The august young pair made the sacred promise on their knees, exchanged rings, and received a blessing.
But she had sealed her promise with a happy heart.
I am sure you can understand what I feel in having entered into the year in which I have to bind myself with a promisebefore the altar to become a responsible member of human society.
Accomplish Thy promise and for that] exact not a state more frightful than that in which Thou seest me at this moment.
But I do know] that a cup of wine, a charming girl and a zither at the edge of a green field are three things which I enjoy at present, and that you will find them in the promise that is made you of a future Paradise.
That morsel of bread that you have, refuse not to others; keep from speaking evil; render evil to no one, and it is I who promise you a future life: bring wine.
Ah, take the Cash, and let the Promise go, Nor heed the music of a distant Drum!
Not only shall I refuse to give what I may have promised rashly, but I shall also demand back again what I may have wrongly bestowed: a man must be mad who keeps a promise made under a mistake.
We are equal to some men, and yet not equal; equal in intention, which is all that they care for, which is all that we promise to be, but unequal in fortune.
The whole point, I repeat, depends upon how much the thing given is worth: let the terms of my promise be appraised.
When I promise to bestow a benefit, I promise it, unless something occurs which makes it my duty not to do so.
Benefits ought to be bestowed at once, but from some persons it is easier to obtain the promise of them than to get them.
And while his mind was flattered and aroused by this promise of confidence between them, he was rejoicing in the rare quality of her beauty, and in the thought that she was to be near him, and near him here, of all places.
MacWilliams at first was shy, which was quite a new development, until he made thempromise to laugh if they wanted to laugh, explaining that he would not mind that so much as he would the idea that he thought he was serious.
You were a sort of promise of something better to me.
A thin line of smoke from the funnels of the 'Vesta' showed that her fires were burning, and the fact that she rode on a single anchor chain seemed to promise that at any moment she might slip away to sea.
We promise that our men will follow you and give you every obedience.
The Squire is in a pretty temper with you both, I promise you.
The promise of your future is dark indeed--bad for yourself, and bad for that society which, though so fitted to adorn and benefit it, you have chosen to outrage.
Trevethick winced; for the promise of the young man's interest with respect to Wheal Danes had, in fact, been the bait which had tempted him to temporize so long.
No; I've no plan just now; though, if I ever have, I promise you you shall be the man to know it.
He picks up friends by every road-side, without much troubling himself as to who they are, I promise you.
And an excellent house it is, Mr. Trevethick; I little expected to find so good a one down here, I promise you.
Promise me that you will never again undertake for another what you undertook for this man Chandos.
But as yet there were no tokens of waking life; the streets were empty, the windows shrouded, and a steady drizzle of rain was falling, which gave promise of a wretched day.
I dare not, Richard--I dare not promise you," she murmured.
Promise me, promise me, my darling, that you will be my wife.
If 'Sol' was to come to know of what you asked of me, I would not answer for even so much as that, I promise you.
They focused their point-of-view upon the past, and refused to see the smiles and the warmth of the present and the promise of the future.
We think we can promise our readers in another volume a series of tales connected with the traditions and superstitions which are detailed in the present, and which may serve as illustrations of the customs of the Christmas-tide.
The mighty pleasures towards which they are hastening have as yet never "broken the word of promise to their hope.
We are, ourselves, of that party in the plate; and it will be late, we promise you, before we separate.
The sun was setting when our little caravan started homeward, casting its mammoth shadows across the soft, warm prairies, and bearing Spoof's promise to return our visit at the earliest opportunity.
Along this crest my father walked on his way to and from the mill, but I had strict orders not to attempt the feat, with the promisethat I would be thrashed "within an inch of my life" if I did.
We took leave without much in the way of explanations, but with his promise to come and see us at least once a week.
We left that night with assurances from Jake and Bella that they would visit us twice a week all winter--a promise which they almost kept.
He was a young man good to look at; straight and lean, but not too spare; with white teeth that flashed behind lips always ready to spring to a smile beneath a sandy mustache that had more in it of promise than of realization.
Suddenly she remembered her promisethat we should see Gerald awake, and, disregarding our protests, she stirred him out of his sleep.
It is something you must promise me; now is the time to take you; after you are married you will be good for nothing.
If you can get her to promise she will be at home the next time I call, I will go back to Paris straight.
I promise you not to look at the young girl again until you tell me that you have changed your mind about the papa.
Sometimes Newman kept hispromise of following Mr. Tristram, in half an hour, to the Occidental, and sometimes he forgot it.
Do you remember," she asked, "the promise you made me three weeks ago?
I have no doubt her promise is worth a great deal more than your own," said Newman; "nevertheless I don't give her up.
What better place than beneath the very prison walls to which they had consigned the promise of his joy?
But shortly afterwards I met an Englishman, with whom I struck up an acquaintance which at first seemed to promise well--a very bright man, who writes in the London papers and knows Paris nearly as well as Tristram.
If you cannot promise me this, I must ask you not to come back.
Simply this: a promise not to hint to the countess that I have said these things.
This promise had a great sound, and yet the pleasure he took in it was embittered by his having to stand there so and receive his passport from M.
Promise me to raise the blockade--to set Madame de Cintre at liberty--and I will retire instantly.
Many may promise to send, and afterwards change their minds.
I don't think Mrs. Partridge is the kind of a woman to promise and then disappoint a person.
Most gladly would I enter upon the task, did it promise even a small return.
And I have seen the bright promise of too many girls utterly extinguished, not to tremble for you.
Still, something with a fairer promisethan taking boarders may be found.
