The French commander now led his columns westward against the Sardinians, who had fallen back on their fortified camp at Ceva, in the upper valley of the Tanaro.
This Island is scarcely more than two leagues in its greatest extent, but has a harbour capable of being easily fortified against an enemy; and very near to its North end is a much smaller Island.
Morgan's next undertaking was against Porto Bello, one of the principal and best fortified ports belonging to the Spaniards in the West Indies.
Lone Pine Ridge was situated right in front of the centre of the Australians' position, and was strongly held and fortified like a little Gibraltar.
They were ordered to take one strongly-fortified line of trenches and they actually took three.
I read it with absorbing interest, for it told of the marvellous escapes of princes and princesses from fortified castles in the hands of their enemies.
Then he built his house on the island where one side is perpendicular rocks, and fortified it and made of it a most lovely home for his beautiful wife.
She bought the island because it seemed fortified with the great rocks on two sides of it.
He knew it was not magnanimous, but the cry of the world somehow fortified him in the conceit that in dealing perfect justice to his son he was doing all that was possible, because so much more than common fathers would have done.
Promising to have all ready for the lady within an hour, Mrs. Berry fortified him with her card, curtsied him back to his cab, and floated him off on her smiles.
Many of these spurs jut out in such a way that if fortified they could enfilade up and downstream.
So well and so thoroughly had the Austrians fortified themselves that it was hopeless for so small a force to attempt an attack.
Of these the most important is the last, which includes all the fortified area to the south and west of the Seine.
Surprise may be felt that so important a railway center as Rheims should not have been a strongly fortified place.
Thus the Germans could shell Rheims to their hearts' content, and the Allies could not silence that gunfire from their own fortified positions.
The German General Staff, taking the ordinary and obvious precautions in the case of a possible repulse, chose and fortified in the German rear positions to which its forces might fall back in the event of retreat.
This triangle is a fortified region with three fronts: two toward Germany and one toward Austria, and the various forts are fully connected by means of railroads.
They had also strongly fortified the height of Rashulatcha, which lay between the heights of Tzer and Iverak, whence they could direct an artillery fire to either field of activities.
It is a well-fortified city, built on the water's edge, but surrounding it is high land commanding the surrounding country.
Sometimes, of course, if the army is within the walls of a fortified city and is well supplied with food and ammunition, it may hold out and allow itself to be besieged.
Even a small storming party could have carried it without the least trouble, and its natural strength could have beenfortified in such wise as to make it a pivotal point from which to harry Verdun.
And the Emperor Henry having been crowned, a few days after he departed to Tivoli to sojourn there, and left Rome barricaded and in evil state, and each party kept its streets and strongholds fortified and guarded.
The Tower-clubs were associations each of which possessed a fortified tower in the city, which was maintained at the common expense of the associates, and with which their houses communicated.
The city-dwelling nobles kept up their clan life, and fortified their houses; but in other respects they had become partially assimilated in feeling, and even in habits and occupations, to the mercantile community in which they lived.
Fortified by the impressive bauble, she walked along the street to the Place Vendôme, where she descried in the distance the glittering signs and arms of the Hôtel du Danube.
After the surrender of Charlemont, Sir Phelim O’Neil “retired to a fortifiedisland called Raghan (?
King Malachy is reputed to have here attacked and destroyed an island on which rebels had fortified themselves after joining with the Danes, and from whence they continued to commit depredations on the neighbouring districts.
One of these establishments, thus fortified only a short time since, lay at the corner of Exchange street, the leading mercantile thoroughfare of the city.
If the guilty party takes refuge in a fortified castle, the Mayor and Councilmen shall notify the seigneur of the castle, or his lieutenant.
One would imagine himself in the fortified castle of some feudal seigneur, a broiler and hunter.
The episcopal palace, fortified with towers and thick walls, was separated from the city by a wide space, lined with trees and that served as a promenade.
The court was also attended by noble vassals of Neroweg, owners of smaller fortified places or of manors, held under the Count of Plouernel, the suzerain of these fiefs, the same as Neroweg, a vassal of William IX.
Going up Exchange street we passed before the window of the fortified house of Arnulf, a nobleman of Haut-Pourcin, as he styles himself.
The emblem signified: "Our city, fortified by walls, will know how to defend itself by arms against its enemies.
