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Example sentences for "thesis"

Lexicographically close words:
thes; thesame; thesauri; these; theses; thess; thest; thet; thether; theues
  1. This thesis seems to me axiomatic and unsusceptible of argument.

  2. Paradoxical as it may seem, the very reason why The Servant in the House struck so many critics as being strange and new is that, in its thesis and its thought, it is as old as the world.

  3. For we must admit that rarely has his reasoning been so faulty and so weak as in his thesis upon the coercive power of the Church, and the punishment of heresy.

  4. But his work, as a critic has pointed out, is "not so much a history of the Inquisition, as a thesis written with a strong Gallican bias, which details with evident delight the cruelties of the Holy Office.

  5. Shari's doctorate had been earned with a startling thesis on psi phenomena and psi personalities, and she had stayed on at Columbia as a research fellow in the field.

  6. I've got a thesis to finish if I ever want to get a job teaching.

  7. As Aristotle's pupil, you would have seen at the stage we are speaking of that the establishment of your thesis must turn upon the definition of virtue and vice.

  8. A thesis or proposition is put up for debate, e.

  9. Now this is true only secundum quid, and although in the course of his argument Mill introduced the necessary qualifications, the unqualified thesis was confusing.

  10. Go on," said Lewisham, with the debating-society taste for a thesis prevailing for a minute over that matter of the roses.

  11. There is the general thesis upon which I base my justification.

  12. Thus to the thesis that human charity is a by-product, I retort squarely with the counter-thesis that human hatred is a by-product.

  13. Others again will perhaps maintain the thesis that fashion has a great deal to do with this.

  14. And he concludes "that those who regard the thesis of the theory of order as necessary for everything that is or can be, must accept theism, and are not allowed to speak of 'dieu qui se fait.

  15. The love-affair to which he refers in that thesis on the topic to which reference has been made would be an equally satisfactory explanation, considering his age.

  16. This situation seemingly supports the thesis that clines are maintained by some sort of parallel gradient in ecological or geological conditions.

  17. It was followed up by other writings, amplifying and defending the main thesis it contained.

  18. At present it illustrates in the most forcible manner the thesis of this chapter.

  19. My thesis is that in the main the racial qualities of each community have played a great part in determining which form of belief it shall accept.

  20. Brissaud's earliest observations were followed at no long interval by various articles, first of all the thesis of his pupil Bompaire,[91] then others in collaboration with ourselves.

  21. A meritorious contribution to the elucidation of the question is the thesis of Julien Noir, written under the inspiration of Bourneville and published in 1893.

  22. Its thesis is that no limit can be set to the perfection of human faculties, that the progress and perfectibility of man are independent of any power which can arrest them, and have no term unless it be the duration of the globe itself.

  23. Godwin starts boldly with the thesis that "the characters of men originate in their external circumstances.

  24. One need only run over a few of the topical headings to feel how plausible the thesis is.

  25. The central thesis seems to be the following (p.

  26. The central thesis here is the following: "The Negro is mentally quite sufficiently developed to use his brain with effect upon the immediate and the concrete.

  27. From Gottingen he proceeded to Berlin, where he graduated in 1833 as doctor with the thesis De tabulis Eugubinis.

  28. For this latter purpose he had chosen as his thesis the constitution of the free Lombard cities in the middle ages, the province in which he was destined to do most for the scientific study of history.

  29. This thesis appears to have been inspired as a result of two successful operations performed by Ricard.

  30. This is known as uretero-cysto-neostomy, an operation which has been made the subject of a valuable thesis by Dr.

  31. How will you demonstrate that thesis now?

  32. The favourite thesis of the Brahmans was that a man should devote his youth to study, his maturity to the duties and ceremonies of a householder, and his age to more sublime speculations.

  33. A prolonged study of the multitudinous sects in which Indian religion manifests itself makes the enquirer feel the truth of its own thesis that plurality is an illusion and only the one substratum real.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thesis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accent; affirmation; anapest; argument; article; assertion; assumption; axiom; basis; beat; bout; cadence; caesura; circle; circuit; conjecture; content; counterpoint; course; cycle; dactyl; data; descant; diastole; discourse; discussion; dissertation; doctrine; emphasis; essay; etude; examination; exposition; feature; foot; foundation; ground; guesswork; homily; hypothesis; iambic; ictus; inference; intonation; jingle; lilt; measure; memoir; meter; monograph; morceau; movement; note; numbers; outline; paper; paragraph; period; piece; posit; position; postulate; premise; presumption; presupposition; proposition; pulse; quantity; revolution; rhythm; rotation; round; series; sketch; spell; statement; stress; study; subject; supposing; supposition; surmise; survey; swing; systole; theme; theorem; thesis; thread; topic; tract; treatment; trochee; turn; wheel