It is suggested that the teacher endeavor to evaluate the class time and plan so that the end of the period comes not as an interruption but as a challenge to further interest, observation, and efforts.
Many sources of information are necessary for pupils to evaluate tentative conclusions and to verify final conclusions as well as for elaboration of facts.
However, the successful teacher must evaluate each situation in light of the cost in time and money and the effect that failure would have upon the individual pupil.
It is fully as important for the teacher to evaluate results of her teaching as to plan for it carefully.
We evaluate the whole range of factors that have anything to do with the situation.
We cannotevaluate the index of hereditary accomplishment for the Clearwater faculty very high.
The next thing we evaluate is the performance of students graduated during the past twenty-five years.
The indicators are also used to evaluate the performance of enterprises in relation to the plan.
However, properly defined, it can help us to evaluate the Fair Play settlers in some understandable context.
All were not solved during the period under analysis, but the attempts to solve these and other problems afford us the opportunity to evaluate the leadership in the Fair Play territory.
Socially, the idea of self-determination is applied to evaluate the religious institutions, the class structure, and the value system.
Arbitrarily defining democracy, certain objective criteria were set up to evaluate it in the Fair Play territory.
In a time when idealists envision a world community based upon the self-determination which was basic in this nation's early development, it is essential to re-evaluate that principle in terms of its earliest American development.
The individual must have facts and standards at his disposal by means of which he may evaluate the possible lines of action presented.
We again listened to his chest to attempt to evaluate the respirations.
Approximately 12 noon or shortly thereafter I was in the clinic and was called to come into the emergency room to see these people and evaluate them for admission and treatment.
You have to determine which things, which are immediately life threatening and cope with them, before attempting to evaluate the full extent of the injuries.
Let's evaluate the European spirit based on some of these models.
Based on prediction, we can evaluate which are the limits for I and S for a friendly or unfriendly interaction.
It is very difficult to evaluate the global effect of the mentioned behaviour on these countries.
If we take enjoyment or happiness as the measure, it is easy," he says, "to evaluate life.
I state to you now that the general nature of the Commission's inquiry is to ascertain, evaluate and report upon the facts relevant to the assassination of President Kennedy and the subsequent violent death of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Commission "to ascertain, evaluate and report upon the facts relating to the assassination of the late President John F.
Mrs. Oswald, can you describe for the Commission your differences so the Commission will be able to evaluate those differences?
If you could properly evaluate this incomparable price, you would throw all your ceremonies, vows, works, and merits into the ash can.
A brief account of these, with references to the more complete literature, will be given here, and some attempt made to evaluate the tests themselves.
As a matter of fact, an appreciable part of his worth to the State would be his ability to spot idiosyncrasies, and to evaluate single-track ideas, issuing out of narrow-gauge brains.
In the epistemological status, we evaluate how language is a medium for embodying science and shaping the perspective of scientific inquiry.
For instance, in a context of global economy, how can one correctly evaluate the emergence of new national states and forceful national movements when the post-national state and the trans-national world are already a reality?
Many researchers have attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of communication in these contexts.
The result is illustrative of the relation between what we do and how we evaluate what we do.
Consultation with a travel medicine physician is needed to evaluate individual risk and recommend appropriate preventive measures such as vaccines.
The general nature of our inquiry is to ascertain, evaluate and report upon the facts relating to the assassination of President Kennedy and the subsequent violent death of Lee Harvey Oswald.
This is a difficult factor to evaluate in a practical way.
Naturally, not all reporters were able to evaluate all of these qualities, so many spaces were left blank.
To evaluate the hazards; the isotopes contributing to the radioactivity must be identified.
Limited ability to accurately evaluate the eyes, nose, and mouth of patients wearing a protective mask.
If she wishes to evaluate them in the light of any possible principles she may have laid down, she finds the principles themselves very shaky.
Reviews fail: they either do not evaluate the book at all, or they lack appreciation of it or of the children who are to read it--or both.
I think when you see things in that perspective it is perhaps easier to evaluate some of the decisions and some of the actions taken here.
But all the reports on the known defectors in this country are submitted to us, and then we evaluate from the case history of the report whether or not he would be a risk for us subject to investigation.
In order for us to evaluate the testimony she has given us and what you allege she has given you, we must see the information which you have at your disposal.
But, at that time, this was 2 days after the assassination, you really didn't have much time to evaluate all of the evidence.
I hesitate to attempt to evaluate the information that we gathered from hundreds and hundreds of people that we talked to during the investigation of Ruby after the assassination.
All students should develop the ability to evaluate their thought processes as a learned skill.
Next the student may use the information to create something new, and finally he should use the memorized information to evaluate his own performance.
Teachers may find that students instantaneously begin to act more mature because of the realization that their peers have a common body of knowledge about values and character traits and checklists to evaluate the behavior of others.
The Political Survey Division does evaluate political activity, all right, but it is the Secret Service of the UN Government.
Morgan again shook the Lensman's hand; and again Samms could not evaluate the Senator's sincerity.
But know now that no mind, not even the most capable in the universe, can either visualize truly or truly evaluate itself.