She may have been compelled, from this cause, to work through a greater part of the night, in order to keep her promise to you.
The promise for a pleasant hour at home was but little more flattering to my husband, when he returned in the evening, than it had been at dinner time.
Even in that short time the desert places of home began to put forth leaves, and to give promise of sweet buds and blossoms; and the grieving mother felt that out of this great sorrow was to come forth joy.
He regarded them as the trophies of his illustrious achievements; he had received the royal promise that he should be reinstated in them; and he felt that as long as they were withheld, a tacit censure rested upon his name.
The promise was tardily and reluctantly fulfilled, after an interval of about four years, and not until induced by other circumstances; for Ovando contrived to propitiate the monarch, by forcing a revenue from the island.
The recall of Ovando was not merely a measure to make room for Don Diego; it was the tardy performance of a promise made to Isabella on her death-bed.
With these reasons, and the promise which accompanied them, Columbus was obliged to content himself.
The promise she had given of a friendly reception on the part of her tribe was faithfully performed.
On parting with the Venetians the munificent Khan gave them rich presents of jewels, and made them promise to return to him after they had visited their families.
He died in 1625, at sixty years of age, after having obtained from Philip IV the promise of the first charge of secretary of state that should become vacant.
He had long since, however, ascertained the great interval that may exist between promise and performance in a court.
This imaginary promise of divine aid thus mysteriously given, appeared to him at present in still greater progress of fulfillment.
There would not be the slightest difficulty about that, I should say," he remarked, "if you promise to present it to her mother.
On this point also he had given his promise to her, and he went warily in this time of trouble.
No, I promise you that you will not be disappointed," he said, "though I daresay it will make you jump.
There was no hint of unfriendliness taken in this; indeed, Philip had exacted a promise from his host on the evening of arrival that his normal course of life should be undisturbed.
Come down to the New Forest sometime, and you shall see very odd things, I promise you.
And I want so much to make you promise not to blame yourself.
Then came the thought of her mother, and the promise she had given her.
Will youpromise to let me live on the river while I am here?
There was brilliant promise, no promisecould be fairer or more sincere, for he was incapable of insincerity, yet it was the "imperishable child" with whose fate she had bound herself up.
Down on the level I met Hanssen on his way to the depot a second time; he looked extremely angry, and the way in which he used the whip did not promisewell for the dogs' backs.
When you send your account home, you must promise me not to paint it in too strong colours.
Still the promise was repeated, and still there were "insurmountable obstacles.
Upon what terms will you give me that paper and promise never to speak of it or of the affair to any one without my consent?
Then came that promise of the dearest tie on earth, which falls on the ear of loving woman with a sweeter sound than any other ever uttered under the sun or stars.
Then promise me neither in word nor act to harm Philip Pomeroy.
There was something vexed and sharp, almost angry, in Elsie's tone, now, that did not promiseanother immediate embrace like that of a few moments previous.
Carlton Brand looked at her for one instant with a great pity; then he said: "Eleanor Hill, if the promise is one that a man can make and a man can keep, I will make it and keep it!
But I will be your accomplice in crime and make the promise you require, on three conditions and those only.
Fricasse is a volunteer who enlists in the defence of the country; Coignet is a conscript ambitious of distinguishing himself, and he says to his masters: "I promise to come back with the fusil d'honneur or I shall be dead.
It was little wonder that she snatched eagerly at the promise of an interesting friendship.
Through this vast jungle they travelled by day, until one evening they reached a deep gorge that pierced the range and seemed to promise a passage through the mountains.
Frank had learned on the way that Ranga Duar was practically situated in it; and the knowledge almost consoled him for his exile in the promise of sport that kings might envy.
But, declining her invitation to enter, he renewed his promise to call on the following day and rode on to his bungalow.
King's mind is so altered in favour to all her dependants, whom she is fain to let go back into Portugall (though she brought them from their friends against their wills with promise of preferment), without doing any thing for them.
Bennet did call aside the Lord Mayor and me, and did break the business to him, who did not, nor durst appear the least averse to it, but did promise all assistance forthwith to set upon it.
Although the promise was never fulfilled, Tamaahmaah did not abandon the project; and soon afterwards he prevailed upon an Englishman of the name of Boyd, who had been bred a ship-carpenter, to undertake the construction of a vessel.
On a re-examination of these men, they endeavoured to prevail on some one to plead guilty, under an implied promise that he should not be punished.
Wherefore he faithfullie promised to accomplish king Richards request & desire: so that he kept promise with him, that he might be able to withstand the cankered malice of his secret enimies.
Sidenote: The English lords giue faith andpromise either to other.
The sun shone out with a bright promise at the moment her marriage was completed.
I put it into his hand with the promise of half a crown, and how he did take to his heels!
I have written to Walter Scott, claiming his promise of coming here; but I doubt his being in Ireland: I agree with you that his play is very stupid.
The sheet lightning flickered fitfully over the foothills, mocking the gasping Terai with its faint promise of a coming change.
The time had come for the fulfilment of his promise to Bijoo.
Nevertheless, proceed; but promise me that thou wilt trap the lame witch in some pit of hell, Ram Deen.
He was a man of peace and always had been, in spite of the valiant promise of his tongue.
Even as he made the promise a shadow darkened the doorsill and Bob Hart stepped into the office.
Tom also wrote to comfort his mother, and the greatest comfort which he could give was, as he said, to promise to keep sober.
As we had not to weigh again for some hours, our repast was prolonged, and old Tom, having fulfilled his promise to his son of a stiff one, took one or two himself, and became very garrulous.