The end of the terrace, a flight of stone steps, overlooked the avenue, leading from the principal lodge to the main entrance, and where Ellen stood, she could distinguish a few yards of the path where it issued from some distant trees.
He thought he could distinguish the figure of his friend: he was sure he could hear the voice of Edward, urging, commanding, directing a landing somewhere, in contradiction to the opinion of others.
I have learned of Thee, my God, to distinguish betwixt a gift, and fruit.
Speak I untruly, or do I mingle and confound, and not distinguish between the lucid knowledge of these things in the firmament of heaven, and the material works in the wavy sea, and under the firmament of heaven?
Dino lying in one of those sheltered hollows, with closed eyes, could scarcely distinguish between the melancholy murmur of the trees overhead and the sleepy murmur of the restless waves.
Dino listened more intently; his quick ear could distinguish the muffled beat of the waves upon the sandy shore.
There was scarcely light enough now in the side chapels to distinguish any unfamiliar object, but the old fisherman walked straight to where his own ex voto offering had hung these many years.
It yields by distillation an oil termed "oil of spike," or, todistinguish it from oil of L.
It is asserted that a good judge can distinguish between the oils produced by two adjacent fields, and the difference in odor is very apparent between the oils produced in Hertfordshire and in Surrey.
Men can speak with each other in the higher altitudes at distances of five miles and more, where our ears could hardly distinguish a faint sound of the human voice.
The five of us filled the space, and, as our eyes grew accustomed to the gloom, we were able to distinguish a wooden shrine taking up the whole length of one side--where the mortal remains of the Hercegovinan lay.
Not being gifted with the Montenegrin skill at hearing and talking at great distances I walked on, and was ultimately able to distinguish the question as to where I had left P.
There was nothing but the family interests of the great houses, and the Sturlunga Saga leaves it impossible to sympathise with either side in a contest that has no principles and no great reformer to distinguish it.
There are recognisable qualities that serve to distinguish even a fragment of heroic poetry from the ballads and romances of a lower order, however near these latter forms may approach at times to the epic dignity.
Often one can distinguish the work of a particular artist here and there in a district.
But Paolo could not distinguish between the accident of riches and the aristocracy of the spirit.
By this time the sun had fully risen, and on looking back I could see upon the summit of the temple the usual group of priests and their assistants, and among them I could plainlydistinguish the tall figure of Wakometkla.
Emerging from the darkness into the bright sunlight, I was at first unable to distinguish objects, but as soon as my eyes became accustomed to the glare, I was struck with astonishment at the scene of bustle and activity that met my gaze.
The fires have ceased to blaze, but by the light of the moon I can distinguish the prostrate bodies of the savages.
We were barely two hundred yards from their position, and could plainlydistinguish the varied hues and designs of the war paint upon their persons.
Such terms and rates shall distinguish among the different types of digital audio transmission services then in operation.
Such rates and terms shall distinguish among the different types of eligible nonsubscription transmission services and new subscription services then in operation and shall include a minimum fee for each such type of service.
Sad groups thronged all the avenues; and I could distinguish tears even in the splendid equipages which came rattling across the court-yard.
For it then became necessary to distinguish this language from the rest by a proper name; though, while there was only one, it had no other name than the language of man, or human speech, it alone being spoken by the whole human race.
For how do we distinguish between living and dead bodies, except by seeing at once both the body and the life which we cannot see save by the eye?
We candistinguish the common human nature from that which is peculiar, and therefore wonderful.
Never mind the name of what is beside it; let us stick to the bottle, and distinguish it, if you like, by giving it a name of our own.
Although the distance was too great to allow Midwinter to distinguish the words that were spoken, he felt the impropriety of remaining within hearing of the voices, and at once stepped forward to continue his walk.
It took Dorsenne, who came from the bright glare of the salon, a moment to distinguishin the darkness the features of the Countess who, dressed all in white, was lying upon a willow couch with soft cushions of silk.
The qualities which distinguish Homer are the beauties of his diction and the harmony of his versification.
I cannot but think it the most reasonable thing in the world to distinguish good writers, by discouraging the bad.
I observed there was 25 the flesh of several animals, but could not distinguish them by the taste.
Higher yet one could distinguish the ice-capped peak of Kara Dagh, floating and dissolving amid the ( from here) invisible sunlight.
And everywhere, yellow leaves fluttered to earth, and, in doing so, so closely resembled birds as to make it not always easy to distinguish whether a leaf or a tomtit had glimmered for a moment in the air.
Presently he turned and peered into the gloom under the awning, though, seemingly, he failed to distinguish myself reposing on the firewood.
For instance, in order to distinguish a given red, the hole must be larger or smaller, in proportion as the pitch of a musical tone is lower or higher, fainter or stronger.
But in other Positions of the Prisms, at which the Rings appeared of many Colours, I could not distinguish above eight or nine of them, and the Exterior of those were very confused and dilute.
The same Objects placed in the Sun's unrefracted heterogeneal Light, which was white, I viewed also through a Prism, and saw them most confusedly defined, so that I could not distinguish their smaller Parts from one another.
It was difficult to distinguish the Colours, unless when the Light fell very obliquely upon a smooth Paper, or some other smooth white Body, so as to make them appear much broader than they would otherwise do.
He didn't profess to understand everything in the high country, but he could still distinguish the principal figures at the end of a bank-note.
De Spain gave his horse his head--it was still too dark to distinguish the path--and depended on his towering landmarks for his general direction.
After a while he was able todistinguish the outline of her casement, and, with much patience and some little skill remaining from the boyhood days, he kept up the faint call.
He stood concealed among the smaller trees until he could distinguish the outlines of the animal, and his eye caught the figure of the rider.
De Spain could hear Duke's rough voice up-stairs, but could neither distinguish his words nor hear any response to them.
The Essex could doubtless have made good her voyage home, but Porter in capturing merchantmen and whalers had done nothing in his own view to distinguish himself, and he longed to grapple with this English ship of war.
Inferior to the contagion of fear, unaffected by general discouragement, equal in himself to every emergency, he moves before us in this campaign the embodiment of the noblest qualities that distinguish the American race.
We could see it till we could scarcely distinguish each other's features.
The windows were darkened, and the candles of the altar not yet lit; and, by the indistinct light that came in through the door, I could distinguish nothing clearly.
I could just distinguish the dark outline of their figures when my eye became accustomed to the imperfect light, and I never saw a finer spectacle of religious devotion.
We crossed the mountain of Radicofani yesterday, in so thick a mist that I could not even distinguish the ruin of the old castle, towering into the clouds above.
Proportionately, one takes a true patriot to his heart and I feel it right to say here, that the love of country and active benevolence of Mr. Cooper distinguish him abroad, even more than his genius.
He is one of the few men who ever opposed Napoleon successfully, and that should distinguish him, even if he had not won by his numerous merits and achievements the gift of almost every order in Europe.