There is the lurking misgiving, there is the tacit remonstrance; but there is prompt obedience notwithstanding.
I shall assuredly not ask him, sir,' was theprompt rejoinder.
They grew to talk with him and confide in him, showing him private letters from exalted personages, and even at times to take his counsel in affairs which required prompt action.
I never thought of him, sir,' was the prompt answer.
Prompt as the Czar, Daniloff bared his sabre and threw himself between his mistress and Peter.
And happy was the vanquished chief who escaped with a prompt and merciful death by axe or bullet.
There are not wanting voices to say that a prompt sally might have saved Jeanne, and that it was quite within the power of the Governor and city had they chosen.
One man, whose child was dying, came forward voluntarily when the arrests were being made, hoping that humanity would prompt his release on a statement of his condition.
They assume that additional investment in seed trees, or planting to insure prompt starting of a new crop after cutting, will be unnecessary or at least offset by the smaller fire charge and greater economy of logging.
Twelve an' the corp'ral, sir," came the prompt answer.
Kerensky must be set his prompt recognition of his own unfitness for the position of representative of the British Government on the banks of the Neva.
All the trappings dear to the accountant's soul, were to them merely hindrances to the prompt posting and receiving of their letters.
I was especially amused by her account of the prompt manner in which General Jackson sent her mother back to Tennessee because she refused to accord social recognition to the wife of General John H.
An end is to be looked for in every man, an animal most prompt to change.
For though the prince himself be of a most prompt inclination to all virtue, yet the best pilots have needs of mariners besides sails, anchor, and other tackle.
So all extremes outrage some clearly-defined law of nature, and entail prompt punishment.
The men are sought for by sea-captains who navigate these waters, being as a rule excellent seamen, prompt and obedient.
The large garrison constitutes the most restless element, but as its members are amenable to martial law, which is always prompt and decisive, good order is easily preserved.
What a luxury benevolence must be, when it meets with such a prompt return.
But the habits of regularity, order, and prompt obedience to command, can be acquired only by troops which are exercised in great bodies.
Envy, malice, or resentment, are the only passions which can prompt one man to injure another in his person or reputation.
The soldiers are every day exercised in the use of their arms, and, being constantly under the command of their officers, are habituated to the same prompt obedience which takes place in standing armies.
Every man's interest would prompt him to seek the advantageous, and to shun the disadvantageous employment.
Love will thus prompt the parent to chasten his son while there is hope.
As the cry of hunger from your children, and their shivering cold in winter, prompt you to provide for their natural wants, so let their moral wants impel you to fidelity to their souls.
Our piety, if genuine, will not make us guilty of crimes against nature, and prompt us to bend with apathy over the grave of buried, love.
Let not the ornaments and magnificence of mere outward life divert your attention from those hidden principles which prompt to action.
The penalties of its neglect, and the rewards of our faithfulness to it, should prompt us to its establishment in our homes.
Your regard for the temporal and eternal welfare of your children shouldprompt you to faithfulness to the holy mission of your family.
Later, however, urged by an appetite whose prompt satisfaction I did not calculate on, I ventured on a new pantomime.
There was a jury there which was very prompt and satisfactory.
An officer of the state, an Italian, accompanied us through half our journey to see that we met with prompt and proper treatment.
The missionaries were promptto see the importance of the new field open for their labors.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prompt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.