Occasion of it.
He was still resoluteto win a way out, though the knowledge pressed on him that his chances were slender at the best.
But she trod down the momentary nausea with the resolute will that had always been hers.
Her eyes were resolute under the low brow with its encroaching waves of sunny hair.
Some girls have got a deuced good set of brains, anyhow,' he said, feeling for her some of the admiration that her father's clear purposes and resolute pursuit of them always claimed for him.
Trix, rather anxious, a little fretful and uneasy, was sanguine and resolute still.
I was just coming round to Danes Inn, Mr. Newton,' she said, in a voice resolutebut trembling.
She saw that the excitement of his narrative had greatly increased the symptoms of fever upon him, and she wished to tend and watch over him; but he was resolute in his determination, and left us, almost abruptly.
He had his weaknesses like the rest of us; but he was a true-hearted, generous friend, and a resolute enemy also.
A not very resolute Prussian advance was checked,[442] the French infantry stood firm, their artillery was better than the allied artillery.
Sing in renerving refrain of theresolute men, Each a Lincoln in his smoldering patience, Each a Luther in his fearless faith, Who made a breach in the wall of darkness And let the hosts of liberty march through.
Resolute by the communion board he stood, And after solemn prayer solemnly cancelled And abolished the divine right of kings And declared the holy rights of man.
This resolute refusal to be interested in or to take account of current modes of thought has been considered by some to detract from his eminence.
In the face of this tremendous problem, Wordsworth, unlike Hamlet, was resolute and determined.
And over the fear and pain of his broken heart was the rising, resolute will that, whatever his sufferings, hers must be helped.
Austin Merrick met her at a Paris pension and his essentially irresolute soul was stirred by Miss Grey's resolute eyes, eyes large and clear, like a boy's.
He had mastered any horror, though his expression had the strained look of having been wrenched from horror to the resolute facing of a mystery to be tracked.
He could have cast himself upon his knees, imploring her to live, to love him; at all events not to torture him by suffering; but above this immature aspect of his new self he kept all his air of resolute calm.
Then a bearded, haggard, resolute face, framed by an old hat tied down over the ears, confronted me.
Peter saw him approaching, watched the resolute lunge of his stride.
She was clever, resourceful, resolute and fearless--and those very traits opened a vista of possibilities that left his mind staggering blindly as in a maze.
But as difficulties are apt to vanish before a resolute mind, Jim felt not at all daunted by them.
She drew her foster-sister away from Lennon with a grasp as resolute as it was gentle.
Fortunately, his palace was strong, and defended by numerousresolute and well-armed attendants.
The command of this important post had been intrusted by El Zagal to a noble Moor, named Hamet Zeli, whose renown in the present war had been established by his resolute defence of Ronda.
The pain still lurked in his eyes, but there was a resolute smile on his lips.
In its resolute emphasis his voice sounded almost harsh.
There was a resolute note of decision in the quiet voice now; but suddenly it grew wonderfully soft and vibrant.
They were leading two English prisoners, and were headed by a large-sized man of jovial and resolute mien.
Her celestial face, grown pale with the loss of blood, speedily recovered its serene and resolute expression.
I shall take with me my equerry Bertrand of Poulagny, a prudent andresolute man.
The Maid's resolute language and the fear of seeing her carry out her threat had their effect upon the captains.
Think of these earnest German princes and burghers, their lives and property at stake, debating this abstract question day after day, resolute to set their own consciences right before coming to any resolution to defend themselves!
Meantime, a very different scene was enacted within the bank, where the first trio of robbers were dealing with a trio of bank employes as resolute as themselves.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "resolute" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.