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Example sentences for "compact mass"

  • In its wake followed, a compact mass of viscous substance.

  • In one corner of the room a crowd of Afrikanders swayed in a compact mass, as if eager to wreak their vengeance on someone, while held like a rat in the jaws of a terrier was the man from Muizenberg, his captor being Jan van Eindhovengen.

  • The foremost of the advancing Germans appeared in sight at a distance of about eighty yards from the devoted New Zealanders--bombers and riflemen in a compact mass--the advance guard of the formidable counter-attack.

  • In the process of churning; the membranes of casein which surround each of the little globules constituting the cream are broken, and the fat of which they are composed becomes a compact mass known as butter.

  • The cream should be a compact mass of considerable thickness, and may be divided with a knife into squares of convenient size before skimming.

  • If it will retain the imprint of the fingers and falls and a compact mass or a damp, clammy, or sticky to the touch, it is by no means the best.

  • So crowded were they that as they advanced they seemed a compact mass, those outside coming along close to the bushes in which the boys lay.

  • They kept in a compact mass, which the English ships could not break.

  • At a distance of a hundred yards, on each side, marched a body of fifty in compact mass, thereby sheltering the main body from any sudden attack.

  • A dense, compact mass of leaves, as in a cabbage or a lettuce plant.

  • To make solid; to unite or press together into a compact mass; to harden or make dense and firm.

  • As the mound rises nearly fifty feet over the plain, we were obliged to tunnel along the walls of the building within it, through a compact mass of rubbish, consisting almost entirely of loose bricks.

  • The column set itself in motion in a compact mass, at a quick pace, and with drums beating at its head.

  • At that place their progress was delayed by a compact mass of people who were gathered near the gate, in the center of which was a turnstile intended to keep horses and wagons from entering the square.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compact mass" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    also tells; basilar length; cause they; compact body; compact limestone; compact mass; each chapter; earning women; enormous quantity; free laborers; inches diameter; little fool; little lamb; little princess; mechanical origin; official letter; perfectly tender; plantain leaf; public breakfast; reddish color; standing upon; storage battery; thee must; your brother