The compactness of English settlement and the prolific increase of English people decided the fate of North America.
The closeness and compactness of the parts resting together doth much confer to the strength of the union.
The first has kept his place, and on account of the compactness of his form, and the excellent quality of his flesh, he is a great favourite with butchers who have a select family trade.
There was a compactnessto this winged creation that only an exact knowledge of certain sciences could give.
But for all its homemade roughness, there was an interesting compactness in the way the boy had braced his few wires and uprights down to a "V," converging at the board seat.
Its value depends upon its compactness and freedom from earthy particles; and its radiating power is to the whole heat it emits in burning, as 1 to 3.
It has been supposed that the differences observed between the ceruse of Clichy and the common kinds, depend on the greater compactness of the particles of the latter, produced by their slower aggregation; as also, according to M.
Dry snow well rammed keeps equally well with hard ice, if care be taken to leave no cavities in the mass, and to secure its compactness by sprinkling a little water upon the successive charges.
It then affords a body of great compactnessand durability.
In a similar manner the gravel and clay of a foundation will compress more or less according to its compactness and the weight of the structure.
Advantage would be taken of those rocks which from their locality, accessibility, and compactness of material, promised favourable results.
No one can have examined attentively the bony framework whereby the body of a bird is sustained, without being forcibly impressed with the lightness as well as the compactness of its construction.
Yet there is a compactness and unity in his writing, from which its independent character may be inferred.
This compactnessexists more or less in most subsoils, certainly in all through which water does not readily pass.
A hasty judgment, in any case, that the land is over-drained, should be suspended until the soil has acquired compactness by its own weight, and by the ameliorating effect of culture and the elements.
Mr. Dana convinced himself that, owing to the suddenness with which they cool in the air, some lavas may occasionally form on slopes equalling 25 degrees, and still preserve a considerable compactness of texture.
Booker, compared with thecompactness and fewness of the troops commanded by General O'Neill.
On previous occasions we had not been able to see so much of the coastline in this longitude owing to the compactness of the ice, and so we were able to definitely chart a longer tract at the western limit of Adelie Land.
These waves vary in size according to the force and continuity of the wind and the compactness of the snow.
No more remarkable test of the efficiency of the sledge straps and the compactness of the load could have been made.
A subject wrought to this pitch of objectivity is no doubt given weight and compactness and authority in the highest degree; it is like a piece of modelling, standing in clear space, casting its shadow.
Otherwise the novelist completely ties his hands, submitting to all the restraints of the playwright in order to secure the compactness and the direct force of true drama.
The situation involves no more than a small company of people, and there is no reason for them to straggle far, in space or time; on the contrary, the compactness of the situation is one of its special marks.
The compactness of the whole machine is exceptional.
In the second place compactness is a desideratum, for here we must reduce bulk.
The shelter must be waterproof and on a hike trip be the extreme in lightness and compactness for the sake of easy carrying.
It was matter of deep regret to me that the Government of the day would not accept any share of the pecuniary responsibility of adding to the compactness of the Empire, by connecting the two oceans by telegraph and by road.
But see what were the advantages Rome possessed in the compactness of its territory and the unity of its government.
Grapes require a light friable soil and compactness is often a serious defect.
Berries medium to below in size, oval to roundish but frequently compressed on account of compactness of cluster, black when ripe, covered with blue bloom, persistent.
Berries medium to small, nearly roundish when not misshapen by compactness of cluster, attractive red but slightly less brilliant than Delaware, covered with thin gray or faint lilac bloom, inclined to drop from pedicel, soft.
Berries not uniform in size averaging below Concord, roundish to slightly oval on account of compactness of cluster, dark purplish-black, persistent.
Berries below medium to small, roundish, frequently compressed on account of compactness of cluster, attractive black, covered with abundant blue bloom, persistent.
Berries above medium to small, roundish to oval, strongly narrowing toward the pedicel on account of compactness of cluster, rather attractive dark red, covered with lilac bloom, usually persistent.
Berries persistent, medium to large, vary in shape from roundish to ovate on account of compactness of clusters, change in color from purplish-black to black, covered with a heavy blue bloom.
Berries intermediate in size, roundish to slightly oval on account of compactness of cluster, dull black covered with a large amount of blue bloom, persistent.
Skin thick to medium, somewhat tough, inclined to crack sometimes on account of compactness of cluster, does not adhere to pulp, contains no pigment, astringent.
The trot permits that compactness which the gallop breaks up.
The use of gauze, which is its only weak point, is more than compensated for by the very high duties obtained in practice with it, owing to the compactness and concentration of the heat obtained.
The form now given by Hughes to the balance is one of so great compactness and convenience that it will probably prove a most acceptable addition to the resources of the physical laboratory.
The vessel is remarkable for diversity of uses, for heavy engine power in a small hull, and for general compactness of arrangement.
And a third trait in Browning--to make an end of a dangerously categorical attempt to characterize him--follows logically from this second; its extreme compactness and concentration.