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Example sentences for "shook"

Lexicographically close words:
shood; shooe; shooed; shooes; shooing; shooke; shoon; shoop; shoos; shoost
  1. She looked at Ted and Jan, who shook their heads.

  2. But if I were your grandfather I wouldn't take you there camping," and the man again shook his head.

  3. His heart was softened in seeing mine suffer; and so much of his ill-will was done away, that when we parted, he almost shook me by the hand while he reminded me of an old promise about a pointer puppy.

  4. When we told him what had happened he shook his head in concern and went to work.

  5. In the excitement and chill of the October night, fingers shook so that they could scarcely hold a pen.

  6. Offering Heine tea was the one thing that shook his calmness.

  7. He handed me his card, shook hands and rushed out.

  8. He shook his head, but before hurrying home he scooped up a few buckets of coal we had on hand and took it into the store, and watered and fed the horses, knowing we might not be able to reach them until the blizzard had passed.

  9. They muttered and shook their heads angrily.

  10. The settlers shook their heads and said there must be something wrong with the witches or the divining rod, and Ma Wagor declared, "I never did have any faith in them little sticks.

  11. Old Dorn shook his huge head in somber and gloomy thought.

  12. Astonishment and fear shook Neuman before he recovered control of himself.

  13. Jake shook his lean head and his jaw bulged.

  14. Then, as she tripped up the porch steps, she shook a finger at Dorn.

  15. Presently Neuman returned to the desk and said something to old Dorn, who shook his head emphatically, and then threw himself into a chair, in a brooding posture that Kurt knew well.

  16. He wiped the beaded drops from his forehead, and he coughed and shook himself.

  17. The man shook his head and kept it bent a little, and then he began to edge back nearer to the stragglers, who slowly closed into a group behind him.

  18. That worthless strip of land, barring deadly foes, shook as with repeated earthquakes.

  19. Lenore's heart shook as she distinguished a phrase here and there, for Jim's letter had been wonderful for her.

  20. Then Mr. Anderson's voice shook so that he had to stop to gain control.

  21. Did she only imagine that his hand shook a little?

  22. With hard, gloomy face the old man shook his head.

  23. I questioned the nurse, and she shook her head doubtfully.

  24. Hopeless of victory the Imperialist centre was giving way, when the explosion of one of their powder wagons still further shook them.

  25. He had been prostrated by fever, and although he shook off the attack it left him so weak and feeble that he was altogether unfit for duty.

  26. So the people who shook their heads at him--and they were neither few nor far between--did it on other grounds than that of incapacity.

  27. The broad chest heaved as it would burst, a great sob shook the stalwart frame, and a huge teardrop rolled down the cheek that had never changed color in the hottest flashes of the fight.

  28. But when he shook above the crowd Its kindled points, he spoke aloud:-- 'Woe to the wretch who fails to rear At this dread sign the ready spear!

  29. The old men marked and shook the head, To see his hair with silver spread, And winked aside, and told each son Of feats upon the English done, Ere Douglas of the stalwart hand Was exiled from his native land.

  30. With that he shook the gathered heath, And spread his plaid upon the wreath; And the brave foemen, side by side, Lay peaceful down like brothers tried, And slept until the dawning beam Purpled the mountain and the stream.

  31. Thus giddy rumor shook the town, Till closed the Night her pennons brown.

  32. The pinkish donkey looked very quiet, except for the twitching ears; he hoped that Craddock would approve his choice and not want to mount him on the one that shook itself.

  33. At the end he got up, and shook hands with Armstrong.

  34. And over his boiling indignation that he knew raged below, there stretched a crust, that just shook and trembled with the tumult within, but showed no sign of giving way.

  35. Reggie was staring at him with wide-open eyes and shook his head.

  36. And my name's Lathom," he said, as he shook hands.

  37. He held out his hand, and smiled and shook his head.

  38. He awoke when Perkins shook his shoulder and found that it was dawn.

  39. Travers shook hands and nodded also to signify that he understood.

  40. He shook himself to cast off the spell, and, closing his eyes, sought sleep.

  41. A tall youth rushed forward, seized his hand and shook it violently, meanwhile uttering cries of welcome in an unbroken stream.

  42. One of them fired another shot at him, but it only shook the snow from a tree fifteen feet away.

  43. Harry shook his head, but he was very grateful.

  44. The chill of evening was coming on, and rising, he shook himself a little.

  45. Bertrand shook hands with both with great enthusiasm, but his eyes sparkled when he spoke to Harry.

  46. The two boys started, looked first at each other with hostile glances, which changed the next instant to looks of pleasure and welcome, and then shook hands with power and heartiness.

