See the note at the end of this essay for a succinct history of the controversy to which allusion is here made.
The swift complicated mental machinery can thus be exhibited infinitely more coherently and comprehensibly than by the most electric succinct dialogue.
Here we have, in a succinct list, the indictment made of Gutenberg's Galaxy.
To the victor go the spoils" is probably the most succinct description of what this means in real life.
They leave their heavy baggage at Goritz, Wunsch to guard the Bridges and it; and, in succinct condition, are all under way.
The truth probably lies in the succinct statement of Acton that "the confluence of French theory with American example caused the Revolution to break out" when it did.
Fontenelle states the problem in this succinct way at the beginning of the Digression.
General MacArthur's reports concerning the war in the Philippines during the period of his command are succinct and luminous.
Woodburn, Political Parties and Party Problems in the United States (1903, and later editions) gives a succinctaccount in good temper.
Accordingly on April 11 the President laid before Congress a succinct account of Cuban affairs and earnestly called for forcible intervention.
There is a clear and succinct account of the main Cabbalistic docrines in Hunt, Pantheism and Christianity, pp.
He is "totum intra omnia et totum extra"--a succinctstatement that God is both immanent and transcendent.
In the following description there will be mentioned in succinct outline all the notable features of interest in the Yellowstone National Park.
That essay is too succinct to admit of useful citation; it cannot be analysed, because it is itself a condensed analysis of an overwhelming subject.
It is a succinct collection of materials for information and discussion.
Wissowa has put them together for us in a very succinct passage.
But this is not so succinct as the definition which I quoted first, and it introduces at least one term, the individual, which, for certain good reasons, I think it will be better for us to avoid in studying the early Roman religious ideas.
These Theses represent in succinct fashion the preaching in the Reformed Church in Switzerland, and the fourth states in its earliest form what grew to be the Zwinglian doctrine of the Holy Supper.
For a succinctyet most skilfully written summary of English writers, there is no book that can compare with Stopford A.
Succinct description of the principal kinds of steam-engine with or without detent.
Succinct notions on the classification of elementary motions and organs for transmission of motion in machines after Monge and Hachette, Lanz and Bétancourt.
Such is a succinct account of the military gymnastics of the French.
Succinct ideas upon the motion of the sea, and its action on the shore.
In this slight sketch of the early lawyers, I have been chiefly guided, as the reader will have perceived, by Gravina and Savigny, and also by a very neat and succinct sketch in Eichhorn, Gesch.
In a lecture upon the geology of the province, which I delivered at Nelson on 29th September, I presented in a succinct form the results of my observations.
In doing this, it will be proper to give a succinct statement of the strange way in which this subject has been treated by preceding writers.
A supplement to the Analysis, never published; comprising a succinct history of the arts in his own time, his account of the institution of the Royal Academy, etc.
Morice gives a "succinct biography" at the close of his study.
It is the thesis put forth and cleverly maintained by Mauclair that interests us more than his succinct notation of the painter's life.
Venetia, 1697: The Royal Almanack: containing a succinct account of the remarkable actions of K.
The Royal Almanack containing a succinct account of the remarkable actions of K.