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Example sentences for "subserve"

Lexicographically close words:
subscrivit; subsection; subsections; subsequent; subsequently; subserved; subserves; subservience; subserviency; subservient
  1. The active business men, not many in numbers, but strong in influence, found a flow of paper money helpful in making the capital of the rich and the labor of the poor subserve their interests, as Hildreth says.

  2. They can and will, of course, act with whichever party will best subserve their purpose.

  3. Just so far as we succumb to fear, we lose the control of our powers, and lie at the feet of circumstance instead of cooperating with it, and making it subserve our benefit.

  4. Thou hast done nobly, and thy labors will subserve the interests of the Church.

  5. They were grievous and harrowing to his sensitive feelings, but subserve a good purpose to posterity, giving many well-authenticated facts respecting him, which otherwise would have been lost.

  6. It is not pretended that they are designed to subserve directly a political or civil object.

  7. If we are bowing in humble submission to Jesus Christ, they will all subserve our highest good.

  8. Hence the vocal powers, the power of producing sounds instrumentally, and the power of flight, have been organised to subserve the biological end of "recognition.

  9. He fancied that even insensible matter showed a forwardness to subserve his designs, not considering that the successes of the foolish and wicked form the first rod of their chastisement.

  10. She had little heart and great pride, and made her God subserve her passions, as Dardennes made liberty subserve his malice.

  11. Teachers and prophets, however, are to be obedient to rulers and continue subject to them; each Christian work and office must subserve the others.

  12. Under such conditions, false and indolent Christians run indeed a merry race; yet God's Word and ways in which they are so alert and speedy are merely a show, because they make them subserve their own interests and glory.

  13. Man's moral and mental faculties have for their object to subserve practical necessities, but an omnipotent Being can have no occasion either for wisdom or for goodness.

  14. And mark each passage in accordance with its main purpose or function, for many passages will subserve more than one end.

  15. The writer who seeks merely to cater to current tastes with each tale will do well to devise fictions that will subserve his purpose naturally.

  16. They may subserve the education of a St. Francis de Sales or a Cardinal Pole; they may be the limits of the contemplation of a Shaftesbury or a Gibbon.

  17. Mosaic code its spirit of charity, in order to make it subserve a point in his polemic.

  18. Social polity therefore includes the whole of development; the intellect should have no other end but to subserve the needs of the race, and always be second to the altruistic sentiments.

  19. It would be impossible to lay it all before you, and the most I can do, or need do to-night, is to take up the principal points and put them before you with such prominence as may subserve the purposes of our present argument.

  20. The guinea-pig has teeth which are shed before it is born, and hence can never subserve the masticatory purpose for which they seem contrived, and, in like manner, the female dugong has tusks which never cut the gum.

  21. For fancy itself will subserve the true imagination of the mystic, and so be glorified.

  22. But order is divine, and cannot be obstructive to its own higher ends; it must subserve them.

  23. Chapter IX These four faculties which subserve nutrition are thus apparent in many different parts of the body.

  24. In this view, we ought never to murmur, but to consider, when ills befall us, how we can make them subserve our highest good.

  25. I hope to be forgiven the offence, if such it be; and to make such improvement of it as will subserve the purposes of my heavenly Father, who doth not willingly afflict the children of men, but for their improvement.

  26. The gills in the fish subserve the same function as the gills of the crayfish, that of purifying the blood by eliminating carbonic-acid gas from it and taking up oxygen from the air mixed with or dissolved in the water.

  27. That these projections were designed to subserve the purposes to which bastions are applied in modern fortification is not clear.

  28. They possessed the secret of hardening the metal last named, so as to make it subserve most of the uses to which iron is applied.

  29. One of the most singular of these mounds, and one which best illustrates the remark that certain mounds were probably made to subserve a double purpose, is situated within a large enclosure on the east bank of the Scioto river.

  30. It proposes some definite means of action for furthering their moral instruction, and reclamation from the evils of intemperance and the principles of war, and to subserve the general purposes of a society of moral inquiry.

  31. But the sketches that may be made from easily-got, existing materials, may subserve a useful purpose, with the hope always that some new fact may be elicited, which will add to the mass of materials.

  32. Is it possible that we could ever be in doubt respecting the office which the soil and its component parts subserve in the existence and growth of vegetables?

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "subserve" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.