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Example sentences for "abbreviated"

Lexicographically close words:
abbey; abbeys; abbia; abbots; abbreviate; abbreviation; abbreviations; abda; abdicate; abdicated
  1. So she rambled on and spoke of her father, that proud aristocrat, bearing a name to be found in the most abbreviated histories.

  2. Peter Morvyn in 1558 translated an abbreviated version into English, and edition after edition was called for.

  3. Time is precious, so we'll have to give you an abbreviated account, sir," said Garry.

  4. As far as they could judge, it would stand about two feet tall, when erect, and must have been almost a yard from the top of its nose to the end of its abbreviated tail.

  5. Footnote 89-2: I retain this word in the abbreviated form in which it is printed in Fenn's literal transcript; the copy in modern spelling reads sufficient.

  6. The signature of this letter is written in an abbreviated form, 'W.

  7. And who was it that now stood over him like a superior being, and, as if clothed himself with the attributes of immortality, indifferently discoursed of carving up his broken flesh, and thus piecing out his abbreviated days.

  8. Cockoo, Cokoo, Cockoe, or Cakoe, as his name is variously given in the papers relating to this affair, is evidently an abbreviated form of Cockenoe.

  9. Fabia Grex') 'Prince of Wales' (Grex can he abbreviated to G.

  10. This section, which suffers materially by condensation in the abbreviated text that follows, occupies nearly a page in the unabridged edition.

  11. As Venice mourned her damaged trade so Rome sighed over her abbreviated authority and diminished Peter's Pence.

  12. As is seen later, a much abbreviated form of calculation is now in use in which the nitrogen admitted with the oxygen does not influence the calculation of the residual oxygen.

  13. All the items of it should be set off by the comma, and, as it is an abbreviated sentence, it should close with a period.

  14. Names of women are not generally abbreviated except by using an initial for one of two Christian names.

  15. These are the abbreviated quotations of the different parts of Martens, Recueil de Traites (see p.

  16. There is also an abbreviated English translation by Jessie L.

  17. The distinction of sense was symbolized by a distinction of pronunciation, the root-syllable of the aorist being an abbreviated form of that of the present.

  18. The "audacious dogmatism and insolent quibbles"[935] of Warburton would not have been needed in expanding an abbreviated argument.

  19. Numerous longitudinal, abbreviated white lines, may be observed by dilating the black portion of the skin as in ordinatus; these lines or spots are obsolete upon the neck and upon the posterior portion of the body.

  20. Whereas this document has the virtue of being contemporaneous with his life, it has the drawback of being abbreviated and selectively edited to omit unflattering facts.

  21. This text was a major source for the abbreviated biography given here.

  22. The tablet itself exhibits ten lines, the first eight of which contain the Ten Commandments, according to the Samaritan recension, in an abbreviated form.

  23. In Bristol about 700 firms use abbreviated telegraphic addresses.

  24. This story is derived from a Greek original which appears in abbreviated form among the writings falsely ascribed to Lucian, under the title Lucius or The Ass.

  25. The abbreviated prayerbook of the Jewish Welfare Board was much appreciated, even though one or two of the boys would state proudly that they had also a special festival prayerbook.

  26. We read the abbreviated Hebrew service, then about half of the prayers in English, and had an English sermon.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abbreviated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abbreviated; abridged; abstracted; aphoristic; brief; brusque; capsule; clipped; close; compact; compendious; compressed; concise; condensed; contracted; crisp; cropped; curt; curtailed; cut; docked; elliptic; elliptical; gnomic; laconic; mowed; nipped; pithy; pointed; pruned; reserved; sententious; shaved; sheared; short; shortened; snub; succinct; summary; taciturn; terse; tight; trimmed; truncated