Among the people who had come from the city, from the fortified cities or from their manors, was a handsome young girl, accompanied by her mother.
At other places, exasperated at the chiefs of the episcopal party, the communiers were demolishing their fortified houses.
Thick walls, fortified with two heavy towers, between which stood the gate, surrounded the dwelling from all sides.
They were fortified with a repeating rifle, a shotgun (this was Leary's preference) and several packets of rockets for use in signaling the tug.
Only two hours ago I fortified myself for a little foolishness that required nevertheless a steady hand by sniffing the bouquet of a rare perfume known only to a few connoisseurs,--a compound based upon attar of roses.
She brought the camp nurse with her and was fortified with bags of instruments and hospital supplies.
He went back to the hotel bitter butfortified by a resolution that nothing should check him now in his desperate career.
The knights, indeed, not content with their panoply of steel, seem in the course of the middle-ages to have fortifiedthemselves with a complete outwork of shields.
This name was given to a wallfortified with battlements and machicoulis, the fashion having been originally introduced by the Saracens.
Secondly, he meets it fortified by a better training and more definite ideas of the difference between right and wrong, virtue and vice.
Georgetown was a fortified place, defended by a garrison of three hundred men.
An army of a thousand men was raised and on the morning of Sunday, December 19, approached the Narragansett stronghold, a well-fortified position on an island in the midst of a swamp.
Give me but two brigades," said Hooker, frowning at fortified Lookout, 505.
As this city was too strongly fortified and too well garrisoned to yield to an assault, the Normans (as all the northern pirates were indiscriminately called in the South) resolved to secure it by stratagem.
On his way he passed through many lands, and finally came to a fortified town, whose walls were adorned with human heads set up on spikes.
Anciently there was a gradual ascent by means of a zigzag causeway to the fortified heights above, but the majority of us disregarded it and struck off up the steep toward the summit.
These battalions advanced the line to the left of Courcelette, keeping abreast of the units that assaulted and occupied the village and mopped up its crowded dug-outs and fortified houses.
Havre, which is a fortified place of the second class, ranks second to Marseilles among French seaports.
When that passionate young prince, in revenge for a fancied wrong, resolved to drive the English out of Bengal, his first step was to occupy the fortified factory at Cossimbazar, and make prisoners of Hastings and his companions.
The prejudices which they shared in common with the latter were fortified in themselves by an iron frame-work of reasoning, that made it a far tougher labour to expel them.
At the distance of a short half-mile from the fortified house, or garrison, as by a singular corruption of terms the stockaded building was called, stood a dwelling of pretensions altogether superior to any in the hamlet.
The sermon was as extemporaneous as the prayer, if any thing can come extempore from a mind so drilled and fortified in opinion.
Fortified by this advantage, Mr. Wolfe manifested no desire to avoid the main question.
The fortified building had been erected for the protection of the village and its inhabitants, an object that its position rendered feasible; but it could offer no aid to those who dwelt without the range of musketry.
As soon as the band of Meek had got to such a distance as to promise security to those who followed, the stranger commanded the children to be led towards the fortified house.
This fortified summit is said to be five or six coss in circuit, walled all round, and having towers and flankers every here and there, so that it is impregnable unless by treachery.
The semi-mythical Pelasgi, of whom but a few isolated traces have been found in Attica, are said to have leveled the top, increased the natural steepness of the rock on three sides, and fortified the only accessible part by nine gates.
This palace, situated on the south-west side of the town, is said to occupy the site of a former fortified chateau, founded in 1162.
It is enclosed by a double line of fortifications, which places it among the leading fortified cities in Europe.
The Iroquois, who had fortified themselves, were evidently surprised to find themselves confronted by a far larger force than they expected.
When La Salle arrived, however, with his usual tact in managing Indians, he succeeded in securing their consent to his putting up, not a fort, but a fortified warehouse at the mouth of the Niagara River and building a vessel above the Falls.
Undismayed by Cartier's ill-success, he sailed up the St. Lawrence and cast anchor before Cap Rouge, the place which Cartier had fortified and abandoned.
To withdraw his men from the demoralizing influences of the Indian camp, La Salle chose a naturally strong position at some distance down the river, fortified it, and built lodgings for the men, together with a house for the friars.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fortified" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.