Shortly[5] after the Reformation, we find two great schools of thought dividing this class of subjects between them.
From which remark it will be gathered that Franklin Marmion had certainly recrossed the dividing line between the two Planes of Existence.
And, if either, was she herself near enough to the dividing line between the two worlds for him to tell her the truth?
Cortes likewise gave the captains written instructions for their guidance, dividing them into squadrons, each of which was to co-operate with a particular leader of the land forces.
But even this Arabian tale is more likely than that which the same author tells of Cyrus dividing the Indus into three hundred and sixty canals, which all discharged themselves into the Caspian Sea!
The only question now agitated is, whether the author of nature has formed primordial parts unsusceptible of division, or if all is continually dividing and changing into other elements.
And this," says he, "is the chief river of the Region of the Negroes, dividing them from the Tawny Moors.
It is perennial, but the best results may be had by dividing the roots as often as every other year; or seedlings may be taken up from around the old plants.
The perennial Phlox is increased by division of the roots, the flowers being larger and more highly colored by dividingat least every three years.
Fine clumps may be had by planting out the entire old root, not dividing it.
Raising new stock from seeds is usually better than dividing old plants.
Then they went to the boats and sought rest, Jack dividing the night into two hour watches, during which one of the boys would be on guard.
George, who stood guard over him, rifle in hand, and dividing his attention between what Jack was doing and the surrounding gloomy woods.
By the great horn spoons, there has got to be a dividing line somewhere, between business and pleasure, and I strike the line at wheeling a baby.
It is figured on the face and its reverse, with two parallel latitudinal and two longitudinal lines crossing in its center, and dividing the area into four equal parts.
The work of dividing the shell and removing neatly the interior parts must have been one of no little difficulty, considering the compactness of the shell and the rudeness of the tools.
However, beyond causing the mistress distress, the practitioner need be in no fear about dividing one of these abnormal vessels, for the eccentric growth of which the most experienced practitioner cannot at all times be prepared.
I told your Majesty how it would be," remarked the enchanter; "and yet there she is, as she was in her best days.
At first, my grandfather and Owen indulged in cheerful conversation; but shortness of breath soon reduced the Major to monosyllables, and the latter part of the journey was accomplished in silence.
They might urge that, though the questions dividing nations had more or less their origin in an economic problem, the economic question becomes itself a moral question, a question of right.
Conquest in the modern world is a process of multiplying by x, and then obtaining the original figure by dividing by x.
The trail led up a long ridge, which appeared to be the dividing ground between the two principal forks of the Maramec.
On thedividing ridge between Strawberry and Spring rivers, Arkansas.
The Maramec also originates in high lands, two hundred and fifty miles south-west of its mouth, and is separated from the waters of the Gasconade only by a dividing ridge of land.
Mr. Cholmley reported from the Committee, to whom the Bill for inclosing and dividing the common waste grounds [etc.
Provided that any father being a tenant may make a will dividing the money among his sons as he think best, provided he exceed not these sums and rates.
The light that showed how near they were to one another was kindled at the barrierdividing them.
She saw clearly now that he had fastened on this miserable incident, expecting an imbroglio that would divide Nevil and his uncle, and be an excuse for dividing her and Nevil.
Then young children could read and sing music as easily as they can read language; and might take any tune, dividing themselves into bands, and sing off at sight the endless variety of music which is prepared.
For those practicing the closest economy, two small families could occupy it, by dividing the kitchen, and yet have room enough.
Nor can we carry on the division of inorganic matter indefinitely for want of sufficiently delicate dividing instruments.
We make the object of this latter notion definite only by dividing it off mentally from nothingness, conceived per modum entis, or as an ens rationis.
We derive our notion of quantitative or mathematical unity, which is the principle of counting and the standard of measuring, from dividing mentally the continuous quantity or magnitude which is one of the immediate data of sense experience.
He continued his rapid movement to and fro, dividing his thoughts between revenge and suicide, when a tap at the door roused him from his gloomy reveries.
That he did not sit down at the little table and drink tea with her himself showed that his courtesy knew where to draw the dividing line.
The passage, instead of dividing the house, drew it together tight.
When it came to dividing the spoils, Comonfort and Zuloaga fell out, and a seven days' conflict resulted.
Wittgenstein committed the error of dividing his army into three slender columns.
The Sabine River, instead of the Rio Grande, was made the dividing line between the United States and Spanish territory.
Dividing three hundred million by three hundred gives one million and that is one of the frequencies which I told you were used by ship sets.
Here they had a mutiny among their men, which ended in the entire disbanding of the crew, and the dividing up among them the money which they had received for their goods.
Instead of capturing the fortress and dividing up the territory among his deserving generals, as was expected, he restored to the Shimazu family its original buildings, viz.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dividing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.