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Example sentences for "minuscule"

Lexicographically close words:
mints; minuet; minuets; minum; minus; minuscules; minut; minuta; minute; minuted
  1. This very real progress toward equal treatment and opportunity for Negroes in the Coast Guard must be assessed with the knowledge that the progress was experienced by only a minuscule group.

  2. Although assigning Negroes to these duties met the President's request for variety of opportunity, the small craft could employ only 7,700 men at most, a minuscule part of the Navy's black strength.

  3. The female bonellie is a sea worm shaped like a sort of cornucopia sack fifteen centimetres in length: the male is represented by a minuscule filament of about one or two millimetres, that is to say about one-thousandth her size.

  4. She rigs up a formidable web in her tree, near which one sees always a modest and puerile skein, the work of a minuscule male keeping an anxious eye on the chance of sidling up to his terrible mistress, and risking his wedding-death.

  5. Minuscule fish, of which a thousand would scarcely fill a tea-cup;--one of the most delicate of Martinique dishes.

  6. The Latin version (a modification of the Vulgate in its purest form, though somewhat tampered with in parts to make it suit the Greek text(211)) is written in the cursive minuscule character common in the age of Charlemagne.

  7. Across it was written in minuscule letters: "Please see me, just for a moment!

  8. San Marco 284, written in Caroline minuscule of the tenth century.

  9. A scribe is of course capable of anything, but with an uncial tum to start from, tamen is not a natural mistake to commit; it would rather appear that the scribe falsely resolved a minuscule abbreviation.

  10. This minuscule superseded all others almost throughout the empire of Charles the Great, and during the ninth, tenth, and eleventh centuries underwent very little modification.

  11. It may be noted that the twelfth century produced the finest writing ever known--a large, free and flowing form of the minuscule of Tours.

  12. This manner, when definitely formed, became what is now termed the minuscule manner; it began to prevail over uncials in a certain class of MSS.

  13. None the less it must be said for them that they take fairly good care of their minuscule quadrupeds.

  14. This style is very important, as it marks the beginning of the change from majuscule to minuscule writing.

  15. Figure 61 illustrates a type form of minuscule which may be commended for study.

  16. New, shows variants of the Roman capital and minuscule forms, which closely adhere to classic models.

  17. Although Uncial capitals are historically more closely allied with the Round Gothic, we have abundant precedent for their use with the minuscule Blackletter in many of the best medieval specimens.

  18. These proportions are not by any means invariable, however, and indeed there is no fixed rule by which the proportions of ascenders and descenders to the body of the Roman minuscule may be determined.

  19. The first tier of court officials were permitted in watch, family members, favored officers with rank over five thousand horse, and a minuscule list of select foreign ambassadors.

  20. He knowingly subdivided Dowland's meter into minuscule elements of time, and with these devised elaborate new interlockings of sound and silence.

  21. If we are aware of the general characteristics of soil animals we can evaluate our composting and gardening practices by their effect on these minuscule creatures.

  22. A faithful copy of the verses in minuscule characters is subjoined for the gratification of Scholars.

  23. How men can persuade themselves that 19 Copies out of every 20 may be safely disregarded, if they be but written in minuscule characters,--we fail to understand.

  24. In early Latin minuscule codices partial separation in an uncertain and hesitating manner went on to the time of the Carolingian reform.

  25. In Greek minuscule codices of the 10th century a certain degree of separation takes place; yet a large proportion of words remain linked together, and they are even incorrectly divided.

  26. When this custom began is just what we should like to know, because it would give us the true origin of all modern minuscule writing or printing.

  27. It resembles rather the charter hand of later days than the minuscule writing of books, but the letters are unconnected, and there is no trace of any attempt at neatness.

  28. The particular merit of the Irish is that they seem to have developed (out of Roman semi-uncials) a handsome minuscule form of writing earlier than any other people.

  29. It was probably in Ravenna that the so-called Lombardic minuscule had its seat during the sixth century, side by side with the declining Gothic uncial of Wulfila.

  30. From the eleventh century to the sixteenth all minuscule writing in Greek looks like a free cursive written without any calligraphical ambition, and it became more and more ungraceful as time went on.

  31. It would not be surprising if other scholars were to assign it to the seventh century, and thereby throw back the age of Greek minuscule writing to a century or more behind the date usually fixed for it.

  32. Caroline minuscule which has proved to be the most permanent contribution of the schools of Charlemagne.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "minuscule" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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