  47. He shook himself, put on his overcoat that he had used as a blanket, and tried to look through the window.

  48. A growl of approval came from the men, and some shook their rifles as a sign of what they would do.

  49. He shook the colonel's hand with vigor, and introduced him to young St. Clair.

  50. Dick himself left the next morning for Camp Dick Robinson, and Harry shook his hand over and over again as he departed.

  51. The Queen saw through her little ruse and shook her head mournfully,--but wore the bonnet.

  52. I gave her a warm petticoat, and the tears rolled down her old cheeks, and she shook my hands and prayed God to bless me: it was very touching.

  53. The old wondered and shook their heads over the mighty responsibility imposed upon her--the young dreamed of her.

  54. A long rolling thunderclap shook all the sky, and flashes of lightning zigzagged over the Vimy Ridge, whitening the edges of its upheaved earth.

  55. The shells kept coming near me, and the noise of them shook inside my head so that it went funny.

  56. One man shook his head and said, "Take it to the fellows in front.

  57. A solitary gun boomed and shook the loose stones of a ruined house.

  58. It rose like a beast stretching out its neck, and there came from it a roar which clouted one's ear-drums and shook one's body with a long tremor of concussion.

  59. The man shook his head and said in good English, "We are done for.

  60. We shook hands: his manner, I thought, a little stiff.

  61. Suddenly we began to get into a fearful swell--the Indiaman plunged and shook in every spar left her.

  62. The family looked innocent, shook their heads, and said nothing.

  63. Eldrick and his clerk both shook their heads.

  64. And Pratt shook his head at the incredulous expression.

  65. Pratt shook his head--as if he felt more sorrow than anger.

  66. But Mrs. Mallathorpe shook off her daughter's hand and turned again to Eldrick.

  67. And at the sight of him Eldrick shook his head.

  68. The old man shook his head and went off amongst the trees, and Pratt, giving his vanishing figure a queer look, turned silently back along the path, followed by Collingwood.

  69. He went away angrier than when he came, and Eldrick looked at Collingwood and shook his head.

  70. The girl looked out through the big window on the valley which lay in front of the old house, and she shook her head a little.

  71. But Byner smiled quietly and shook his head.

  72. And Pratt smiled, craftily, and shook his head.

  73. When he came back to his room he shook his head at the young barrister.

  74. The landlady shook her head and let out a weighty sigh.

  75. And again he shook his head, slowly and deprecatingly.

  76. And Esther quickly put the table between them, and shook her head.

  77. Pratt, who had hastily turned over the papers and other contents of the drawer, shook his head and used his privilege as an old and confidential servant.

  78. Johnny glanced up it with regretful eye, stopped an instant, took a long breath, shook himself, and went bravely to his task.

  79. He waved his hand towards the cabin, and Bob, in his turn, flushed as he shook hands with Melissa.

  80. His thin hands shook weakly, and he continually changed his position, and glanced expectantly at the long window which opened upon the gallery.

  81. Bud unwound the scarf that protected his ears, shook the water from his jacket, and began to untie the strings that secured pieces of sacking to his feet.

  82. Then he shook his head and muttered to himself.

  83. He beamed upon Melissa and shook hands with her cordially.

  84. She shook to think of harm that might come to her good old friend, the Doctor.

  85. The thumping of her heart shook her body mercilessly.

  86. He gave a great burst of laughter, which he quickly strangled, looking about suspiciously, and shook and shook with suppressed mirth.

  87. No girl in my time ever shook me like that.

  88. The sight of it shook von Rittenheim as a breeze drives through pine-boughs.

  89. The old lady raised her eyes in comical despair and shook her head mournfully.

  90. The Doctor spat in a practised and far-reaching manner into the red clay mud, and shook the reins over the backs of the horse and mule, which plodded on unheeding.

  91. She cuffed the child, and then shook him to still the uproar she had created.

  92. She came up close to me, shook hands with me, and bid me good-by when I came away.

  93. The girl returned the salute, and pointed to the chair on the veranda, put her handkerchief to her eyes, and shook her head as if in apology for the man in khaki.

  94. We are truly glad to see you, Joe," Geoffrey said, as they warmly shook Joe Chambers and the two sailors by the hand.

  95. A man was speaking, and in the intervals between the gusts of wind which shook the house to its foundation, he could hear what was said.

