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Example sentences for "coincident"

Lexicographically close words:
coinages; coincide; coincided; coincidence; coincidences; coincidental; coincidentally; coincidently; coincides; coinciding
  1. Coincident with this event, things in France had come to a head precisely as Philip and his ambassador had planned to have them.

  2. Coincident with this manifesto the princes of Navarre and Condé joined in a note to the King declaring their resolution never to yield.

  3. Coincident with this great hegira to the woods," we are told by G.

  4. The building up of great cities made a market for game and fish, and coincident therewith the market-hunter and the market-fisherman came into existence.

  5. Although Julius Cæsar's correction and his provisions for keeping the "civil" year coincident with the astronomical year were admirable, yet they were not perfect.

  6. Coincident with these changes the States of the East have increased in population, and the proportion who live in cities is increasing at a greater ratio even.

  7. These changes would have come to pass without Kossuth; but it is to his credit that his teachings were coincident with the trend of events, and they may have contributed to the accomplished results.

  8. As these evils were coincident in time with the measures, the measures were treated as the guilty cause.

  9. In short, the double is made by the addition of a second line in a particular position and not by a growth out to it of a line coincident to begin with with the first.

  10. It was an era of deposition and coincident subsidence, when the western land had its nose just above water at one moment to be submerged the next.

  11. It seemed then to show an actual change in width coincident with alteration of visibility.

  12. Coincident with the obliteration of its contour, its dimensions seemingly enlarge.

  13. Coincident with this attack from without, we find a reformation begun within, as exemplified in the Dominican and Franciscan movements.

  14. The clause with #dum# often denotes the cause of the main action, particularly when the subjects of both verbs are the same and the action of the protasis is coincident with that of the apodosis (1733).

  15. The indicative is often used with explanatory #cum# when the action of the protasis is coincident with that of the apodosis (1733).

  16. His statement that Argos was at least neutral, if not treacherous and philo-Persian, during the invasion of Xerxes, is coincident with Herodotus; but not so his statement that the Lacedaemonians were kept back by the war against Messene.

  17. A small concave mirror in the axis of this telescope, having its focus coincident with that of the large reflector, transmits the light received from the latter back through a hole in its center to the eyepiece placed behind it.

  18. The inverse distribution is the induced distribution on a conducting shell uninsulated and coincident with the segment, and under the influence of a charge -aV situated at Q (Fig.

  19. I do not simply mean to call up in the mind of my hearer a certain 'cluster' or two coincident clusters of ideas, but to convey knowledge of truths.

  20. The Paley conception of the Deity is, in fact, coincident with Bentham's conception of the sovereign.

  21. That will be done when the body is chosen in such a way that its interests are necessarily coincident with those of the community at large.

  22. Coincident with these operations, huge national shell-factories were planned for erection in various parts of the country.

  23. The rise of the flood on Rockaway River at Old Boonton was almost coincident with that on Pequanac River at Macopin dam.

  24. Therefore, a true flood curve at this point would be much flatter at the beginning and rise sharply at a period coincident with the carrying away of the flashboards.

  25. A2-2-2] The notion that the gain in trade is coincident with the balance of account paid in cash, is just as palpably false in the trade among nations as in trade among private persons.

  26. It has been thought possible to avoid the evil effects of a fixed legal rate of interest, by regulating it in such a way as to make it coincident with the rate customary in the country.

  27. Colbert's step to destroy this preponderance is coincident with the changed foreign policy.

  28. Coincident with the rise of the middle class was the declining influence of the Church and the Nobility.

  29. The church contains numerous monuments, among others one to Prince Maurice of Saxony.

  30. Frederick was among the princes who pressed the need of reform upon the German king Maximilian I.

  31. The principal continuous thoroughfares within the metropolis, though each bears a succession of names, are coincident with the main roads converging upon the capital from all parts of England.

  32. The straight highway from the north-west which as Edgware Road joins Oxford Street at the Marble Arch (the north-eastern entrance to Hyde Park) is coincident with the Roman Watling Street.

  33. Coincident with Portugal's action Italy commandeered thirty-four German ships lying in Italian ports, and several others in her territorial waters.

  34. Coincident with this artillery duel there developed a series of violent engagements on the Carso plateau to the east of the lower Isonzo.

  35. About the middle of March, coincident with a similar increase of artillery attacks along the German-Russian front, the Russian guns in South Poland, Galicia, and the Bukowina began to thunder again as they had not done since the fall of 1915.

  36. Coincident with this short Italian offensive in the Monfalcone sector of the Isonzo front, there also developed considerable fighting to the east on the Carso Plateau, north of Trieste, which, however, was equally barren of definite results.

  37. Great historical points of departure are coincident with religious changes only as far as the three world-religions which exist up to the present are concerned--Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.

  38. This limitation corresponded with the natural science of the time and the metaphysic coincident therewith, that is the anti-dialectic methods of the philosophers.

  39. In recurring to coincident events transpiring in other parts of the country, it must be remarked, that the Commander-in-Chief was often placed in circumstances not the most promising.

  40. Which means that the sign Leo was then in the horizon--the precise degree being marked by the coincident rising of the star Aldryan.

  41. Various disturbances of metabolism may occur, depending on the circulation in the different organs or on coincident disease, and the liver, pancreas and kidneys may be affected.

  42. There may also be coincident pains down the legs.

  43. Chronic nephritis is often a coincident disease, but the causes of the arteriosclerosis and the nephritis are generally the same.

  44. The attack may be coincident with acute abdominal pain, almost simulating a gastric crisis of locomotor ataxia.

  45. Strychnin is then the drug relied on, with such other general medication as is needed, combined with the coincident administration of nitroglycerin, which may also be given in conjunction with digitalis, if deemed advisable.

  46. These dangerous rises in venous pressure are generally coincident with a fall of systolic arterial pressure, although there may be no constant relation between the two.

  47. If the depressing action of bromids on the heart is counteracted by the coincident administration of digitalis, they will act only for good by quieting the nervous system and more or less inhibiting the secretion of the thyroid gland.

  48. It is probable, however, that in these cases there may be coincident arterial disease in the brain.

  49. It required nearly a year to complete the necessary preparations, and the ceremony with its feasts occupied fourteen days, which were partly coincident with the autumn Feast of Tabernacles.

  50. Coincident with these were the demoralising luxuries and domestic sensualism of a polygamous palace.

  51. Thus four reflections of the ray were received during each turn of the mirror, which would be coincident were the form of the mirror invariable.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coincident" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accessory; accidental; accompanying; affirmative; agreeable; agreeing; ancillary; associated; attendant; attending; coequal; coexistent; coextensive; coherent; coincident; coinciding; collateral; collective; combined; combining; commensurate; compact; compatible; comprehensive; concerted; concoct; concomitant; concordant; concurrent; congenial; congruent; congruous; conjoint; conjugate; consistent; consonant; contemporary; cooperative; coordinate; corporate; correlative; correspondent; corresponding; coterminous; coupled; equal; equivalent; fellow; harmonious; inclusive; joined; joint; meeting; modern; mutual; paired; parallel; parasitic; positive; proportionate; reconcilable; saprophytic; satellite; simultaneous; symbiotic; synchronized; synchronous; synergistic; twin; unanimous; uniform; united; uniting