Choose your complement for the portrayal of a mood.
I am looking only at the impossible heights--of a portrayal of life--the rugged life in endless volumes.
It is only possible of portrayalwhere it has broken through into terms of three-space.
In the cuts scattered throughout the text the same difference in execution and portrayal of the little schoolmistress is noticeable.
The braggart, the miser, the hypocrite, contain that one trait which is common to the class; and in their portrayal this characteristic only is shown.
In 1905 Thomas Dixon added to a series of high-keyed novels The Clansman, a glorification of the KuKlux Klan that gave a malignant portrayal of the Negro and that was of such a quality as to arouse the most intense prejudice and hatred.
Chesnutt, in The Marrow of Tradition, has given a faithful portrayal of these disgraceful events, the Wellington of the story being Wilmington.
A vivid portrayal of battles in which such two-wheeled wagons played a part is presented in the Iliad.
It finds portrayalthroughout the various stages of myth development, first in the maerchen-myth, then in the heroic saga, and finally in the deity saga.
Doubtless, therefore, it was primarily from the cult-song, and under the influence of a related poetic ecstasy, that a sustained rhythmical form was carried over to the portrayal of the hero personality and his deeds.
It affects these experiences only in so far as the musical production is itself a portrayal of pure emotions.
In the portrayal of human strivings and sufferings, moreover, the centre of interest shifts from the mysterious course of external events to the secrets of the human soul.
The portrayal of the sacred action is transferred from the church to the street; the clergy are supplanted by secular players from among the people.
The American totem poles furnish a concrete portrayal of such a series of ancestors in which individual characteristics are totally lacking.
In its rhythm and its repetitions, the song gives us a direct portrayal of the work itself.
The enjoyment of the present gives way to hopes for the future, the portrayal of which welds religious feelings into a power that proves supreme over all other impulses.
Epic poetry thus develops out of the earlier forms of lyric composition, through a process by which the exalted mood of the song is transferred to the portrayal of the hero personality.
No portrayal of activities in which human beings participate, is to be found in the totemic age.
The characteristic genius of the time is shown more powerfully on the one hand in the accumulation of specific knowledge, as science; and on the other hand in the imaginative portrayal of human life.
On what principle is a part of the undivided apocalyptic portrayal rendered as emblem, the rest accepted as absolute verity?
Mr. Altsheler has given us an accurate as well as picturesque portrayal of the social and political conditions which prevailed in the republic in the era made famous by the second war with Great Britain.
A faithful and an entertaining portrayal of village and rural life in the West.
Hardly a sketch among them all that will not afford pleasure to the reader for its genial humor, artistic local coloring, and admirable portrayal of character.
Zola himself scarcely has surpassed its tremendous portrayal of throbbing, breathing, moving life.
Mr. Parker here adds to a reputation already wide, and anew demonstrates his power of pictorial portrayal and of strong dramatic situation and climax.
A vivid portrayal of the experience of an Eastern author among the cowboys.
A sympathetic portrayal of the quest of a normal girl, obscure and lonely, for the happiness of life.
A vivid, startling portrayal of one man's financial greed, its wide spreading power, its action in Wall Street, and its effect on the three women most intimately in his life.
It is a powerful portrayal of a young clergyman's attempt to win his beautiful wife to his own narrow creed.
In all this portrayalof individuals the emphasis is on things of the mind and heart.
We are daily attaining the latter through such authors as Sudermann and Elsa Gerusalem, who have enabled their readers to comprehend the so-called "fallen" woman through a skilful portrayal of the reaction of experience upon personality.
Frightened by their former experience, they stoutly declined his help, but were over-persuaded by his graphic portrayal of prison horrors and the disgrace that their imprisonment would bring upon "the folks at home.
His experience was a dramatic and tragic portrayal of the position into which every city forces its police.
Written between two attacks--his unstable nerves send him at intervals into retreat--it is the most awful portrayal of mental suffering ever committed to paper.
It is effortless in the later plays--it is the speech of emotion, the portrayal of character.
The portrayal of the human form is one of the painter’s triumphs, as it is the sole province of plastic art.
Where the evolution of plot is subordinate to the portrayal of character, the drama is loose and inorganic, like many of Shakespeare’s plays.
Among its more affecting passages are a vivid portrayal of a "gloomy gallerie" lined with portraits of Mirrha's suitors (p.
Yet I think his portrayal of Swift has seemed to most readers a clear presentation of a real and comprehensible character.
Nothing at that date could rival these sketches for boldness of conception and freedom in execution, whether it were in the portrayal of the majestic gait of a king or the agility of an acrobat.
An exactportrayal of Euphrasia's feelings at this description of the object of Austen's affections is almost impossible.
Did he, in his overwrought state, imagine there an expression he had never before remarked, or had the unknown artist of the seventies actually risen above the mediocrity of the figure in his portrayal of the features of the Christ?
This elementary means of portrayal has the obvious advantage of succinctness.
The most obvious, and at the same time the most elementary, means of direct portrayal is by a deliberate expository statement of the leading traits of the character to be portrayed.
The insuppressible alertness and enterprise of his own mind tells upon his portrayal of these intense moments.
But Browning's conception of his wife's nature had a significant affinity to his portrayal of Pompilia.
The fact must be recognized that dialect is only accidental as a means of expression, and hence is justified only when necessary to the portrayal of character, or in manifesting a unique spirit, point of view, or experience.
In his portrayal of animals, Kipling even reproduces the rhythm of their movements.
The study of Kipling's "Mandalay" especially illustrates the differences between the lyric and the dramatic spirit, and their necessary union in the portrayal of human experience.
The beauty of this wonderful monologue lies in the portrayal of the honest nature of the speaker and the revelation of the impressions made upon him by those who have played parts in his life.
He cannot make the same number of movements, or turn so far around or walk so great a distance, or make such a literal portrayal of objects as is possible on a stage.
But without the presence of this youth, who must have expressed pity for the loneliness and gloom of age, the old man would never have broken forth so suddenly and so forcibly in the portrayal of his noble philosophy of life.
It is almost lyric in its portrayal of feeling, but still it concerns human action and the relations of persons to each other.
This book might be called a narrative monologue, but the narrative is of secondary importance; the centre of interest lies in the portrayal of a character.