At the question of the speaker, whether they were willing to accept the royal proposition, the peasants rose to their feet in a body and gave their answer with one laconic yea.
The laconic reprieve was instantly written, signed by Napoleon, and dispatched to Sens, where the unfortunate man was imprisoned.
Napoleon, with his laconic and graphic eloquence, thus describes the antagonistic English statesmen.
With that laconic logic which he had ever at command, he said, "Are you fighting in self-defense?
Taxes and relaxed government agree but ill," observed the laconic Jay.
So much the better, lad," was his laconic reply, and he again relapsed in silence, as if he did not desire to be led into conversation.
I was not so much affected by this laconic piece of intelligence, as I might have been had I known more of the sea; and perhaps I should have regarded it still less, but for the gloomy glances and apprehensive air of those around me.
Give me a penny one,' was Theodore Racksole's laconic request, and he walked out of the shop smoking the penny cigar.
King Wilhelm has issued his laconic order for the day, and all know how bloody and arduous is the task before his host.
After completion of laconicepistolary compositions she abandoned the implement of calligraphy in the encaustic pigment, exposed to the corrosive action of copperas, green vitriol and nutgall.
What limitations of activity and inhibitions of conjugal rights were perceived by listener and narrator concerning themselves during the course of this intermittent and increasingly more laconic narration?
He sent a lastlaconic note to his surviving daughter, the Duchess of Hamilton, “Come quick!
The Prime Minister took the hint, and dismissed Fox in a delightfullylaconic note: “Sir, His Majesty has thought proper to order a new Commission of the Treasury, in which I do not see your name.
Two miles and a half down the turnpike was Spanish Falls, a railway station, and four miles above the cross-roads where the man and woman stood peering through the darkness at the laconic sign-post reposed the village of Saint Elizabeth.
Barnes waited until they were muffled by distance, and then turned to Jones with the laconic remark: "They seem to be foreigners, Mr. Jones.
This work had been composed in a brief and laconic style, and, besides, it contained many passages which were incomprehensible, the words or subject-matter having passed out of everyday use.
And it was given in a concise, laconic manner, as if he did not care to be questioned further.
By my brother being able, whenever he would, to frighten Mr. Hunter,' was the laconic answer.
Peter Mayer in his laconic style, fixing his dark, piercing eyes on the friar's face.
Schroepfel stood as if petrified, and this outburst of the grief of the usually haughty and laconic young man filled him with the utmost surprise and confusion.
It is in black and white here," said Doeninger, in his habitual laconic style, pointing to the proclamation of the Archduke John.
I once attended a patient at his abode," was the laconic reply: for Lascelles remembered the solemn promise which he had made to Tom Rain on that occasion.
He accordingly wrote a laconic letter in the sense suggested by his gaoler; and addressed copies to Lady Hatfield, Thomas Rainford, and Mr. de Medina.
Mr. Mingy Bowes, however, was rarely puzzled for an answer; sometimes plunging into the rigmarole, sometimes taking refuge in the most laconic brevity.
After that laconic remark on accidents, no further word or notice was exchanged between Stuart and Genesee; but it was easily seen that the story read had smoothed out several wrinkles of threatened discord and discontent.
An undemonstrative, prosaic individual she knew he appeared to the rest; laconic and decided when he did speak, but not a cheery companion.
He marries them--sometimes," was the laconic reply, as if willing to drop the question.
The next day, October 26th, came this laconic answer: The cession must be of the whole archipelago or none.
Of course even General Otis does not reproduce this laconic answer as part of his petulant summing up of how little the Filipinos knew, before the outbreak of February 4th, as to what they really wanted.
Enemy 'planes crossing our lines, and coming in your direction," came the laconic answer.
Dastral's laconic report was handed to the Squadron-Commander.
And the Council had to tamely receive the rebuke of the fearless look and laconic address which their consciences were too guilty to resent.
Monk confirmed all his friends had said in the usual laconic speech with which he was wont to close such discussions.
Queer for New York; not for St. Petersburg, was his laconic reply, as he looked around for another chair.
I didn't suppose there would be," was his laconic reply.
John Tanner, the returned captive, dictates from Mackinac this laconic appeal for employment: "All my property is now made away with, so that I have nothing left but one old blanket.