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Example sentences for "instantaneous"

Lexicographically close words:
instance; instanced; instances; instancing; instant; instantaneously; instantaneousness; instante; instanter; instantlie
  1. When this fact became known, it was further applied to the construction of an instantaneous light, in which hydrogen was made to play upon a little ball of spongy platinum, and immediately kindled.

  2. Whether it was due to the flying cloak, or to some dim wizardry of the shadows, there grew over him an instantaneous transformation of outline that was far more marked than anything before.

  3. O'Malley described it as the instantaneous dropping of a shutter across his mind.

  4. Its supremacy was instantaneous and unchallenged, and it quickly coloured speech and literature; it could produce a Bunyan in the century of its birth.

  5. I was struck with extreme surprise--not so much at her singular beauty, as from an instantaneous conviction that she was known to me, or at least that I had seen her frequently before, but where or when I could not at all call to mind.

  6. This law being instantaneous and incessant in its operation, there can be no occasion for a final epoch to redress its accumulated disbalancements.

  7. I can now show you photographs of some of these musical fountains, taken by the instantaneous flash of an electric spark, and you can see the separate paths described by the drops of different sizes (Fig.

  8. An instantaneous withdrawal of the air destroys this film by drawing it into the pipe.

  9. These instantaneous thoughts were yet in their essence heavy and slow, partaking of the nature of the man.

  10. Its door being hinged forward, he had to fight the gale for admittance, and when at last he managed to enter, it was with an instantaneous clatter and a bang, as though he had been fired through the wood.

  11. An instantaneous change took place in the expression of Mr. Helping-to-decide's features.

  12. Whatever the words signified, they had an instantaneous effect.

  13. So instantaneous had been the effect of his shot that Bob was for the moment doubtful; but it was impossible to mistake the attitude of the inert form on the hillside.

  14. To trust Him is to come to Him, and it is represented in Scripture as conferring an instantaneous fitness for access to God.

  15. People tell us that the belief in instantaneous conversions is unphilosophical.

  16. We have to become the performance by acting it--instantaneous understanding.

  17. It had probably been a dose which would cause instantaneous death.

  18. The last three lines are an example, hardly to be bettered, of condensed expression and of imagination kindling into instantaneous tragic vitality a cold and meagre image presented to the eye.

  19. It is not the effect of nature on his personal self that he realizes and ponders over; what he does is with ever-participating joy and instantaneous instinct to go out into the doings of nature and lose himself in them.

  20. This process of re-establishing the physiological connections, although rapid, is not so instantaneous as is that of their destruction by section.

  21. How great is the contrast between the excitability of such a sense-organ and that of a fully evolved eye, which is able to effect the needful molecular changes in response to a flash as instantaneous as that of lightning.

  22. By this only are the instantaneous changes, which follow upon the influence of light or section of the spiral vessels, to be explained.

  23. Judgment must be instantaneous and a single mistake meant destruction.

  24. With a silent rush I came up behind him and when I was about ten feet away, he turned, and before he had recovered from his instantaneous surprise, I had smashed him down with the butt of my rifle.

  25. He, too, had thought of Morris and the instantaneous way in which he would have reached for his check-book.

  26. With this came another thought, followed by an instantaneous decision--what could she do to help?

  27. Even in the wettest weather, the waterproof caps manufactured by Eley and others, seem to insure an instantaneous fire.

  28. While the camera clicks off sixteen instantaneous snapshots to the second the stage director calls out the seconds, "One, two, three.

  29. The effect on the contending forces was instantaneous and great.

  30. When the opened doors revealed the image, an instantaneous silence fell upon the assembled multitude, in striking contrast to the babel of sounds which had filled the temple a minute before.

  31. He intends to use electricity and machines for recording movements and instantaneous photography.

  32. What I propose is a series of private experiments, including chemical tests, instantaneous photographs, and the like, which shall convince both judge and jury of the reality of these phenomena.

  33. The effect of his music was instantaneous as regards the more sensitive ears of the pup.

  34. Then some one sniggered, and it became the cue for an instantaneous and general guffaw of derision.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "instantaneous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    alert; apt; brief; compact; compendious; concise; curt; decisive; expeditious; hasty; immediate; instant; instantaneous; little; low; momentary; presto; prompt; punctual; quick; rapid; ready; short; snap; speedy; succinct; summary; swift; transient; unhesitating