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Example sentences for "terse"

Lexicographically close words:
terrorizing; terrors; terrour; terrours; ters; tersely; terseness; tertia; tertials; tertiam
  1. His terse sentences, leaving no doubt in the mind of the hearer as to what he meant, always had the same snap.

  2. In the terse language of the common people, "no man could swear money into his own pocket.

  3. He has written, for his own amusement, many poems of much merit, a volume of which was published for circulation among his friends in 1879, and he is a master of the art of expression in terse and polished prose.

  4. Then oratory was in demand at the bar; but now, in its place, is required a dry summary, as terse and pointed as an auditor's statement of accounts.

  5. His naturally astute and logical mind, finding its expression through the channels of a terse and luminous style, caused his pleadings in all their stages to be master pieces of art.

  6. His style was fluent, but not of that fluency which comes of redundant words and phrases, for I have never listened to one so terse and vigorous.

  7. He turned on her suddenly with a terse greeting that startled her thoughts like doves in a pine wood.

  8. So," came the terse response, "that was an evil fortune.

  9. Terse and rhythmic, it was like the sound of Time plucking the hours from the Tree of Life.

  10. To obtain a terse and musical expression for his thought is his artistic purpose, but that of his mind and moral nature is not so apparent in his poetry.

  11. It is less terse and less naturally expressed.

  12. The information is presented in a terse and attractive style.

  13. Cardwell sent him a paper by a high military authority, on which Mr. Gladstone made two terse ironic comments.

  14. The invitation is engraved and printed upon a note sheet, in handsome plain script, the lines broken to give distinction to the several ideas, and the wording made as terse as possible.

  15. Any definite idea of time may be given to meet the facts, the wording being made as terse as possible.

  16. These aphorisms want the terse brevity of Rochefoucauld, and are in many instances vapid and trivial.

  17. His writings are remarkable for vigorous and racy Saxon, as full of vituperation as Rabelais's, and as terse and simple as Swift's.

  18. So I signalled, then, to make no move toward seeking a way down till I gave the word, and I gave a terse hint of the great danger in such an attempt.

  19. Then came from the sea the terse acknowledgment: O.

  20. He was an Eastern man of conservative habit, but he was sufficiently Occidentalized to grasp the main points in Bartrow's terse narrative, and to rise to the inexorable demands of the occasion.

  21. The meagre particulars tallied accurately with Bartrow's terse account of Jeffard's sociological experiment.

  22. Taking him at his worst, Miss Elliott's terse characterization of Henry Jeffard was not altogether inaccurate, though, in the present instance, he would not have gone back to the theatre if he had known what else to do with himself.

  23. When the damsels before alluded to commenced their peregrinations round the table, giving in terribly terse language the choice of meats, the solemnity of the proceeding could not have been exceeded.

  24. This terse and forcibly expressed opinion made me select the interior of a wagon, and some fresh hay, as a place of rest, where, in spite of vast numbers of mosquitoes, I slept the sleep of the weary.

  25. Each of the terse words which suffice him has something of the nature of a peep-hole, through which limitless vistas are obtained.

  26. Even in respect to the principles of liberty and justice, which were the animating life of the bill, Fox's terse sentences contrast strangely with the somewhat more lumbering and elaborate paragraphs of Burke.

  27. A man with no sense of religious duty is he whom the Scriptures describe, in such terse but terrific language, as living "without God in the world.

  28. The definitions are terse and concise; and include every term used in electrical science.

  29. The definitions are terse and concise and include every term used in electrical science.

  30. These outbursts, very terse and enigmatic, are charged with religious emotion, and turn often on some subtle point of Arahatship, that is, of the Buddhist ideal of life.

  31. Various anecdotes illustrated these remarks, and a number of terse aphorisms of his were recorded.

  32. There was a sound of talking from the interior of the car, hasty, breathless voices, questioning, exclaiming, and the authoritative terse answer of the guard.

  33. As it was I could only address Wilbur in a few terse adjectives, and tell him what I thought of a person that would pull off such a low down deal on an unsuspecting fluff.

  34. That terse remark made her sit up and take notice, for she had been telling one of the members of the party who she was trying to make a hit with that she got her money from her large estates in England.

  35. His speech flows smoothly, is always terse and interesting and is often suddenly interrupted by questions delivered with lightning precision, which one must endeavor to answer equally quickly and clearly.

  36. The terse language of my note-book will answer for the rest of this day's experiences: "Broke camp at 7 A.

  37. Collisions, but no cornering," was the terse telegram home of a youthful officer who had been keen in the hunt.

  38. He sent in with a flag of truce a terse message, "I have 1200 men and five guns.

  39. Reason was on his side, and his command of logic and of terse and telling language enabled him to set his cause in the most effective light.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "terse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abbreviated; abridged; aphoristic; axiomatic; bluff; brief; brusque; caustic; chaste; classical; clear; clipped; close; compact; compendious; compressed; concise; condensed; contracted; crisp; curt; cut; direct; docked; dumb; easy; elegant; elliptic; elliptical; epigrammatic; finished; fleeting; gnomic; graceful; incisive; laconic; limpid; lucid; mute; natural; neat; pellucid; perspicuous; pithy; plain; platitudinous; pointed; polished; proverbial; pruned; pungent; pure; quiet; refined; reserved; restrained; round; sententious; short; shortened; silent; simple; snug; speechless; straightforward; succinct; summary; taciturn; tasteful; terse; tight; trim; truncated; unaffected; wordless