Making a reservoir watertight is, when all things are said, the one difficult constructional task in tank work and the contractor who accepts the task lightly courts trouble.
The circumferential joints of the tube were made by turning up the edges of the sheets and welding them; this gives a flexible watertight joint.
This, it was expected would make an elastic and watertight joint between the new and the old work.
Several of the officers had cigarettes in watertight cases; those of the men who were able to keep their supply of "fags" dry in their caps shared them with their less fortunate comrades.
In the elongated superstructure, which comprised not only the conning-tower but several spacious compartments, were gun-ports fitted with watertight lids.
As he spoke the officers and men on the superstructure of the submarine disappeared below, the watertight hatches were closed and secured, and the vessel slid with hardly a ripple beneath the surface.
My money, clothes, andwatertight boots, which were quite new, could nowhere be found at the Camp.
I met with grand sympathy in 'words,' superlatively impotent even to move for the restitution of my watertight boots!
The in-and-out stitch, which was used only above the waterline, cannot be pulled up hard without causing the bark to pucker and split and cannot be made very watertight with gum.
The skin cover of the curragh was made watertight by rubbing the hides with animal fat, and the sewn seams were payed with tallow.
Both treatments produced a cover initially watertight but requiring drying and reoiling to remain so.
Under most climatic conditions in the North Atlantic or Pacific the oiled skins remain watertightfrom four days to a week.
The lids were fitted with hasps and padlocks and the boxes were as watertight as possible.
A watertight jacket with the skirt laced to the manhole rim is worn by the kayaker to prevent swamping.
As has been stated, the Eskimo construction required a rigid frame, with all members fastened together with lashings and pegs, the skin cover being merely the watertight envelope and not a strength member.
The buoyancy is obtained by having air chambers formed along the sides of the boat, and a watertight deck, the space between which and the boat's floor is filled by air chambers.
The power of discharging water is obtained by forming a watertight deck at the load-water-line.
The oil hold is closed forward by a watertight bulkhead, which goes up to the main-deck.
You may see the tests of electrical machinery and you may watch the operation of closing all watertight doors every evening at 5 o'clock, and always in going in or out of port or in time of fog.
Where men were sweating in front of furnace doors in watertight compartments the greeting was sung and the words "Happy New Year" were chalked on furnace doors.
I had a hood to it, and also the means of buttoning it loosely under my chin, to make myself watertight during heavy rain.
A few yards of intestine blown out and tied here and there, so as to form so many watertight compartments, makes a capital swimming belt: it may be wound in a figure of 8 round the neck and under the armpits.
The natives use as their float two of their largest calabashes, cutting off their small ends, and joining the openings face to face, so as to form a large, hollow, watertight vessel.
Second Officer Heppert, who was on the bridge, immediately closed all watertight doors worked from the bridge, and the testimony satisfactorily shows that all watertight doors worked by hand were promptly closed.
This is filled up and made watertight by a ponderous wedge, weighing twelve tons and shaped like a U, its sides and lower part thus corresponding in outline with those of the tank and canal.
The two ends of the canal proper where it reaches the entrance to the bridge, are also provided with watertight doors.
I don't know whether he could carry the necessary apparatus, but he might hide it in a watertight box.
As soon as the men were safely in the fore part of the vessel Devoran gave orders for the remaining watertight doors to be closed.
In the other transverse bulkhead was also a door, fitted with a watertight sliding hatch.
Simultaneously the watertight doors in the two principal transverse bulkheads were hermetically sealed, save a small emergency exit from Number Three Platform to the fore compartment.
Guided by a watertight compass held by the chief officer, Hythe, with his dispatches in a weighted metal case, set out on his lengthy submarine walk.
Hythe could see the bulkhead with its watertight doors securely fastened, and the bright copper electrical contacts with their surrounding belt of insulated material.
By walking in a direction due north as shown by my watertight compass I came ashore here.
When he came to the after bulkhead watertight door he found it secured.
At the end of the alley-way terminating at the watertighttransverse bulkhead Captain Restronguet stopped as if he were about to ascend to the after conning-tower; but changing his mind he opened the watertight door.
Throwing back a watertight sliding-door in the port fore and aft bulkhead Captain Restronguet signed to the sub to enter.
He cannot shut them away in watertight compartments.
Home and school present to the average boy two watertight compartments.
Probably the Turkish ships were the easiest of all to put down, as it is doubtful if their fatalistic officers troubled to keep the watertight doors closed.
This gun can be carried loaded submerged by the use of a watertight tampion and breech.
A three-year secret project in the Inland Sea, funded by DNI, culminated five days ago when scientists brought up a watertight gold case containing what is believed to be the original Imperial sword.
That, I figured, must be the watertight case Noda's scientists had originally detected.
Forty-two shafts were sunk to facilitate driving, and in four cases where the surface of the ground is below the hydraulic gradient these are closed by watertight covers.
It passed round the ship like lightning, even penetrating the watertight bulkheads in some miraculous manner, and cheered up all hands tremendously.
The hull is divided transversely into ten separate compartments of 60 feet each, and rendered perfectly watertightby bulkheads, through which there is no opening whatever below the second deck.
The wheel, worked by men, was to work in a watertight box in the centre of the vessel, the paddles projecting below the keel.
In Babylonia the "kufa", a great floating basket made watertight with pitch or covered with skins, was an early invention.
In the case of the latter the skins were stretched round a framework, sewed together and madewatertight with pitch.
Transverse bulkheads forward and abaft the machinery should be continued watertight to the uppermost continuous structural deck, and this deck should be fitted water-tight.
Use galvanised nuts and bolts for fastening, with a thin leather washer under the bolt and an oak washer under the nut, and make the holes watertight by hard screwing and plenty of whitelead.