  96. The rout of the right wing shook the cavalry in the centre.

  97. He made a hearty meal, but only shook his head when she addressed him, and laughed childishly and muttered his thanks in Spanish when she bestowed a dollar upon him as he left.

  98. Watching my opportunity, while he was engaged in the delicate operation of lowering himself from one branch to another, I shook the trunk vigorously, and down he tumbled at my feet.

  99. It was not so much an orchard as a bit of woodland; and besides, we never shook the trees, but only helped ourselves to windfalls; and it must be a severe moralist who calls that stealing.

  100. So, taking the weeds one by one, they alighted at the very tip, and then with various twitchings and stampings shook the stalk as violently as possible, after which they dropped quickly upon the snow to gather up the results of their labors.

  101. But Miles still shook his head and declared he should wait to believe till Mr. Sydney told him all about it.

  102. A sort of convulsive tremor shook his frame, and he hastily took out his handkerchief to wipe away the beads of perspiration that had gathered on his forehead.

  103. I didn't think you'd come to meet me," he said, as he shook hands.

  104. But the driver, who had been talking earnestly with his companion, cut the horse with his whip, shook his head and drove on.

  105. I trust I shall see you both again," said Mrs. Fox, as she shook hands with the twins.

  106. He merely shook his head, and as he again left her declared that he was not going to be driven this way or that by such a fellow as Mudbury Docimer.

  107. Then he got up and shook himself, made his resolution like a man, ate a large allowance of curried salmon for his breakfast,--and then wrote the following letter.

  108. Tom shook his head, showing that he was not yet up to such festivity as that; and then Faddle took his departure.

  109. Augusta only shook herself and turned up her nose.

  110. Ayala frowned, and shook her head, and would not say a word upon the subject.

  111. I should like to shake her till I shook all the romance out of her.

  112. Mr. Dosett shook his head and scratched it at the same time, which was always a sign with him that he was not at all convinced by the arguments used, but that he did not wish to incur further hostility by answering them.

  113. He only whispered, and then shook his head angrily, as he heard the ill-timed shouting of one or two men who had already reached the other side of the little skirting of trees.

  114. She shook her head, still standing in the place which she had occupied from the beginning.

  115. She had said all that she knew how to say, and again shook her head.

  116. Tom only shook his head, and looked as if he was very ill.

  117. In answer to this she only shook her head, promising, however, that she would be ready to give Tom an audience when he should be brought to the Crescent on the following day.

  118. He did not make his way round the square without being addressed, but he simply shook off from him those who spoke to him.

  119. But Muller shook his head and continued: "No, never mind the payment, I wouldn't take any money for it.

  120. Muller, standing front of the desk, shook his head sadly.

  121. He shook off the clouds of slumber as he felt Muller's hand on his shoulder and raised himself to a sitting position, grumbling: "Can't I have any rest?

  122. His hands were clenched and tremors shook his gaunt but strong-muscled frame.

  123. The commissioner looked at Muller without a word, but the detective understood and shook his head.

  124. Mrs. Bernauer shook her head and murmured: "Oh, no, quite the contrary.

  125. Muller shook his head as if in wonderment, and bent to investigate the button which was fastened into the wall beneath the window sill.

  126. The paper which he opened shook in his trembling hands, as his eyes sought the reports of the murder.

  127. He shook hands with myself and all the members of my family.

  128. This respite shook The bosom of my conscience.

  129. Extended Asia from Euphrates, and His conquering banners shook from Syria.

  130. The admiral made a courtly bow to Captain Evans, and shook hands with him.

  131. My father hastened to assure my mother and Kathleen that we were safe for the present, while we all shook hands round, congratulating ourselves on our victory.

  132. I confess that it would have been more prudent not to have fired, for fear of hitting you," I answered as he shook me by the hand.

  133. Miss Brown shook her head disapprovingly as she looked around the circle.

  134. The first to arrive was Jim, with a great bunch of roses, at which extravagance Aunt Zélie shook her head, though she could not help appreciating their beauty and Jim's thoughtfulness.

  135. Tina shook her head, and after some questioning she explained that her father was a member of a small string band.

  136. He shook hands with himself in the approved Chinese fashion, and bowed so low that his nose almost touched his knees.

  137. Sir Thomas must have understood him, for he slowly shook his head.

  138. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shook" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bothered; chaotic; confused; discomposed; disconcerted; disordered; disorganized; disturbed; electrified; embarrassed; flustered; jumbled; perplexed; perturbed; shaken; shocked; shook; shuffled; staggered; startled; unsettled; upset

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    shook hands; shook himself; shook his