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Example sentences for "other factors"

  • With partial exception of the orbits and the nose, which are subject also to other factors, all these features of the Eskimo face are explainable as strengthenings resulting from the increased function of mastication.

  • In the small groups, such as that from the Little Diomede, the disharmonies are doubtless partly due to small numbers of specimens, but there may also be other factors, such as the bringing in of women from other places.

  • Other factors were at work within the Army in 1950, particularly after the outbreak of war in Korea.

  • Other factors, however, were visible to all and begged for remedial action.

  • Even after discounting the influence of other factors, statistics suggest that the imposition of the qualitative distribution program operated just as Rosenberg and the Fahy Committee before her had predicted.

  • The attitudes and sentiments, however, in which the wishes of the individual find expression are determined not merely by these wishes, but by other factors in the situation, the wishes of other individuals, for example.

  • This naïve prejudice, unless it is re-enforced by other factors, is easily modified, as the intimate relations of the Negroes and white man in slavery show.

  • Most of them, I think, are undoubtedly correct; yet it seems to me that the influence of economic conditions upon the institution of slavery has perhaps been emphasised too much at the cost of other factors.

  • But how these two factors are combined, and whether any (and if so what) other factors contribute, we cannot say.

  • Abnormalities in the greatest variety are produced in flowers by varying the time at which the stimulus is applied, and by the cooperation of other factors such as temperature, darkness, etc.

  • Cherry will then occupy the same locus as white, which is one unit to the right of yellow, and will show the same linkage relations to other factors as does white.

  • The discrimination in sense-awareness of a finite event with its quality of passage is also accompanied by the discrimination of other factors of nature which do not share in the passage of events.

  • Sense-awareness also yields to us other factors in nature which are not events.

  • The blue is posited as in nature related to other factors in nature.

  • All that can be done is to use language which may speculatively demonstrate it, and also to express the relation of this factor in nature to other factors.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "other factors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dashed forward; great harm; other authors; other characters; other circumstances; other crime; other factors; other friends; other good; other letters; other libraries; other localities; other particulars; other pieces; other points; other portions; other prophets; other rocks; other self; other substance; other than; other trades; other ways; other words; right enough; the ark